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Jaybee in CF

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Everything posted by Jaybee in CF

  1. Hmmm, that could amount to quite an adversarial position, though we've generally gotten along well he certainly has a 'bad-boy' demeanour at times. He is also pushing to come over and discuss face to face, which basically means he wants no written record of whatever he's going to subtly dangle in front of me, or threaten me with. That said, bottom line is this house has had no movement since I moved in 12 months back, so in market terms it's no bother for him to replace me, but which is a pain in the rectum for me as I'm technically jobless, and of course I'd be the one saddled with shipping out.... Pretty crappy situation really, having to choose between doing the legal and moral thing, and thereby likely losing my home, or keeping quiet about tax evasion, and thereby becoming an accessory after the fact.
  2. Hi all, I've asked for my (live-out) Landlord to supply me a letter confirming my tenancy (had a receipt for deposit but that was a year ago now!), but he just came out with some stuff about previous tenants pulling tricks and not wanting inspectors checking up. I know I have a legal right to HB but our house is otherwise private renters, still I've paid the rent by myself a couple of months and he's had no concerns. Basically I'm asking if he's within his rights to serve notice to terminate the tenancy, or whether he needs a stronger reason (I've not indulged in anything illegal/antisocial etc) Cheers, JB
  3. I sit corrected, thank you. What makes you think they are planning to scrap JSA? Even if they do, they'll have to replace it with something else.
  4. Presumably that's "Depletion" not "Deprivation" !! I think the threshold is about 16k, would that suspicion be raised only if I went from over to under in the 3 months I was out then?
  5. Actually I plan to go self-employed but I CAN do that from within the US as it's all online business. As for the GF their general stance is, "If you want to be with her, MARRY her, or else gtfo of our country!" Otherwise I don't see what the problem with staying 3 months is, that's the length of the permitted stay. Also, nothing stopping me getting in as a 2 week holiday, then changing my departure date to the end of the 3 months.
  6. Hi all, We may be getting made redundant in a couple of months, although that coincides with my plans to go visit my US girlfriend, and as I'd be out of work I can stretch that intended 2 week holiday to 3 months on the visitor visa. But, would that pose any kind of problem claiming benefits on my return? I would need to claim until I could line up a job, which may take a month or two (and it gets worse the closer to Christmas) . Cheers, JB
  7. Cheers Sheila, coincidentally I'm in IT, now I agree with teaching people of all ages how to use computers because of the sheer joy you can get from browsing/FB/Skype etc, but yeah, in terms of making a living it's very much a young fellas game, though we do have a few guys in their late 50's in our department. My own Dad is contemplating retirement but he's always been the hyperactive type, he gets bored very easily and craves action. I told him to try boxshifting on eBay or something. I hope your Dad finds something suitable that gives him lots of spare on-the-job time to explore the Wild-Wild-Web !!
  8. It'll be a year this week I've been in this job, best money I've had since the glory days of 2007, saved shovel-loads of cash and even if it all went "BOOM!" tomorrow, I'm sitting very pretty indeed. But guys, I'll always be Jaybee From The Block, I'm never going to forget the hard times, having to fill out those damn job diaries, or sit for 3 hours a week with those phony work 'providers'. Couple of weeks ago a colleague of mine got laid off, and he was DREADING going back to the JC, very much the nervous type, always took everything the JC threw at him personally, to the point where he literally threw up a few times. Took him to the pub, bought him a few Guinesses and told him how with the JC it's all procedure and show, to keep the expenses tucked right down, and when they harass him with that "You are supposed to spend 35 hours a week job hunting" crap, instead of falling to pieces trying to give an account of the last 7 days, just to smile mirthlessly and drawl, "Yeah, sure". I remember first claiming the dole back in 1990 or so, no damn job diaries, no showing your cv, and you didn't even need to sign on time, quite often I turned up in the afternoon when my signing time was first thing in the morning, they NEVER refused, I did it about 6 times before some woman made a peep. And they actually TRIED TO FIND YOU WORK. It truly was a centre where they would try to get you a job. I absolutely despise the harassment this government needles the unemployed with, and I can tell you I harassed back with regular emails complaining about lapses in procedure, waiting times, the lot. I want to go back to how it was in 1990, I walked in with a smile, signed, and left with a smile. Sometimes I didn't even have my signing papers. But every time I walked in to sign in 2012, over a year back, it was like going into a war zone. Sorry I've rambled, I just feel that everyone who wants a job deserves one, and this damn system nowadays is just driving victims of this recession into horrible pain. I'm not signing any more, but I'm with you guys still. I wish each and every one of you the very best of luck like I've had, keep your chins up, and don't let the b*****s get you down!!!
  9. With what I've earned this year, plus all the other timewaster calls from recruitment CONsultants, that might be a damn good idea!!
  10. Will do on both counts. Where can I get a copy of this Waiver letter? Flumps - I really wouldn't put it past them to have such a department, these people are a few notches below pond ****, trust me. I doubt they make as much from retaining people in existing jobs for 2-3 years as they would be getting them 2-3 in that same period of time. On top of that, now I've heard talk of these companies calling jobhunters at 8am, and if they don't pick up in 3 rings, their benefits are stopped - WTF ??? I'm just severely pi55ed off that such harrassment of honest, decent peeps just looking for work is allowed to go on.
  11. Hi all, it's the tossers at Reede In [edit] Partnership. Signed off earlier this year, and I've got a real little harpy who keeps calling me demanding the name of my current employer, she just tried to bribe me with vouchers if I coughed up the name, obviously they'll take it and get their £400 bonus from the government for nothing, as the job is a referral from an ex-colleague. I'm sure I'm not the only one they have tried this with, and frankly as they get £400 every time I get a new job, it wouldn't surprise me if they have secret call-centre somewhere where they call current employers HR departments and cast doubts anonymously, in the hope I'll be sacked and back with them. Now, I've emailed the "Independent Case Examiner", and their stuffed skirt emailed back saying she was unable to progress as "This office cannot look into complaints about legislation, policy or complaints which do not fall under the sphere of maladministration". In other words, they are just not bothered. I was advised to take the case to the Chief Ops Officer for the JC. However, I have no faith at this point that that will go anywhere. Yes, I'm aware that my case is with them for a few years, but this is [a problem], other government departments have entire helpdesks for whistleblowers to call, and this [behaviour] needs to be stopped.
  12. Hi all, I suspect that generally this the individual needs to take care of by himself, but is that right?
  13. Hi all, This is a question for a Polish friend who is currently using his savings to fund his rent whilst he looks for work. He has been here for a year and worked continuously until about 3 weeks ago. Cheers!
  14. Cheers Stag, I'll do it tomorrow (as nobody's going to call me until Monday, and besides, even the unemployed can enjoy a Saturday night!) Thanks again, one and all. I'll buy you all a round...whenever I get my next pay packet!!
  15. I'll action the claim for IS on Monday then - or can it be claimed online? I do very much appreciate your help, all you good people!!
  16. And that would be fine, I don't mind staying on JSA, like I said once I'm back in work I can afford to pay a bit for his f/t supervision, BUT it's this ridiculous business with Reed that is going to cause me hardship if I have to keep attending their silly sessions.
  17. So...switch from JSA to IS, whilst wating for Carer's?
  18. Mikey, the claim for DLA is registered. I can put in the claim for Carer's tomorrow, does that constitute 'Condition of Entitlement' ? Is 'I.S' Income Support?
  19. As I remember you from your contributions Flumps, thank you again for them!! I am, indeed, actively seeking employment, because if I find (reasonably well-paid) work, I can afford to pay my sis-in law an hourly rate to sit home with Dad and for them bore each other with their witless prattle. Otherwise, I can make phone employers/send cv's from home while keeping a beady eye on the old coot.. But I already have to sign fortnightly, and each time I do, I need to pay her for the hour I'm gone. Every time I go for a JOB interview, I'm effectively gone for 3-4 hours. It's making it very expensive to have to turn up to their ridiculous sessions where all I do is sign paperwork, and if they increase the frequency of those, I am going to be very upset indeed.
  20. Hi all, My probation period at work ended (no fault of mine), during that time at work I paid for someone to supervise my Dad at home, who has a claim in process for Disability Allowance. Apparently it may take MONTHS for my Carer's Allowance to come through, so I did a rapid reclaim for JSA, which was successful. However, I've now got Reeed on my back with their working program, I had got them to reduce their weekly sessions to an hour the last time, but each time I'm out of pocket, and it's money I was saving for someone to supervise Dad. And NOW apparently there have been some "changes", which I think means I'll be compelled to attend 3x pw - again, this will cost money I've set aside for a carer for Dad whilst I go for signing+job interviews. It seems to me that neither the JC nor Reede have any experience with people in my position. Neither seems to understand that I'm only on JSA as there's no other benefit until my Carer's comes through, IF it comes through. If I write this all out in an email to the DWP, are they likely to be so short-sighted as to either compel me to attend 3x a week, or stop/suspend my money?
  21. I really appreciate your help throughout yesterday, Flumps!! X
  22. (Edit - I claim no HB) Well, I think the thing to do is to go for the rapid reclaim, and put up with Reed's stupidity for the time being, but to do so on the very last day possible. I'm still officially employed until the middle of this week, so the later Reed contact me, the better. Do you (or anyone else) know how I can get Reed off my back, until such time as I get a decision on Carer's ?
  23. Hmmm...puts me in an interesting position, as my WTC is £54, JSA is £67... is it worth attending the silly Reed session for £13 extra pw? I
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