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Everything posted by pin1onu

  1. I think you've given them every chance to resolve this. As you have a judgement then I would seek to enforce within the framework and timescales of the courts. They may be able to wriggle out by filing an Out of Time declaration and requesting the judgement be set aside. The usual grounds for the courts granting this sort of application is not receiving the paperwork. If they have acknowledged service then they are knackered. If you can provide evidence of this to the court then they will be really stuffed. Falsifying Statutory declaration is perjury and is a criminal offense. Simply not getting around to responding is not a valid reason. If they were really serious about settling the matter they would have got the money to you. Alternately they may seek to appeal the judgement. The right to appeal is not necessarily granted. If they are given leave to appeal the case will then go to the High Court for a decision. However as they were no shows the court will probably refuse leave to appeal.
  2. I tried to cover some of the issues raised in this thread in the appendix of the clamping guide (OP - see the Appendix A of the clamping guide in the stickies section up top of this forum. Definitely worth the OP providing terms of the lease and nothing to stop them opting out IMO.
  3. This link will provide you with addresses to write to: Important Information - Kwik Fit Insurance
  4. I suggest that you put down your all points in a letter rather than ringing them and dispute it with them formally. Because of your situation I would also authorise a nominated party (e.g. your father) to negotiate and act for you. Make sure you include copies of all your paperwork. Use a highlighter to make the relevant bits stand-out. You could also get the bank to confirm who the payments were made to and what account numbers and sort codes were used. Put the onis of proof on them and ask them to supply details of any correspondence cancelling the policy. I would also state very clearly what actions you want from them. In this case restitution of your costs (i.e. £150). I would also suggest that you ask for payment to cover the stress. If you have encountered any other costs while your vehicle is impounded then they become legitimate items as well. Send your letter recorded delivery and inform them that you are prepared to take this to the insurance ombudsman and the courts if necessary. Give them a time limit (7-14 days) to respond. It might also pay you to post a link to this thread in the insurance forum as there are some experts who may be able to offer some advice.
  5. Have a read of the clamping guide in the stickies section at the top of this thread. It will provide you with a starting point
  6. I notice from the comments on the stories that he received the right advice.
  7. I am shocked to hear this. Make sure your son covers all the bases and that these clampers are licensed. Also worth trying to find out if the agreeement with the Car Park owners allows them to clamp. If they are clamping without permission then they are very dodgy ground. I would also be bring a damages claim against them in the County Court. If your son has suffered any sort of loss as a result of their actions then he has a claim. This can include any loss of pay, having to hire a car/take a taxi. The courts will take a very dim view of clamping over an alleged debt. Clamping is a remedy for trespass not for an alleged debt. Have a read of the clamping guide as it always helps your case if you can point out any other unlawful/illegal actions.
  8. There are programmes out there that will decrypt itunes and remove protection. I looked into it for my sister inlaw a few years ago. This website has a list: Removing DRM FAQ: How to remove copy-protection from iTunes AAC files (Windows software) Try googling ipod protection removal for others. There are also a number of programs that will change formats from Apple's formats to others.
  9. Personal stalker is more than a bit emotive. The guy filmed public officials doing their job. As various public bodies (police, councils, emergency services) have allowed this sort of thing before what is the problem with a member of the public doing the same thing. Someone once said "If live by the sword you die by the sword." Last time I looked being an irritation is not a crime - if goes on over a period of time it could become one (e.g. harassment). And it is just that sort of reaction that puts so many people's backs up. Jobsworths applying or trying to apply their own version of the law and wasting police time and public money as well. It's a bit like the councils do when they play brinksmanship over PCNs going to appeal or not refunding motorists when they have clearly take money in error. Public officials must be open to scrutiny as so many MPs found out over the expenses - so whats the problem? If they don't like it then tough - find another job.
  10. Correct. You can read all about the process here: Enforcing judgment. Bear in mind it is often at this stage that the clampers do a runner and phoenix the company.
  11. Just a general point about blue badges on private land. I'm not disagreeing with the above statements but displaying one will be enough to stop you getting clamped or immobilised on private land (or should be). Given that an increasing number of car parks now threaten both ticketing and/or clamping I would suggest to any BB holder to display.
  12. Absolutely agree with Lamma's advice. Talk to a solicitor first. There are many people who talk themselves into a conviction. I would not let myself be arrested if I could avoid it. Bear in mind that if you are arrested you will be subject to the criminal process including fingerprinting, mugshots and DNA samples. If the old bill have enough to arrest you then they will do so that but otherwise it may well be a fishing expedition to see if they can get you to incriminate yourself.
  13. Tez, I sympathise but Microsuck have always been off doing their own thing in the browser world. They like to introduce their own little bits of crap that don't conform to the standards. It was nicknamed internet exploder for that reason. I used to encounter the same sort of thing in the early days (1995-1996) of the browser wars when it was Netscape vs IE. I'd write nice tidy HTML which worked fine in NS and looked absolutely s**t in IE. You might find some of these amusing.... particularly this one ActiveX, or how to put nuclear bombs in web pages or there is a list of anti MS sites so you know that you're not alone. The MSBC Superlist of Anti-Microsoft Web Sites Let me finishing by quoting "Some things in life are bad They can really make you mad Other things just make you swear and curse. When you're chewing on life's gristle Don't grumble, give a whistle And this'll help things turn out for the best... And...always look on the bright side of life... Always look on the light side of life...":)
  14. The fact that they are seeking to enforce on the street rather than at the address on the warrant is the abuse. However, IMV, a tool which makes the abuse more efficient is just as bad. Lets not forget we have seen examples where the Met and GMP in conjunction with bailiffs have abused the ANPR system by running joint operations where people have been pulled over because they have outstanding de-criminalised charges. The police have been demonstrated to be acting ultra vires in these cases and is a clear case of abuse of powers.
  15. I looked at the issue of residential parking schemes when I did the last re-write of the clamping guide. Many of the issues are pertinent whether they involve permit schemes, clamping or PPC invoices. The appendix in the Clamping guide may give the OP some thoughts as to how to proceed. Management companies are usually bought in to administer property on behalf of landowners. The land-registry should be able to provide details of who owns what. We need to see the lease of the OP and the deeds of the property that the landlord holds and any contract that the landlord has with the Management company. I encountered a similiar problem with a management company who insisted on no parking on the access roads in the business estate in which I worked. The lease was with our employer and the contract was with them. The end result was they brought in a clamping firm. I wasn't in a financial position to try it but I would like to take through the courts and ask them to demonstrate what losses they had incurred as a result of this parking on the access roads. OPC are trying to enforce under contract for what is essentially a matter of trespass. As always this is highly suspect and the usual issues of their rights to offer a contract for parking or non-parking come into play. Just be wary if they threaten to clamp you.
  16. Thornbury is hardly a tiny rural town and is also the site for the main council offices for South Glos. While South Glocs Council traffic department is reasonably good at getting the TRO and off street orders in place, (South Glos covers my part of Bristol as well) I would definitely go to the Council Offices and ask to see a copy of the Off-street parking order. SGC have been known to make mistakes in these documents. I think you have definite grounds for an alighting exemption in spite of G&M's claims otherwise.
  17. No it was Vine's Radio 2 show. Martin Lewis was on and had a right good go at him.
  18. Great result. Minster have worried a few posters on the forum - this should put their minds at rest.
  19. He would also need to be SIA registered or alternately use an SIA registered person/company as towing/moving is covered by the PSI Act.
  20. Like when he rang into the Jeremy Vine show and started prattling on about "specific performance" in relation to PPCs. Or when he tried to raffle his shop?
  21. Preferably armed with a video camera so a full record of things exist. Actually it occurs that the bailiff has probably enforced this at a location not on the warrant. It might be worth asking for a copy of the warrant and then making a complaint via the courts. Tomtubby in the bailiffs section can give you the correct procedure.
  22. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are a way of creating a logical secure connection over a public network, typically the internet to a private network. This makes it appear as though you are connected locally to an internal network when you are in fact remote from it. Many people use VPNs to log in to their home PC remotely with services such as GotoMyPC. Others will have the ability to connect to their company’s internal network and servers. Others want to either conceal their browsing or downloading from prying eyes. The private browsing option is now standard in the popular browsers (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome and Opera). This option deletes all cache content once you exit this mode. What it does not do is conceal the webpage/site/download requests that you make out to the domain name servers. These requests are logged by Internet Service Providers and by others who maybe “snooping” a network. One of the most common areas where people need to provide anonymity is the download area. Why? One part of the Digital Economy Act passed by the outgoing Labour Government was an amendment of the Communications Act 2003 requiring Internet service providers (ISPs) to disclose details of customers who repeatedly infringe copyright, on production of sufficient evidence, with a possible fine of £250,000 for non-compliance. As a downloader I have no desire to be accused, even mistakenly, for something I may or may not have done. To prevent this happening some people are turning to a VPN solution to conceal their activity. There are a number of free VPN solutions available. Most of them promise not to keep logs of your access so that you can browse or download in anonymity. Most free VPN providers will disconnect you periodically. If you want to browse or download without being tracked then the one thing you don’t want to have happen is for your real ISP to be revealed by software using whatever connection is available (known as leaking). I am not condoning illegal behaviour merely providing a way of keeping your activities private. This is where a firewall comes in to play. It is possible to create rules for the firewall to allow or block any form of traffic and also forcing applications to use a particular connection When working firewalls, it is important to understand that there are usually a number of different ways of achieving the same thing. I have written this article to demonstrate a straight forward and simple way that you can force any application to use a VPN. It is not the only way and others have written methods that are just as valid. Two free VPN’s that I have tested this with are ItsHidden and UltraVPN. ItsHidden is based in the Netherlands and UltraVPN in France. Both publicly state that they do not log or store the IP addresses or the sessions of their users. The following guide has been written with simplicity in mind. It should work with different VPNs and can also be used multiple times with different applications. It is written for use with the Comodo firewall, but the principals described should work with most firewalls. Most browsers will use a VPN automatically once it is connected – other applications will not necessarily use it. Torrent clients will happily use whatever connection they can find and cheerily advertise your IP address. This guide is written for Utorrent. It will work for other torrent clients as well as other applications. First we need to set up a zone. This will contain the IP ranges of assigned to our VPN client(s)/connection. For Its Hidden the range appears to be For UltraVPN the range appears to be Once that’s done we setup a couple of rules for the application to only use these IP ranges and block any traffic. Start Utorrent Open Comodo Firewall Click on the Firewall Option from the Menu at the top right of the window Click on the Advanced Options Button Click on the Network Security Policy option Click on the My Network Zones Tab Click on the Add Button Select the A New Network Zone Option Name the Zone VPNs Click Apply You should see your new zone added in the screen On the line below your new zone you will see in greyed out text add address here Right Click on the line and select add Click on the range option and type in the range for the VPN Click on apply when complete Repeat 12-14 if you have more than one VPN Congratulations you have now set up a zone. Now we need to create some firewall rules to allow the application to access the zone. We have to tell the firewall what application to use. This can be achieved in a number of ways – by typing in the application path or starting the application and selecting the name from a list of running processes. For most people starting the application will be easiest. In Comodo Click on Application Rules Tab Click on the Add Button Click on Running Processes Option Scroll down the list and select Utorrent.exe Click on the Add Button In the top part of the window select the following Option from the drop downs Action: Allow Protocol: IP Direction: In Description: VPN In Select Log a firewall event if this rule is fired [*]On the source address tab select Any [*]Click on the destination address tab [*]On the destination tab select Zone [*]On the Drop down that appears select VPNs (which we named earlier) [*]Click on the IP Details Tab and select Any from the Drop down list [*]Click Apply Congratulations you’ve created the first rule which will allow traffic from the VPN in. Now we need to allow the application to send via the VPN Click on the Add Button In the top part of the window select the following Option from the drop downs Action: Allow Protocol: IP Direction: Out Description: VPN Out Select Log a firewall event if this rule is fired [*]On the source address tab select zone [*]On the Drop down that appears select VPNs (which we named earlier) [*]Click on the destination address tab [*]On the destination tab select any [*]Click on the IP Details Tab and select Any from the Drop down list [*]Click Apply Congratulations you’ve just created the second rule. Now we need to stop traffic to or from the application using any other network other than the VPN (i.e. our normal ISP address). Click on the Add Button In the top part of the window select the following Option from the drop downs Action: Block Protocol: IP Direction: In/Out Description: Block the rest Select Log a firewall event if this rule is fired [*]On the source address tab select Any [*]Click on the destination address tab [*]On the destination tab select Any [*]Click on the IP Details Tab and select Any from the Drop down list [*]Click Apply Congratulations that rule will catch anything that doesn’t fire the first two rules. There is one final thing to do. Now click Apply to set save and activate your new setup. Now we need to test that it’s working and our address isn’t being leaked. Start your VPN client. Visit www.checkmytorrentip.com Click on the Generate Tracking Torrent Select Open with Utorrent when prompted. In the browser window you should see the IP address being advertised by Utorrent and seen by the website. (This occurs every 60 seconds) Restart Utorrent (this is important after you make any changes to the firewall). Start a torrent downloading In Comodo click on the common tasks button Select the Firewall events You should see connections from or to the IP ranges defined in our zones being allowed through. A double-check can be made using the checkmytorrentip website – you should not see your ISP’s assigned IP address. (You should see an IP address from France/USA for UltraVPN or Netherlands/USA for ItsHidden. Disconnect your vpn client You should see connections from or to Utorrent being blocked as you are now using your normal IP address. This means nothing is leaking out. A double-check can be made using the checkmytorrentip website – you should not see your ISP’s assigned IP address. As your VPN is disconnected there should be nothing seen from the time you disconnected the VPN. Hopefully everything will be hidden. If you have problems check the rules for typing mistakes. You should also make sure the rules are in the order that they were entered (top to bottom – VPN In, VPN out, Block the Rest. Good luck – stay anonymous.
  23. I had a SORNed vehicle stolen just recently. I reported it as theft and the police are following up. It was sold to a scrap metal dealer the day after they alf inched it and crushed for the princely sum of £116. The individual who sold it is a scrot known to the plod and they will be trying the victims compensation route should they get it to court. In this case it sounds as though their has been a criminal act and definitely a civil wrong. I would definitely go back to the plod and suggest to them that this is a matter of TWOC and that they should be prosecuted. In my case the car was worth 200-300 in running order. In your case I would suggest that you have both a civil claim and a victim of crime compensation claim. Given the average award for the latter is normally pretty small you would have scope to sue your neighbour for the value of the car. If they own the land they may be able to counter-claim damages for trespass (assuming they can show an actual loss). I'd definitely persue both avenues. BTW you should also have a read of the clamping guide as their is a criminal act committed if the person removing it isn't licensed. It is also a criminal act to employ someone who isn't licensed.
  24. Dont send them a letter of appeal - send them a letter before action.
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