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Posts posted by mandyjayne

  1. Jackflash....im feelin for you here, i will try and give you some pointers with this, as i have been through the same!


    I have been trying to copy a link to my thread in the legal successes...but cant do it...the format of the forums has changed over the last couple of weeks and i cannot work out how its done now!


    What you have done so far is good...my SD hearing was at Croydon and that was my nearest...but its not for you, so that is classed as an abuse of process...also it was sent via royal mail...it should have been hand delivered.


    You also cannot speak to Barry Davies and you never will!


    If you get desperate with this, hit the little black triangle in the bottom left hand corner of your post, leave a help me message and site team will step in.


    Also pm 42man (site team)...he is an ace at getting these set aside...he took me through mine step by step.


    Click onto my name and then all threads started by me and you will see Egg/Barclays/lowell SD read from about page 3 and its all on there, what you put on the 6.4 & 5 and the defence i used.


    Hope these bits help, i will be back later.


    Any questions please ask



  2. ive had two Rotties over the years, first one Sampson from 8 weeks old, a real big lad, he was a gem! Died at 6 from kidney trouble :(


    Second one Max from Rottie Rescue, he was such a gentleman, and my baby! He died when he was 10! I have 3 kids and they were perfect with them, and always well behaved!


    Got a yorkie now ha ha ha, Teddy, love him to bits!



  3. i think andydd is correct here, normal public highway laws do not apply in a private car park.


    as rebel has said report harrassment to the police, if she has already given £150 in cash he cannot come back for more. My hubby has just skimmed over the law for me, he is a police officer, he is watching footie at the mo so cant get much sense out of him, i will find out more and post for you, should you need it!



  4. You're better off getting this Set aside at the first hurdle, rather than having a more complicated fight on your hands at a later stage.


    Lowells will not put up much of a fight, they never provide any backup to the SD, ie agreements, DNs, etc.


    They are renound for not turning up at the court hearing, so that in its self will grant your set aside!


    Do not ignore it just get rid of it...IMO



  5. Add Hampton's to the list above...another stupid name Lowlife throw in the mix! All a bunch of idiots!


    They have just had to shell out for my court costs, after losing miserably re: a SD they served on me, also another CAGer a couple of weeks ago, more costs!


    good luck with your fight, although it wont really be much of one im sure!;)




    They must be running low on funds!

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