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Jaybee in CF

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Everything posted by Jaybee in CF

  1. No such To-Do action. I informed them of the fact I'd been self-employed, that I intended to draw down money that would not bring me over the capital limit. I recently got a message asking whether that money had arrived in my account. I haven't yet logged into the HMRC PAYE portal, I just got the access codes last week, I will enter all monies taken tomorrow. Reason for not paying myself in full was because my agent is a con-artist who wangled 30 days on an invoice that should have been paid in 14, and I'd read up that if you withdraw money that leaves the company immediately unable to pay its Corp Tax upon demand, the payment is ultra vires, and thus the company is technically insolvent. Hence I've taken it out in small monthly chunks that don't attract NIC or Income Tax. Surprised the JC haven't asked for all this already - I suppose the issue now is whether they will accept the above as reasonable grounds for delayed payment, I have a raft of emails from the agent trying to get out of paying, and of course the date he released the money.
  2. Well the company is still live although not active. The only thing in proof I have is timesheets up to just before I stopped the last contract.
  3. Drat, yes. I was doing a bit of reading and confirmed the same. Dammit. Now I'm a grand down.
  4. Hi all, I'm on UC when I initially made my claim, I stated that I had an amount of wages still due to me. I have since paid myself about half of that (from my Ltd co). I just got a notification that I need to report these earnings, however that is what the HMRC PAYE portal is for. The earnings aren't high enough for Income Tax or NI, nor are they enough to take me over the personal capital threshold. this post is just a reality check to see if I've done the right thing so far.
  5. Hi all, 1) With my last claim for JSA you didn'tt have to allow the DWP access to a UJM account. Is this still the case? 2) Does UC also replace HB? 3) Overall is the net money lower with UC (I'm guessing so). Thanks all, JB
  6. Hi all, question for the HR experts... I've ended my probation period with a large, benevolent organisation - the manager has sent me a formal invitation to a Performance Review meeting, in which he's explicitly stated that "Failure to meet company standards could result in termination.." etc, as well as reeling off a list of concerns. He also gave a couple of weeks notice of the meeting. So from an HR perspective he followed the Perf Review template exactly. Now, I've had a search around and haven't found any instances of people having formal invitations, AND HR were present, AND not being terminated. The letter makes no mention of performance improvements/plans etc. I've done nothing that you could call gross misconduct (or any misconduct), and oddly enough, I've fulfilled all bar one of my probation objectives (and the one I didn't, I've not had opportunity to). Two questions: 1) As HR will be there, and he's fulfilled all the legal/best practices for a termination, are such meetings typically just a formality for termination? 2) Probation objectives - this is confusing me, as I said above I fulfilled nearly all of them. Typically wouldn't most large organisations, in the above circumstances, simply extend the probation period with a demand the employee address and rectify the concerns raised? Thanks all !
  7. Nope. They don't even know who the employer is (for sure) yet. Though they either implied or stated the claim won't be live until they do.
  8. Thanks, but the link doesn't specify what constitutes 'misconduct', or whether that word needs to appear in a letter of termination.
  9. How on earth can anyone prove either of those? More worryingly, if the JC arbitrarily believe the employer over myself and sanction me how would I prove I wasn't out to get sacked?
  10. Just minor butting heads between myself and other colleagues. No swearing or abuse etc.
  11. Just to clarify, while the word 'Misconduct' is not mentioned, the letter mentions "reports and allegations from co-workers and customers", it LOOKS serious but as above it really is just oversensitive claptrap.
  12. Hi all, I was recently sacked (for reasons quite spurious) by my last employer, and now the DWP want to see a letter from them establishing why I left my job. The letter is pretty scathing about my behaviour ("inappropriate" comments and other oversensitive twaddle) but states they dismissed me, and I was NOT dismissed for Gross Misconduct. However, does the fact the dismissal was about 'behaviour', and not performance/attendance etc, mean I can't get JSA as before? Would appreciate some clarity as this is a concern. Cheers, JB
  13. Gotcha, now wish I'd done that instead my first month's salary going into keeping within the reduced OD. To be honest I don't have any significant public debts, 500 tops, and barely half has been demanded. I just want to feel comfortable while I'm jobhunting and getting back to the money I used to be on.
  14. Thanks, I can well see Santander using my current circumstances as a sales opportunity to swap an OD for a loan, which I'll avoid if we're talking about anything more than 20% APR, but I don't see how opening a 2nd account helps me.
  15. Hi all, My OD was cut by half recently, which will cause me some hardship, on top of which I also lost my job. I have a meeting coming up in branch to discuss, are there any do's/don'ts so I can hopefully increase my chances of getting my OD back to comfortable levels? Thanks, JB
  16. Nor advantageous. There are very few jobs that are pulled within the same day, most HR/Agents/Direct employers will allow the ad to run 2-3 days at least, so you might as well run your search at the fag end of the day, batch-fire your applications, and leave your phone on to answer calls/emails when employers reply. I was on my 3rd pint in the sunshine, about 50 steps from the JC when I accepted my last job Also, the "35 hour" thing smacks dangerously closely of a breach of human rights.
  17. Hmmm...are they making you go ito the JC to do your jobsearch? I use a couple of sites specific to my profession and can search and apply for half a dozen in about 5 mins, probably less. The site job application history doesn't timestamp the actual time, only the date, so JC just know I've applied for a few jobs a day, they don't need to know the exact times and even if the site DID specify those I'd edit out that info. Old enough to remember a decade back when ones jobsearch was your own affair, and even now it's still none of their f***ing business as far as I'm concerned, so they can do one with this 35 hours a week malarkey!
  18. Hi all, I know the max number of HOURS you can work is 16, but is there a cap on what you may earn? I'm fairly ok paid WHEN I'm in work and am toying with the thought of doing some very minor projects, these could (if I'm very lucky) net me more than I get from JSA but I imagine the DWP have an upper cap. Only problem is I don't know if those projects will be any kind of long term thing.
  19. A few grey areas here: If by "actually worked" you mean - and I suspect you do - the last day I attended the office, logged in etc, then yes, it was a full week after that. If however you mean my last day of my employment, well my claim starts "FROM" then, according to the award letter. Now, 'from' could either mean it started on the last day, which could cause suspicion (even though I explicitly specified my last day of employment to the woman in the call-centre ), or the day after. Knowing how shady the DWP are , I wouldn't put it past them to blame me for their sloppiness and attempt to accuse me of trying to reduce the initial 7 days non-payment period to 6 days.
  20. Happily or sadly, in my profession the jobsites are riddled with phony ads, agencies asking for 'updated cv's' so they can see whose been let go in the last week and phish that company for leads. I can easily apply for half a dozen fresh "vacancies" a day, yet not get interviews for weeks on end (a fundamental flaw in my situation, trust me I'm fixing that). As far as I recall the standard at the DWP is to see a couple of applications a week PLUS some evidence of a search the other days. So as long as I apply daily I have about zero chance of a sanction.
  21. I just feel you're making things more difficult for yourself than need be. The trouble with allowing UJM access is they can pick a LOT more holes in your jobsearch if they decide to, ie if you have a dispute with them for something else. For example if you aren't logged on before 9.30 nor after 4.30 they could claim you aren't responding promptly to job ads. One boob on your part and they can come down on you, whereas with me they have no way of forcing the job sites I use, to release data on what time of day I do my search, or indeed whether I do. Just turn up with a sheet of serial number and dates, your "advisor" will take one look and not dare question. They may ASK you to follow up and and all sorts of other crap but at the end of the day, you applied daily; case closed.
  22. There's a part of me that hopes I'm still out of work by then JUST so they can try to sanction me for that
  23. Hi all, sorry if this is already a sticky but I thought it'd be good to have a central list of all their sly methods, so we can just look up one list and be on the lookout. 1) Pressure to allow access to UJM; 2) Offer of 'Digital Meeting' - I had this very recently as part of a deal so I wouldn't have to come in weekly, only fortnightly. Of course, this 'deal' is just a covert way of intruding into our lives (a LOT more often than fortnightly) when not signing, I didn't fall for it as I knew it'd just give them an unwanted vector to try contact me impromptu, then sanction me for not 'responding promptly'; 3) Offer of job search to be emailed; I deliberately print out my search just so there's no reason for them to email me - and then claim I haven't 'responded promptly' as above. So basically with both the above I am minimising their opportunities to contact me. 4) "Expectation" to spend 37 hours a week jobseeking - I don't think this is sanctionable if you can prove you applied for jobs every day. But if you happen to not apply for any on one given day, they may try probing into why.
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