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  1. Arrow Global said in their letter that Orange refused to provide document under act 1974. So we decided to send “subject to access” and ask them to send us a Service agreement. Yes. I know we need to send £10.
  2. Horosho I helping my friend and have just handed this address to him. I hope they will respond.
  3. I was advised to make a request under data Protection Acts 1984&1998 as the “right of subject access” as Orange refused previously to send me any documents. If anybody knows the address of the Orange where I can send this request? Thanks a lot.
  4. Thanks for advice. I’ll post it as soon as I receive all document back from Ombudsman.
  5. Thank you. It is a credit agreement between my husband and Lloyds bank dated 2003, which looks like unenforceable as there is no signature under Term and Condition. So we searched for advice and looked in the internet where there are lots of companies, which promised to check the credit agreement and give certificate, if they found the agreement is unenforceable. It will be cost up to £300. But we aren’t sure if it is worth.
  6. The Ombudsman said that I can check the legality of the contract with Lloyds Bank only in the court. However National debt line advised me to check it with solicitor company. I wonder if somebody has ever checked the legality with solicitor before going to court?
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