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Jaybee in CF

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Everything posted by Jaybee in CF

  1. Cheers guys, yeah I cleared it with the JC, they also agreed it was no big deal at all.
  2. Hi all, been a while since I signed on for JSA. I'm about a week late declaring a final payment from my (own) company, how serious is this? On another note, last I heard you didn't have to permit the JC to access your UJM account - is this still the case??
  3. It was a while back, early 2012 I was last on a wp, had been for about 6 months on/off. JSA then too.
  4. Hi all, I was freelancing last year, opened up my ltd company very early January 2014, and the first accounts will be due in September, along with the tax money. However, for personal reasons I'd like to hold onto that money a month longer. Can the payment be legally delayed for any reasons? Thanks, JB
  5. Hi all, Coming into my 4month of JSA, got TWO of these interviews, on two consecutive working days - is this likely a prelude to having to come in to do a search for several hours a day?? Cheers, JB
  6. Hi all, For personal reasons I'd like a particular day off next week, however I happen to have a 'Personal Advisor Interview' on that day. Ideally I'd like it moved to another day, and don't mind losing JSA for just 24 hours. Am I right that you can't just suspend it yourself for a day? What acceptable reasons could you give (I suppose I can pull a sickie but I guess you are only allowed X of those per claim). Thanks, JB
  7. Hi all, 1) UJM use: I understand the JC can mandate that you create a profile and upload a cv, BUT not that you actually use it for searches/applications. Is this still the case? (I'm not worried about an incorrect sanction as I have sufficient funds to tide me over in the meantime) 2) Profile/CV : I have created a profile (ticking 'Prefer Not to Say' to all the intrusive questions), but is there any way I can obfuscate the CV, or any info I should strip out? I read a few suggestions to screenshot the whole thing into a single JPG but I also know there's software that can scan image files for txt; 3) Not a UJM question - At my first meeting the advisor put me on a 13-week protected status, ie as I'm a qualified professional in my field I am exempt from looking for any non-related kind of work ie paper-rounds or whatever, what is the JC word for this exemption? (So I can ask next signing day) Cheers, JB
  8. Well, as it's "Statute-barred" I'll clobber them if they do and enjoy it as well!!
  9. Well, the account has now been opened, it's just they refused me Online Banking - which WOULD have been handy - as well as any overdraft facility, which I really didn't need. Appreciate the replies everyone!!
  10. Not sure I can call it a 'default', but I'd taken out a Career Development loan through Barclays about 15 years back, I had paid about a third of the instalments, and the rest simply drifted through Collections Agencies, and after a year they just gave up. Now I'm hoping to open up a Ltd co. account with them, but would they be entitled to make up the balance from what I pay in to the new account? Cheers, JB
  11. Appreciate the definitive answer. Curiously enough they also mentioned that they STILL want proof of jobsearch, even though I'm signing off! Those people never fail to amaze me with their blind adherence to procedure.
  12. Good news folks - found a contract starting a week Monday! However, when I tried to sign off I refused to let the JC have my employer details. JC THEN turned around and said, "Fine, but you still need to sign as usual THIS Monday".... They flat turned around and said, "Look, if you don't turn up you'll be signed off for non-attendance, so you won't get that last week's money". ?????? I've FOUND a job, surely I can sign off whenever I want? I've signed off with longer periods between job offer, and start date, without issue. Who is in the right here, technically?
  13. Trouble with micro-detailing each of the 20-30 listings I send my cv off to per week is, it then sets a baseline that my (atypically fastidious) Advisor will expect, both in number of applications and depth of detail about them. It could well take a couple of hours, 1 at least, just to sift through my sent items and acknowledgements to list EVERY detail about EVERY job. It would just take one off week, with a few days off because of a cold/hangover/whatever, they'll know you didn't apply for sweet FA that Monday unlike every single Monday previously, bingo one 'Doubt' raised for the internal targets. I used to give just serial numbers, date applied, and then if pressed (which I wasn't) just remind them of the website I used, for just TWO jobs. I'll double that, Far better to appease them with a few jobs applied for, and risk having them one day ask offhand, "Why do you only show x no. of jobs per week", and reply "I've got proof of the others, if you want to take it there?", rather than blow 90 minutes of my time EVERY week writing a full-blown analysis for those reprobates. Much appreciated!!!
  14. I'd say that's a lot to put down. I've pretty much got the same few tasks (asking friends/logging into UJM) as requlars that go into the booklet, then I'll just give them a snapshot of the jobs I've applied for. That's actually something I know a bit about - and while Govt IT is generally shambolic, I can tell you they were monitoring staff web usage in the 2000's. I could go into detail about what their potential is, but I'm sure this page is being read by DWP stooges so I'm not giving them any ideas. (Hey DWP snoops, stick your internal targets up yours ha!!!) Sweet!! You have it's name you can post/pm to me??
  15. 1) My 'Actions for getting employment" doesn't stipulate a number of jobs to apply for per week (which is odd, when I claimed before I had to apply for 2). Obviously I don't want to display every single job I apply for (which would risk creating a baseline figure), but what is the minimum number that an Advisor needs to see in order to sanction me (for insufficient applications)? 2) They also included 'log into my UJM account daily' - I have NOT ticked the box that allows the DWP to view the jobs I've applied for, BUT can they still see how often I've logged in? Ta
  16. It's taken me a long time to figure it out...bogus ads don't want to be called up/out on their so-called 'offer', so they won't put up a phone number. This isn't just on UJM, this is prevalent on the website my own profession predominantly uses. Been going on for well over a decade, and I still only just worked it out....looks like I'm still young, dumb and full...erm...nice weather today!! On the other hand, beware recruiters who call with a number displayed; the great majority of actual recruiters will come up on your caller display as 'Blocked', because often we leave our mobile's on our desks when we pop out quickly, which can then be picked up by well-meaning colleagues, they know this and don't want to tip off a candidates current employer or colleagues that he's looking for a job.
  17. Not me, and at severe risk of blowing my own trumpet here, my CV was and is quite an overwhelming one and would scream 'Overqualified' to all but the best paid 5% of all listings on the UJM website, thus making it difficult for my advisor to send me off to some company for a low-end job to hit his target. (And by the way, scream 'Skillset mismatch' to another 4.9%.) My current advisor seemed to pick up on this and actually tried it on during our initial meetings, saying said I might eventually have to accept a Sales job (within my profession). The simple, harsh truth sufficed to crush that threat; I simply replied I had already BEEN in sales, many moons ago, and was just crap at it. Fundamentally I found it demeaning to ask dozens of strangers a day to hand over money for goods/services, especially as I didn't believe they would benefit them, it's just too akin to outright begging, and since those days, my feelings have only hardened. Also, she's also a remarkably well-educated lady, very atypical of their usual bunch, she even demonstrated a smidgeon of hard-core know how about my own profession, and is streetsmart to boot; I suspect they've sicked her on me so I don't run rings around their less-than-stellar cohorts. And as SHE couldn't tell the difference, I have to conclude their are a lot of ways to talk your Advisor out of unfavourable stuff.
  18. Let me clarify, no such 'JSD' was issued me in any way. He had simply offered to excuse me from signing every 2nd week IF I called in, and discussed my jobsearch as displayed by Universal Jobmatch.
  19. I'm not sure they can reasonably expect me to keep writing paper. Sure I've got a block or two of paper, but shouldn't they, in principle, supply me with the means to record my jobsearch, be that a diary or better yet, an email address?
  20. My "Advisor" tried to bribe me, into allowing the DWP access, with allowing me to sign in only every 2nd week, and simply phoning in on those weeks I don't physically come in. Also, I don't know if you guys have noticed, but after completing the 'Work Plan' booklet there's hardly any space left (With normal sized writing) to detail any of the jobs applied for??!?!?!
  21. 1. Do you have an actual Tenancy Agreement? None in writing 2. Are you paying Council Tax? No 3. When did your Tenancy Start? About this time last year 4. Is you Landlord Registered with the Council? No idea. If he deliberately withholds his home address, what then?
  22. I should perhaps add, I've been paying him by direct debit...there is already an electronic trail for the money, that the HMRC could follow if I sent them an email. Typically could I use this is leverage?
  23. No, I've claimed it before however, back in 2007, under the same circumstances.
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