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Everything posted by pin1onu

  1. Guys, I'm using the latest version of Firefox. I've had that sort of thing before often when the page times out or doesn't completely load for some reason. I'd try a reload. If that doesn't do the trick try clearing your cache including cookies, closing down and then starting a brand new session. If that still fails - try downloading ccleaner. Install, shutdown firefox and run ccleaner. Restart Firefox. Hope this helps. BTW there is a forum for computer related issues.
  2. I would send it recorded delivery to the address indicated at the top of the letter and mark it for the attention of the signatory.
  3. I would not mention appeal. "I would respectfully request that the FPN is cancelled. "
  4. PCSO can issue an FPN by mail. I think your first line of defense should be to write to them informing that FPN was received with their letter so deem that it has not yet been served. I would also include a paragraph informing them of your pregnancy and the fact that you don't smoke and you are prepared to back this up with medical evidence. Suggest that the PCSO was mistaken and given that they have not included the FPN with the letter they should drop the matter. Play up the fact that you at an advanced stage and that you don't really need this sort of stress etc. At worst they will send out the FPN and you can then decide whether to defend or accept it. This article from the Times dated 2008 makes interesting reading especially the paragraph of the guidance from Defra. They were suggesting changes to the Local Government Act to make vehicle owners responsible. I couldn't see if this has been implemented. Someone else may know. Update: Just did a search on Cag and found this thread. Have a good read through.
  5. We have seen this before. It's not strictly a motoring offense but the same principles apply. A Fixed Penalty Notice is an invitation to pay a penalty amount and no conviction or opt for court and face a criminal conviction if you are found guilty. In court the PCSO would be required to produce evidence of the offense and to satisfy the court "beyond reasonable doubt" that the offense occurred. Given you're pregnant and your medical history I suspect you could call into question the veracity of officers account. Does anyone else use the car and do they smoke? Did you throw anything out the window i.e. not a cigarette but something that could be considered litter At this stage I would query this letter in writing and ask where the FPN is and what legislation it has been issued under. I'm not sure about providing the driver name either. This is a requirement for motoring offenses but I'm not sure about littering. For motoring offenses failure to supply a name is call an S.172 offense and carries 6 points and a fine. This letter sounds like something of a fishing trip to me but others with greater knowledge may be able to shed some light.
  6. I would get back to Toshiba and say that you want a replacement. Given the machine has had problems since day 1 and the repair they tried under warranty failed I would say you have a good case. You should have a case under the sale of goods act. I'd put it in writing and give them a chance to respond. Put in exactly what actions you want. i.e. a replacement and some compensation or a full refund. Alternately you could ask them to replace the hard disk (making sure you've backed up the old one as best you can.). From a technical point of view it might be worth investing in a usb caddy so you can run your HD externally to try to backup your data
  7. I agree. Under existing legislation a vehicle displaying a blue badge is supposed to be immune from clamping and towing. However if the vehicle is creating an obstruction or is parked across a fire exit or similar - it can be moved to another location within the vicinity.
  8. There are some guidance notes on Company Dissolution on the companies house website. I would be inclined to ring Companies House and see if they can shed any light on the transfer of assets etc and any associated laws or regulations.
  9. Wino, As an alternative to re-installingYou might want to take a look at this page. I buy faulty laptops to repair and resell so I'm often in a situation where I've no password. and have used NT password and registry editor myself and can recommend it. You'll need to be able to boot from CD. If that fails to work than give a re-install a go.
  10. I can confirm that is the registered address of Orange is ORANGE PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES LIMITED ST JAMES COURT GREAT PARK ROAD ALMONDSBURY PARK BRADLEY STOKE BRISTOL BS32 4QJ Any legal document can be served there including a SAR. The same address is listed for Orange Cellular Services.
  11. I was in a similar situation to you when I arrived in UK from NZ. Despite having a license for 10 years they wanted an arm and a leg because I didn't have any UK history. I don't know what sort of car you're planning to getting but in my experience it is always worth getting a small "runner" and just running on 3rd Party Fire and Theft with legal cover. The reason being is that the premiums are a lot cheaper especially for someone of your age. In addition you are more likely to have an accident in the 1st couple of years after you qualify which Insurance companies factor in to their premiums especially for fully comp. One thing to watch for is the amount of excess they want from you. If you get a low CC car then you benefit from tax as they tend to have lower emissions. You can build up a no claims bonus using a TFTP policy and when you have a bit more dosh get a better car with fully comp insurance. In addition with the legal cover if you have an accident that wasn't your fault the insurance company will persue the other side on your behalf. FWIW I went with Direct Line initially and found them very good to start with. Using the legal cover DL was able to recover from the other party after I got shunted in the rear.
  12. AIUI damages for trespass should be paid to the landowner. As a general rule clamping company's do not hold rights to the land and therefore would have no right to the money paid. If there is an agreement between the clamper and the landowner that they will keep the release money in lieu of payment for their services, that would not release the landowner from his obligations and would have no bearing on proceedings as the person clamped is not privy to that contract. IMV they are jointly liable and should both be sued. I do agree that the relationship between the landowner and the clamper is important - the clamper must have permission from the landowner. There have been clampers prosecuted for enforcing on land they do not have permission to do so on.
  13. Have a go at drafting something yourself and post up so that people can comment. There is provision for challenging bailiffs charges. Tomtubby in the bailiff section has posted on this. As you only received the original paperwork, you should also be filing a Statutory Declaration to get the PCN's process returned to the NTO stage. You can download the form at http://www.hmcourts-service.gov.uk/HMCSCourtFinder/GetForm.do?court_forms_id=2362. Get it witnessed at your local county court where they'll do it for free and send to TEC by fax. You should advise the bailiff and the council that you have done this. They should suspend bailiff activity. If the Declaration is accepted you will get an NTO which you can either pay or appeal.
  14. There is English case law that allows the practice that has to be overcome. AIUI they are planning to put the necessary legislation to overrule the case law for this in a bill going through the house in November. With regard to the extortion, I beleive the grounds for ruling extortion are different under Scottish Law. While the delay is regrettable I would prefer the government to get things right and put the necessary legislation in place and then hammer the b******ds
  15. If your car is on finance it cannot be distrained for debt as you don't have clear title to it. You should contact provide the bailiff with a copy of the finance agreement or a letter from the finance company stating that they own the vehicle and the clamp should be removed. Any of their fees for towing and clamping are also rendered invalid.
  16. Better late than never although the cynic in me say I will beleive it when I see it.
  17. And that would be a bad thing? At least we'd get away from the some of the sordid enforcement that goes on now and make councils less reliant on funding from the motorist.
  18. Not totally correct they must witness you committing a crime. They cannot detain on suspicion, only a sworn police officer can arrest on suspicion. Some stores (e.g. cash and carry) make it a condition of entry that you agree to be searched. This is would have to be agreed beforehand or they leave themselves wide open. If you want a practical example of this football clubs make it a condition of sale that you agree to submit to being searched. Refusal gives them grounds to eject you from the ground and consfiscate your ticket. Note that is agree before purchase. Actually it's not totally ridiculous. If other crimes such as assault have been committed then a Security Guard runs the risk of being charged with them. Reasonable force can be used but excess force will be deemed assault.
  19. This is a warning for anyone looking to sell in Free-ad papers such as Loot, Trade-it etc. I've been trying to sell a laptop and various small electrical items and each time I've advertised I've received e-mails. They seem to follow a pattern: They establish contact asking if the item is available They will give some excuse about why they can't come to view the item (usually claiming to be out of the country) They offer to pay your asking price and say they will add extra for postage overseas. They will ask for a Paypal account to send the money to. They will ask you to forward the item on receipt to a Nigerian address At this point alarm bells were ringing and I contacted the police who told me it was a likely to be a [problem] and to stop further contact. I googled around and found some horror stories such as Forged paypal payment advice goods being sent and then receipt being denied, dispute being raised with Paypal and the buyer receiving a refund, and the seller without their goods. sellers being lured into money laundering scheme I now reply to any such e-mail that I receive - cash only and I will not post outside of the UK. Don't be fooled by the fact that they offer to use Paypal - they are relying on that to [problem] you.
  20. Please have a look in the appendix of the clamping guide in the stickies section. Residential parking and clamping is all to do with permission. As Lamma has indicated clamping on private land is a remedy for trespass.
  21. It could be they've wised up to using the byelaws and knowing which court to threaten with. The fact that they are using the term parking charge notice would tend to indicate it's a PPC attempting to claim under contract law. Best bet is to post up the notice. You could also contact Network rail and/or the Train Operating Company and ask if the PPC are managing the car park on their behalf?
  22. http://allyours.virginmedia.com/html/legal/oncable/terms.html# Specifically section H. H Changing these agreements You may add to or reduce the services you receive from time to time by contacting the Customer Care team. If you ask us or Virgin Media Entertainment to provide any extra services to you, you agree to accept those additional services for at least the minimum period that applies to them. If you ask us or Virgin Media Entertainment to reduce your tier of services within the minimum period for those services , we and/or Virgin Media Entertainment may ask you to pay a fee depending on the services being reduced and the remaining length of the minimum period .
  23. The registered address for the company is COURT PROCEEDINGS LIMITED 81 OXFORD STREET LONDON GREATER LONDON UNITED KINGDOM W1D 2EU Company No. 07254393 Got to say that the threats are no different from any other debt collector. It just seems to me to be an intimidatory name. FWIW I've had a few debt collector letters that used will instead of may. They were treated with the usual Foxtrot Oscar contempt I reserve for debt collectors and I've not done court about them yet.
  24. Agree with the above. I would get on to your bank and advise that the money has been taken without authority. I would also get onto Trading Standards as well. If you wanted a domain for business then this link here for a free website and hosting may be of interest. I've signed up for a simple site for a small computer business that I run as a sideline for my main job.
  25. Going to have to dispute you on office workers needing to be registered. If they are indulging in front line activities then yes they need a license. The only requirement is that at least one person in the back office has non-frontline office (usually this has to be a principal - owner or director/manager etc). If they have a frontline license as well then they don't need a non-frontline as well.
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