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Jaybee in CF

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Everything posted by Jaybee in CF

  1. Heh!! Advice much appreciated! Ok, here's my question; can I be paid the WTC and JSA simultaneously during the run-on period???
  2. That's good news about the run-on!!! As for Carer's, it's actually my Dad I'm applying for. It's a complicated one, as he has an application for DLA in process, so I am in that strange twilight zone area where I'm not sure whether to apply for a rapid reclaim of JSA (my previous benefit) or move onto Carers. However, I'm on that ridiculous 'Reed In Partnership' scheme so I may just take the Carer's option. Either way, I pay for Dad's care, either with my own time+effort, or I go to work and pay someone to do it for me.
  3. Hi all, My probie period at work ended this week, unsuccessfully. However I just found out my application for WTC is successful and backdated, the payments are up and running. Forgive me if this is really, really a dumb question, but do you still need to be working to receive the credits? In addition, I need to go onto Carers Allowance to look after my old fella, can I get both, or just either? Thanks all, Jaybee.
  4. Fair enough. I will wait until I check my account on Friday before firing off that letter.
  5. Thanks - would an email with a read-receipt not suffice for the purposes of the letter?
  6. It wasn't Gross Misconduct or anything that would nullify my right to be paid. Jaybee.
  7. Hi all, In another thread yesterday I explained that I'd been terminated by email on Sunday after just a week with the company. My week there gave me MANY indications that he's a bit of a shaky character, and frankly I would not put it past him to mess me about by not paying fully, or on time etc. Sunday afternoon I then sent my (ex) boss an reply email asking him to simply forward my payslip and ensure my (first+last) pay is in my account Friday (as well as setting him right, politely, about how to treat people). I have a prior email chain from him with a contract and on Sunday an undertaking that I would be paid for the time served. Nonetheless, the fact he has NOT replied, along with a generally fishy smell, lead me to believe I won't see any lolly on Friday. I'm considering sending him a little email tomorrow advising him not to be silly, and that I've sued an errant employer before (though that was a LONG time ago) and that a CCJ will damage his ability to obtain credit. Assuming no money received on Friday, what's the process nowadays? Frankly I don't want to have to wait for my money and making him pay £100 or so extra in court fees is no satisfaction for me, I just want done with this affair.
  8. Thanks again SW, that's enough to arm myself and send him a "Be Warned, Cheap B*stard!" email... That said, he could conceivably "forget" to pay up the holiday money, which amounts to just under the minimum charge for Small Claims, just to spite me. But I'll see.
  9. Thanks for the correction, but just to confirm, I WAS a salaried employee - paye and all - just a salary based on the agreed hourly rate. EDIT - another question if I may, is 10 days before payroll typically enough time to be added to it?
  10. Thanks, Sidewinder. Just to double check, it doesn't matter that my last day worked was Thursday and he gave notice yesterday, being paid hourly (and not annually) means I'm only entitled to whatever hours I've actually worked, and had I been paid an annual salary I WOULD be entitled to be paid from Mo-Su, (plus 3hrs in lieu of holiday), correct?
  11. Indeed I did. Also, there's no notice period in the contract, nor mention of any holiday pay (which in themselves should have rung a couple of alarm bells)
  12. Hi, Just an email yesterday that he wanted to terminate me, and that I was welcome to come in and discuss it. Emailed back asking him to calculate my closing pay and confirm it would be in my bank on Friday.
  13. Hi all, Sadly my boss fired me this morning (by email, first time that's happened to me!). Was just there a 30 hour week and he feels my role should be phased out. Question is, does he owe me for my hourly rate x 30, or does he owe me pro-rata for every calendar day? My last day worked was Thursday, so hopefully he owes me nearly a week's money, not just 4 days!! Thanks, JB
  14. A hundred quid?!??!? Nice!! "And the winner for 'Most Welcome Suggestion Offerer' is.... How do I get this lovely lucre??
  15. Hi all, I am starting work the week after next, but have my next signing this week. Do I need to tell the DWP who I'm off to work for? Also, as I am signing off, do I need to submit the final proof of my jobsearch? Thanks, Jaybee.
  16. Hi all,Got a letter informing me about a deduction for an earlier overpayment (that I went to tribunal about but lost). The deduction is quite steep and I would rather pay it back at the smallest rate possible. There's a phone number asking me to call, but they'll surely want a list of acceptable reasons.What sort of budget reasons could I give?Ta,Jaybee
  17. For example, I've never been ill on a signing day thankfully, but is having a cold seen as a legitimate reason for not attending on the day?
  18. As the threadstarter it's disappointing how "mumsy" the thread turned but interesting how it came back. I too remember how in the early 90's you only had to turn up, sign, and go, and they weren't anal about what time of day you strolled in either. I will update my opening thread accordingly, but here's an email that should allow us to kick back and make complaints, contact-us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk , and ensure you mention your office, your advisor's name, and all relevant info. You WILL receive a posted reply that addresses your issues. I've used it several times and my "Advisor" has been disciplined as a result. Every complaint you make counts against them, so remember that if you are harrassed. I'm only playing hardball because of the utter hypocrisy that they want to help us find jobs. She recently asked me to apply for a Shop manager's position at 40k, knowing I had ZERO experience in the retail sector. This from a frump who has probably never worked a day outside a government office in her life...
  19. Well yeah, but they are supposedly trying to help one of the most disadvantaged sectors of society, ie the 10% least desirable of the workforce; you'd think they'd make some HONEST effort at getting us back in. My idiot advisor recently put me in for a 40k position in retail management, and I've never worked retail. Needless to say the application was rejected, but it's still galling that she, and the majority of her colleagues responsible for assisting our efforts back into work have never done worked a single day in the private sector, and are so commercially naive.
  20. You just write to your MP and ask him to abolish the welfare state, minimum wage and free education. See what he says.
  21. Moderators, you deleted the wrong dupe thread, could you restore my opening post in this one to it's original script?
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