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Everything posted by Hammy1962

  1. Well, those above are my thoughts. The 9 posts on a BMW forum on a different Continent may give you some comfort. Luckily post No.5 from N1DAS cites the same poor fuel quality explanation as I state. I think you have to separate the 'accusation' that 'you' have mis-fuelled the car with the fact that your fuel is contaminated. No-one is saying you or husband did it. Only that it has happened. If you can get BMW to contribute all well and good. H
  2. Further to my previous answer. Fuel contamination is not uncommon. It can be caused by many things. Usually it is noted as a mistake by the owner at, or shortly after. fill up. The AA has commissioned a number of vans just for this eventually as it is so common. The contamination can also be caused by the filling station letting the tanks run low or letting them get dirty or water contaminated. The water causes corrosion in the very finely machined parts of the fuel injection system causing wear and swarf. It can also be caused maliciously, if the Diesel Tank level is low, only 5L or so of Petrol can cause havoc. There are also documented reports of Red Diesel causing problems as this is free of duty & tax. The fuel is bleached and sold and not very well looked after................... If, as reported, there is swarf in the fuel injection system then this has to come from somewhere, it doesn't just appear. There can be many causes. It is also possible, though unlikely, that the problem originates from the fuel pump itself but I have to stress this is rare. I know on here there is a penchant to 'Stick it' on the selling Dealer and someone has to be to blame but, as often quoted in court, sometimes bad things happen and nobody is to blame. The OP has had the car for nearly 12 months and done 7,000 miles in it. A BMW fuel pump failure would be rare, even rarer would it contaminate the rest of the system. (Anyone remember the timed Lucas DIP's of the early 80's!!!!!) A way forward may be an independent report by a fuel specialist. A quick Google search brings up 'Intertek' and 'Crown Oil Services'. There are other companies but what we want is an analysis of the fuel and the engine oil. Usually a bottle full is sent and Chemical and microscopic analysis might determine the cause. If the right test is requested this can detect Petrol in Diesel. I remember standing in front of a client who swore blind the vehicle was not mis-fuelled whilst he was holding an independent report saying it had been. As a start the repairing BMW specialist can draw off a clear bottle of fuel from the injector spill or return pipes and leave it overnight to settle. If no sediment is found you can also pass it through fine fabric to filter any particles out. Having said all of this. If the vehicle is correctly flushed out, bled and refilled from scratch. Engine oil and filter changed and a fuel additive such as Millers Diesel Power EcoMax used in the next few tank fulls it might last 600 or 6,000 or 60,000 miles. Good Luck H
  3. If the fuel system is indeed contaminated with swarf, how is this Stoneacre or BMW's fault? If it is swarf then the actual or probable cause of the failure is almost certainly a breaking down of the case hardening of the pump rotor caused by a lack of lubricant. Lubricant which is present in Diesel and not Petrol. We may never know how the Petrol got in. H Oh, and for the avoidance of doubt, yes I am suitably qualified to give an expert opinion and I have in the past appeared before a Judge to give evidence as an 'Expert'.
  4. It would have been better if it had been mis-fuelled or that this was admitted, as some, maybe most, insurance companies will payout for the first mis-fuelling mistake. It happens a lot and at a stretch could be called an accident. There are three stages. 1. Mis-fuel, realise and don't start the car, drain and re-fill. The AA have a specialist vehicle for this. 2. Mis-fuel, start but stop shortly afterwards, drain and change fuel and fuel filters. 3. Mis-fuel, drive until engine stops. Expensive. Swarf is almost always caused by mis-fuelling. Diesel is an oil, petrol has no lubricant. The swarf comes from the internal breaking up of the fuel pump as there is no lubricant. It contaminates the tank (via return pipes), lines, filters, HP pipes and injectors. Rarely the engine. Almost never the fuel pump. This is a bit of an over-simplification but................................! Backtrack, remember you might! have misfuelled, contact your Ins Co. and hope for the best. H
  5. Insure your £600 excess with an annual payment of about £45. That way, you should not be concerned if you do have to use the usual insurance as you will get your £600 back. Save the SMART (It's an acronym!) insurance for when you scuff an alloy wheel or two. H
  6. Keep the sarcasm for when you are sat in front of a Judge. See how far you get with that. H
  7. Yes I am still following the thread. The only thing I’m willing to add is that trading standards, or whatever they are called now, are utterly and completely useless. H
  8. I don’t usually post this far because I have long held and definitive views on the Motor Industry. But Bankfodder, they are not stupid. They are also, probably, not narrow minded, they are business men and women. Calling one or many stupid is an unhelpful generalisation. H
  9. I have a bad feeling about his. Inchcape are not known for sharp practice. Somethings up. H
  10. Be careful, too many contributors to this post are happy to propose court at the first hint of trouble. Too many people are jumping to conclusions without evidence. I will always remember the Jaguar Guy, got his car damaged at a Jaguar Dealer by a faulty pressure washer. egged on by all and sundry to go to court. Lost. Nearly lost his house. The Tyreweld bit is just an illustration of why you need to be 110% of your facts and try not to make your story, fit the facts. H
  11. If you can get over the fact that it's a Renault (Yuk) have a look at this.
  12. A compressor is not enough on its own. If you were to get a puncture a can, or whatever, of sealant (Tyreweld?) is needed to seal the leak. The compressor just inflates it after the sealant is added. There maybe a better explanation in your instruction book. Your local Garage is guessing. What you need is evidence, especially if it goes anywhere near a Judge. H
  13. But you wouldn't, during the course of a normal service or repair, remove the tyre(s). Wheels maybe, not tyres. You might check their pressure but you would have to physically remove the tyre and check the inside of the tread for evidence of tyreweld. Something which would not routinly happen. Even if they found a puncture during the prep they would have repaired it in the traditional way, not with the inefficiency and faff of tyreweld. Does the car have a traditional physical spare or space saver tyre or does it have an inflation kit. Maybe 'Tyreweld' is just a generic term and prompt for the service technician to check for the presence of an inflation kit. H
  14. Whoa, holy used cars batman, a job card, or part of it, on CAG. Who would of thought it. It just say's 'Tyreweld', not that they used it or where, just one word, many assumptions. H
  15. DSR, extended to 12 Months and 14 Day's........................................... This should be interesting. H
  16. I know you are trivialising this as, 'Ambulance Chasing Lawyers', because they are perceived to be involved. You mention BMW (other brands as well). Counterfeit car and truck parts have been implicated, and proven to be the cause, of accidents where fatalities have occurred. There is some considerable difference between a set of counterfeit brake pads and a fake SD Card. The trademark infringement though, is the same. H
  17. There are loads of Mazda Dealers. Find one in a nearby town which you would like to visit (The town not the Dealer). Book it in and whilst they replace the airbag, go for a relaxing walk, stop for coffee etc. Browse the shops (with a mask). Never seen anyone call a recall notice 'Offensive' before, you need to calm down. H
  18. I think we should stop being negative about Resolver. They do what they do in a certain way and a lot of the time they are successful. They have helped me resolve a couple of complaints very effectively and without getting massively assertive. They aim to 'Resolve' issues with Multi-Nationals and get good results. The CAG way, to threaten Court action very early on in a dispute, is not always the way to success. H
  19. 'I sent a laptop , phone, mouse and pen via myhermes' WTF H
  20. Apologies, I was merely trying to inject a bit of humour. There is not much of it about right now. No offense was intended. H
  21. £1 to the charity box of your choice says he wont be back. H
  22. Sadly, I think the OP has done a runner.....................................
  23. All very odd, we have about 10% of this story............................................... My first thought would be persons unknown stole the Catalytic Converter which would have resulted in missing parts and bolts. Not Warranty. Should have been covered by insurance. Second thought would be damage caused by grounding the car, again not Warranty, but an insurance repair. H
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