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Everything posted by pin1onu

  1. CPR Letter sent recorded signed for and I have a confirmation of receipt. Now awaiting response.
  2. Hi Ford, Thanks for that. With regard to the PPI, the amounts paid were refunded because I complained about it at the time. I was a Company Director and asked 3 times when I took out the PPI if my being a Company Director would mean I was covered. The reply was yes. What they didn't tell me was that in order for me to be considered un-employed I would have to fold the company. I was an a contractor at the time and the company was a small ltd liability company. To fold the company would have cost me a considerable amount, i.e. more than I had. This was 10 years ago. I will print and send the template today recorded delivery.
  3. This is the letter that Lloyds TSB sent to my S78 request. They sent an unsigned re-constituted copy of the agreement enclosed. http://img140.imageshack.us/f/letter01.jpg/ http://img130.imageshack.us/i/letter02.jpg/ http://img814.imageshack.us/i/letter03.jpg/ I seem to remember receiving a default notice but cannot locate it. I was in poor health last year and cannot remember whether I got it. Is their a thread where I can find out about any compliance/non-compliance? I took out the Credit Card approximately 11 years ago and did have PPI mis-sold to me (wouldn't pay out when I lost my job in 2001). I take it I'm out of time to counter-claim for that. I am intending to send a CPR 31.14 letter requesting a copy of the signed CCA. They have filed via a Solicitor so do I respond to the solicitor or send to Lloyds TSB? Thanks for the help and links so far. Pin
  4. Ford thank you for replying. Sorry for not providing details, combination of illness and being away from home for a week. Acknowledged service last Friday. Scanner is not working so here are the POC. 1. By an agreement in writing & regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974, the Claimant s issue to the Defendant a Lloyds TSB Platinum Card for the purpose of the Defendant acquiring goods/service on credit. 2. The agreement provided that the Claimants would furnish the Defendant with a monthly statement showing the balance currently due, the minimum payment to be made & the date for payment. If the balance was not paid, then provided the Defendant made the minimum payment on or before such date, the remainder of the balance should remain outstanding & the Defendant made the minimum payment should pay interest upon it per month in accordance with the agreement. 3. In breaching the agreement the defendant failed to make a payment on 10/08/10 the Claimants issued a Default Notice persuant to the 87(i) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. 4. On 10/09/10 did issue a Formal Demand to the Defendant. 5. THE CLAIMANTS THEREFORE CLAIM THE BALANCE DUE UNDER THE AGREEMENT. End of POC. LTSB sent a re-constituted agreement in response to my S78 request. I will attempt to scan at work and post up.
  5. Last year I asked Lloyds TSB to provide with a copy of CCA agreement. They produced a copy of the agreement but did not appear to have a signed copy available. Their letter to me alluded to the fact that they would not have issued a CC without a signed agreement. Last Friday I received Court Papers. I need to know what steps to take. Any help with a defence would be appreciated. As yet I have not acknowledged service. Should I delay doing so to give me more time or does it not make a difference.
  6. Bought a PAYG mobile from an Orange store on 26/09/2010. Phone has been playing up since about 3 weeks ago and things have stopped working. Because of a heavy schedule I was unable to get to an Orange Shop until today. Despite the fault the staff at the store were only willing to offer a replacement if I rang customer services. They claim that 28 days is a reasonable period for returns and after that they would only offer exchange for a faulty item. This is official policy that the store staff have no ability to overide. We were intending to swap for a different model but they can't even offer that. Its my understanding the under SOGA there is no limit but that you might not get a full refund if a court rules a reasonable period has passed. Given we are talking 40 days since purchase this situation is laughable. I've been told I can write to Orange to complain. I will be writing to complain about the assistant manager of the Yate branch who was less than helpful and somewhat rude. I contrast this with the manager of Cribbs Causeway store who was apologetic but polite. The title of my letter will be Letter Before Action. Ridiculous policy from Orange. Poor customer experience. I'm not going to p*ss about - Refund + Compensation due now or I'll see you in court.
  7. It does depend on the model of laptop. I've recently just repaired a Dell Studio and have used it to show both HD and Youtube on it with an HDMI cable. Dell actually provide software for it. As DX has said check the manual.
  8. Well some interesting developments yesterday and today. Received a response to my S78 request yesterday. My scanner has gone pete so I'll type up their response. They go on to warn about using the services of a claims management company They finish off with a statement of account. I'll endeavour to get everything to scanned and uploaded, but in the meantime I would welcome any advice on what I do next. I also received a call from Lifestyle Claims today asking if I was interested in them representing me. They were asking for £200 + VAT. Does anyone have any experience of them?
  9. What an utter load of BS. Still it smacks of desparation. I'd feel sorry for them losing their livelihoods if they weren't bullying, intimidating scumbags. Here's some evidence of the above: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/3682399.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/leicestershire/4890572.stm The "We Care" on their website is pricless as is below. Trespass my arse.... What an utter load of BS. The only thing they care about is losing one of their revenue streams. Makes your heart bleed for them doesn't it?
  10. Surely with these stays one of defendents should be looking to get OPC listed as a vexatious litigant. If a Judge agrees it puts the right royal kibosh on OPC and kills their business model stone dead.
  11. I'm a big supporter of any OS that isn't Microsoft. I tried and test a number of Linux distributions last year. I'm reasonably literate in Unix which helps. Of all the free ones Ubuntu is probably the quickest and easiest to install and gets updated regularly. However I've had a couple of problems with Ubuntu which I'm not sure have been addressed in the latest version (mainly because I haven't played with it for a while). One is concerning printer support. I have an old Colour Laser Printer that is allegedly supported by Ubuntu but for the life of me I couldn't get it to work. The other issue I have concerns USB speeds. There are some tweaks which help but copying files to USB devices can be painfully slow. If they've addressed this then it's definitely worth considering.
  12. As Al says it's all about permissions. You had the permit. I'll lay odds that there's nothing to say about which way up it has to be displayed. If you sue I'd say you have a slam dunk case.
  13. Got to disagree. Regardless of whether they have outsourced they are still liable for damages and the actions of their agent. Their liability may be nil because they have been indemnified through their contractor with the clamper but the OP is not a party to that agreement and it is largely irrelevent. The OP should sue both the person who engaged the clamper and the clamper. Grounds are going to be inadequate signage. OP please read the clamping guide in the stickies section of the forum. It will help you build a case against them.
  14. There was PPI which wasn't worth a pinch of s**t when I was unable to find a contract and spent 1 yr out of work. We tried to claim and found as I was a company director (1 man outfit for contract) that they wouldn't pay out. This despite 3 times in the meeting when I signed up asking if they would payout to a company director and being assured I would. This is about 9 years ago so I think it is probably statutue barred to seek re-dress. There have been charges which I will endeavour to work out but I may need to SAR them for that.
  15. Hang on MM. This is a slightly different case. The police wanted to take the car for forensic examination. Surely this wee detail makes the reason as for towing the "investigation of a crime" rather than simple abandonment. Small difference but the sort of thing that parasites....sorry lawyers thrive on. OP Might be worth posting on Pepipoo and getting an opinion over there as well
  16. Hi, I've had something similiar. This is what I did: Install another browser e.g. Chrome and download a new copy of the FF from the mozilla website. Download Revo Uninstaller Pro and install (fully functional free for 30 days). Un-install your existing version of FF using Revo. Revo will install the program and then scan for any crap left either in your registry or elsewhere on your disk and ask if you want to delete it. I'd let it delete everything. Reboot Re-install FF
  17. There are several tools for resetting passwords on this page - much less hassle than creating a new account and copying files across. http://pcsupport.about.com/od/toolso...ssrecovery.htm
  18. Hi, I'm not new to the forums but I could really use some advice. (mods - please feel free to move to a more appropriate forum) Currently owe 15000 on a LTSB platinum credit card. Wife got made redundant and we're in the muck. The card was upgraded to a platinum card around 9 years ago. Following a debacle last year where LTSB took two direct debit payments in the same month I cancelled the DD and was making payment via internet banking. Owing to wife's redundancy I've now missed 3 payments and the wolves are circling. I've just downloaded letter A from the DCA letters to stave them off while I obtain advice. I want to examine the "proper execution" element of the CCA. I've read a couple of threads one advocating using rights under the Credit Act 1974 and the other suggesting using a SAR to obtain a signed copy of the agreement from them. Which is the best method? BTW LTSB registered address is in London but CC's seem to be administered in Brighton. Which would be the best to use. My thinking is use the registered address. Does anyone have thoughts on the subject? I'd be really grateful for any advice.
  19. Did you receive any letter from the courts or the claimant prior to the judgement? You should have received notification of the claim, been given a chance to respond and enter a defense. If you did not get any of this information you can go to the court and file an out of time statuatory declaration to get the judgement set aside. You should also get on to your insurance company at the time and see what they've been playing at. Ring them in the first instance (record the call if you can, make notes if you can't) but also put the details, and copies of the documents above in writing. Ask for a full explanation and what they intend to do to rectify the situation. Send it recorded delivery so they can't claim to have not received it. I've had a similar thing with the outfit that don't use comparision website. They had details of the claim and the hearing and failed to act and the OH got a CCJ against her. We managed to get things cleaned up eventually but only after we put things in writing with threats to complain to ombudsman.
  20. Excel had their arses soundly kicked by the court in the Hetherington case. Here's the story on the Masfield Chad site: http://www.chad.co.uk/news/Judge-says-Excel-parking-fines.3903396.jp This story still brings a smile. :grin:
  21. Revoke her driving license???? What a complete load of Bullsh**. Not only is complete BS but its also in breach of the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 by claiming to have authority to do something when it is blatant BS. I would ignore it but also report it to Trading Standards.
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