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Posts posted by mandyjayne

  1. Yes a very big difference between the two...i do realise that...dx;)


    and yes they were balliffs...three of them.. ready to cut off my gas suppy...because the monkeys in customer services at Npower cannot make head nor tail of the computer they get put in front of...


    this had been going on for months with us me refusing to pay (cos i already HAD) them sending me letters, you know the story!

    The balliffs actually spoke to my bank manager on the phone outside the house with Npower monkey on a mobile in the other, my bank manager telling him ITs PAID.


    I was just adding my story regarding Npowers "OUT OF HAND" debt collection..

    and that, in MHO, is very out of hand!:p



  2. Agreed...Npower are the worst of the worst..never go to them! I have had problem after problem with them over the years..


    They are the thickest utilities user there is..they sent balliffs to us over a so called "outstanding" bill....MY BILL IS ALWAYS PAID..(i have never been in debt with Npower)..

    luckily we got a decent balliff who phoned Npower and had a right go at them...they said "just try and get some money out of them" the balliff said NO way!


    I hate them


    nuff said



  3. Hi Loopinlouie..


    I have been following your thread, with great sadness, although never having been subject to any kind of abuse or hardship as a child..my father died when i was 3 and my brother was 14, my mum remarried when i was 5 to a wonderful man who i grew up with as my stepfather, i loved him very much. I lost him in 2008 and my mum died in Feb this year, so i am at 44 officially an orphan!:(


    I have just found this new posting and i think you maybe able to help and support each other




    i will carry on checking in Loopin


    All the best



  4. Hi clearhope...


    Its in the bottom left hand courner of your post...click and leave a message and site team will take a look...it does say its for reporting dodgy posts but you can also use it for help.


    Dont know where most of the site team have got over the last few days, but they are a little thin on the ground...they tend to be very busy at times so bear with it!


    Keep bumping your thread up to the top of the forum too...that will also help


    all the best



  5. Hi clearhope, and welcome to CAG!


    I stopped a CO although in different circumstances to yours, so i cant advise, and you do have a large debt, that said, there will be someone along shortly to get you started on your quest! And it can be sorted!


    I will keep checking back and if i can add anything to help after others have commented i will.


    all the best



  6. Hi Deb...


    All looking good for you, seems you are getting it all together!


    When you take the papers to court tomorrow make sure you take 3 sets, one for your records one for the court and the court send one set to Lowlife. When you swear the papers in the court will then send you a hearing date. Its free by the way.


    Include copies of the requests for docs you have made to Lowlife with your proof of posting along with your affidavit evidence, 6.4/6.5's and a copy of the SD served.


    Good luck and let us know how it goes



  7. Thanks again for all your good wishes...this is what happened...!


    Hearing at 2pm got to court about half one. Eventually booked in just before 2. Lady said Lowells are being represented, that gentleman over there!

    Well you could have picked me up off the floor!:eek:

    I could not actually believe that they had sent (and paid for) someone, to try and get out of ignoring 2 court orders and sending me "diddly squat" over the past 7 months, little did i know the best was yet to come...


    Over came the lovely man to speak to me...;) and he said

    "There has been some sort of mix up with your case, i have been sent the wrong case papers!" HA HA HA HA


    Not my problemo young man!:D


    "I have been instructed by my client to request another 28 days"


    Really i said, cant see that happening today, seeing as they have ignored 2 court orders the last one being an "unless" order.


    "Really" he says do you have those orders with you?




    "Can i see them????"


    p*** O** says MJ:p


    So off he huffed, and telephoned his client.


    We get called in, DJ was a gem, very nice ol man!


    Mr Lowlife got shot down in flames, he asked me if i was a Lawyer:cool: as the paperwork i had produced was excellent (thanks guys n gals).


    He set aside the SD and asked me if i would like anything else...out came the costs!:D


    They picked about a bit at them but i pretty much got what i asked for.


    That was it...Thank you Sir, and Good afternoon to you:)


    So the next battle will be...getting them to cough up!


    One happy MJ:D

  8. Deb this is similar to my set aside expect for the bits you have added at the beginning..yes you totally dispute the debt.


    You are going to have to get the Ok with this from the "higherachy" before you continue, as it will need double checking just in case we have missed anything.


    Red triangle as wycombe said, leave a message and someone from site team will drop by.


    I have pm'd 42man for you but he has not been around of late due to other commitments, if he picks up he will assist.



  9. Hi! Mandyjayne


    Have just managed to read your link thoroughly and all your posts! It sounds unbelievable! Can you tell me to I need to send a CCA (still not sure what this is) to Lowells? Yes, send a CCA to Lowell (this is your request for your Credit Agreement) which they should have to try and enforce the debt...but they wont have it! As you quoted it in your 'Set Aside' and I would like to base mine on yours.

    Additionally, for clarification it does state on my SD that rights were duly assigned to Lowells and notices of assignment were served in the particulars of Debt section. Dates are given for these but I have never received them. The same as mine..i did not receive anything from them either..Is this just them trying to pull a fast one do you think? Spot on.. They also say that they have made verbal requests - funny how they don't have my telephone number Same again here...nor have I ever had anyone come to the door (other when this SD was put through the letterbox)??? and mine was also put through the letterbox

    It all sounds such an uphill struggle I hope I have as much resolve as you.



    Hi Deb..


    My answers in red above..



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