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Everything posted by SOD'EM

  1. Hi guys. Just bought this :- http://www.amazon.co.uk/MSI-GE70-2PE-051UK-17-3-inch-Notebook/dp/B00IZFMB6I which I think is pretty high spec. For some strange reason though, it doesn't seem much quicker than my old 2GB Ram Samsung. Is there something I need to do in the settings to speed it up? Even videos I watch on Facebook seem to keep freezing. Starts up as fast as I expected. Just a bit confused. Thanks
  2. Finally got the reply I was expecting. Good afternoon, I can only apologise that you are not happy with the service you have received, I understand how frustrating this must be for you. I have spoken to an engineer who has advised that the keyboard had some minor staining underneath but still works correctly. This has now been cleaned off. You should not have been quoted for a second keyboard; a member of staff in training raised the quotation incorrectly. As goodwill, we are willing to remove the shipping, handling and labour costs from your quotation meaning the cost to replace the motherboard would now be £485.58 (inc VAT) instead of £555.58 (inc VAT). I am unsure where the confusion has arisen regarding the two quotes - please see attached the two quotations that were sent to you. Both quotations show exactly the same amounts for parts, labour and return unrepaired fees. Additionally, I am sorry that you feel your expletive was not a good enough reason for the advisor to end the call, but our advisors are all told that they do not have to tolerate abusive or threatening language, and if experienced they have every right to terminate the phone call. Once again, I can only apologise for the frustration and incovenience this has caused you, but I hope you will accept our offer of goodwill. Kind Regards, Rosie Jones Customer Services Manager RESULT!
  3. They have not repaired my laptop with reasonable care or skill. This has caused the brand new keyboard to be damaged again. I have told them that I am willing to pay for a new mainboard, but not another keyboard. It is less than three months old since they replaced it, so is still in their own warranty period. I have not spilled anything on it since the repair, and they can try and prove otherwise. They told me that the mainboard may fail in the future, and I accepted that. If they had told me that they were leaving the liquid in the laptop, and just putting a keyboard on, I would not have authorised the repair. They haven't got a leg to stand on regarding a second replacement keyboard. That, I do know.
  4. Every little helps. Tnx Rebel11. I'm still trying to get the CEO's direct email without having to pay for it.
  5. The Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 means that consumers who enter into a contract for goods and services can expect these to be supplied with reasonable care and skill. Putting a new keyboard into a laptop still with liquid in it, is not in my book reasonable care and skill. Says it all really. 236 × 179 - pinterest.com Case dismissed lol.
  6. Thanks for your reply rebel11. I paid for the laptop through Paypal, and I paid for the original repair using my debit card. I don't own a credit card:doh:
  7. Putting a new keyboard into a laptop that was still full of liquid is NOT the thing to do. They explained that it passed all MSI tests, and was good to go. If they had have replaced the main board, would they too have put that in leaving all the liquid inside. I don't think so. I can't go elsewhere, as that would void my warranty. As I said. They said it was clean when it came back to me, and I have since managed to spill something else on it. That, I have not done.
  8. Hi all, long time no speak, but nice to be back Here is my rant about this company: http://www.djhenry.co.uk/ I have been trying to get the direct email for the CEO, so if anyone can help, that would be great. Here is basically the treatment I have recieved from them. April 2014, I bought a top range laptop (over £1400). This was manufactured by MSI, and came with a 15 month warranty. Unfortunately, my little boy decided that my laptop may like some of his curry that he was eating for dinner. Ir turned out that it didn't like curry so decided to keep restarting with a a Driver Power State Failure. I was not covered for accidents but I still contacted MSI because I didn't want to use an unauthorised dealer and ruin the warranty. They in turn got http://www.djhenry.co.uk/ to contact me to arrange a pick up and repair. After they had it for a couple of days, they got back to me with a quote for repair:- New keyboard (necessary) £123 + Vat. Mainboard (signs of liquid damage, but still working) £460(ish) + Vat Handling & Shipping £62.00 I decided to just pay for the new keyboard and shipping and handling, as that made the laptop fully functional. After a couple of weeks using the laptop, the same fault occured, so I went through the same process again. I had resigned myself to the fact I would now need a new mainboard. The price scared me but there was no other option. Again, MSI contracted http://www.djhenry.co.uk/ to arrange pick up and repair. I have now recieved a quote from them for the repair:- New Keyboard (necessary) £77.42 + Vat. Mainboard (Necessary) £404.65 + Vat. Labour & Handling £58.33 + Vat. If I don't want any repairs taken out, then it will be £50 inc Vat for shipping & handling. Concerned (as anyone would be), I gave them a call. After speaking to an advisor, he confirmed that there was liquid damage, and they were the necessary repairs needed. I explained that I had recently had the keyboard replaced. He hesitated for a bit before realising that I had already paid for a new keyboard (still within their own 3 month warranty deadline). He then put me on hold for about 20 minutes while he spoke to someone else. After getting back to me, he smugly told me that I would have to pay AGAIN for a new keyboard. I took this as an insult as he was basically saying that I had been stupid enough to let more liquid get into the laptop by spilling something on it again. This tells me that when they repaired it last time, and replaced the keyboard, they never even bothered to clean the inside of it. Otherwise, there would be nothing wrong with the new keyboard, and the main board would be the only thing needing replacing. I can't believe that MSI would use a company like this who don't even clean electrical items they recieve to be repaired. I am drafting a nice email for MSI regarding this matter, but that doesn't get my laptop back for me. I have told them I will be taking the matter to small claims, but will do that after I get some feedback form here and other avenues. I know consumer law, and I know these are wrong. They could have taken the £400+ for the new mainboard, and I would have left it at that. But they decided to go all in for the kill (rip off), and charge me twice for something. The mistake I made was not taking the name of the operator I spoke to who rudely put the phone down on me for saying one expletive word. The word wasn't even directed at him. I basically said 'I am not paying for another F*****g keyboard (oops). Not a hang up offence in my books. He just used that as an easy excuse to end the argument he was clearly losing. I also questioned how the prices differ so much from the first quote for repairs a couple of months before to now. All for the same items. I have an idea of what my next move will be, but would appreciate some feedback form you lot. I will be sending http://www.djhenry.co.uk/ the link to this thread, so if anyone needs to tell me something they don't need to know, then just PM me. Thanks in advance guys. SOD'EM
  9. Will give them a couple of days to reply. I will then esculate the claim with ebay. Thanks all.
  10. Well, just recieved an unexpected response from the seller after paying £7.15 to return the item. We received your return due to you intended to buy the camera version, but you returned the smartwatch with broken seal which breach our return condition therefore we extremely regret that we are unable to accept your return, would you please let us return the item back to you. I sent them this. I hope I was right. Thank you for your reply. I had to break the seal to see that it was the wrong item. I have also took advice before sending it back to you. If you would like to check up all legal matters regarding Sales Of Goods Act, and Long Distance Selling Act, you will find that you haven't got a leg to stand on (regardless of your Terms & Conditions). If you refuse to refund me, I will have no alternative but to bring it up with ebay. Regards SOD'EM
  11. Everything is as it should be. Thanks guys. I will let you know how it goes.
  12. This is their reply to my returns quest. I have a feeling they are going to try and get out of this. They don't mention the seal, but do mention that it has to be not tampered with in any way. 'Dear Customer, It seems you bought wrong item, you bought the Galaxy GEAR 2 NEO which doesn't come with built-in camera. We would be happy to accept your return but the items must be in resalable condition with no damage, marks or scuffs and must be in the original packaging including the original manufacturer's box inserts, documentation, warranty cards, and all accessories. To warrant a full refund, do not, in any manner, tamper, mark, or deface original manufacturer's box. Our return address is: Dynamic-Express Unit 24 Bizspace Business Park Kings Road, Tyseley Birmingham B11 2AL Please mention your eBay I.D and reason for return. Best Regards '
  13. Yes. The address is in Birmingham. Are you sue I can still return it after the seal is broken?
  14. Thanks Silverfox. They obviously have dispatches in UK as it was next day delivery. They say in their T's & C's if it is opened, they cannot refund. I have broke the seal because all Galaxy Gear 2's have the same box. It is only the sticker they apply to the box that differentiates the things inside. Looks like I could be stumped
  15. This is the item. Looks like a business. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-SAMSUNG-GALAXY-GEAR-2-NEO-WEARABLE-SMART-WATCH-CHARCOAL-BLACK-WATCH-4-GB-/181446415643?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2a3f0c951b
  16. Hi guys. I have a Samsung Galaxy S5 and thought it would be a good idea to get the Galaxy Gear (watch) to compliment it. I looked online and looked up the lates model. That was the Galaxy Gear 2. Looked at a few sites and found one that was reasonably priced and available from the Uk at £162.80. I looked at the specs on other websites previously, and seen that the Galaxy Gear 2 has a built in camera (my main reason for getting it), so I ordered it. I recieved it today and noticed that this one has no camera. This is no fault of the seller because in his specs description, there is no mention of a camera. I had read there was a camera from another website. The model I have bought is the SM-R381, but the one I needed is the SM-R380. One number out. I know the returns laws are different for mobile devices, but do I have any chance of returning this. I have opened the box because all the boxes just say 'Galaxy Gear 2', and all look the same. Thanks in advance.
  17. I've got a mouse. It's just that I like the laptop on my lap, and have nowhere to put the mouse.
  18. Was thinking that Loccy, but was hoping it was just me doing something wrong, not knowing how to get the most out of it. Other people gave it rave reviews, and that's what made me decide to purchase it. Maybe if I just get used to the touchpad, and the other aspects of Windows 8 I will be fine. Plus, I can't be arsed sending it back
  19. LOL MD. Well the laptop arrived early and I must say, I'm not really impressed AT ALL!!!!! It looks great and has a nice feel, and the keyboard for typing is the best and easiest I have ever had. The only bad part about that is that the spacebar is in an unusual place in relation to the touchpad compared to any other laptop I have used. Now for the bad stuff. Windows 8 sucks donkey balls, so I had to install Classic Shell to give it a Windows 7 feel. It picks up fingerprints like the met office. If your fingers are even the slightest bit sweaty, you can forget gliding your finger across the touchpad. I turned off 'Tap to click' because that has always done my head in. And pinch to zoom because it was too sensitive. If you go near the corner with your cursor, all sorts of crap pop up. The games I have played on Facebook are practically the same as my old laptop. Maybe slightly less laggy. Browsing is only slightly quicker also and I use Virgin Media up to 100mg speed. I have to keep clearing cache on all browsers after a couple of hours as the page will not load (not sure what the problem is there). I don't use an external mouse so only use touchpad. I need to nearly break an index finger to do a left or right click. I installed a performance index program, and only got a score of 5.6 (which pi$$ed me off). The data transfer rate and CPU part both got 8.1 which I am happy with, but it was let down by the graphics (which I thought were gonna be great. The keyboard lights up in fancy colours which my wife likes, and it starts and shuts down as quick as lightning. Now I have only had it a day, and I have never had a laptop anywhere near these specs before. Maybe I need to tweek a few things that I have no clue about. So if anyone can give me a few simple tips, I would be really grateful. Maybe I just need to get used to it. I paid for the selling company to open the box and give the laptop a full once over to make sure all hardware and software and stuff was fine. I hope there are a few things I could try to make my £1300.00 a more enjoyable spending experience. I bought this instead of going on holiday.
  20. A woman goes into Discount Fishing Supplies to buy a rod and reel for her grandson's birthday.. She doesn't know which one to get, so she just picks one and goes over to the counter. The salesman is standing there, wearing dark shades. She says, "Excuse me. Can you tell me anything about this rod and reel?" He says, "Madam, I'm completely blind; but if you'll drop it on the counter, I can tell you everything you need to know about it from the sound it makes." She doesn't believe him but drops it on the counter anyway. He says, "That's a six-foot Shakespeare graphite rod with a Zebco 404 reel and 10-lb...Test line. It's a good all around combination, and it's actually on sale this week for $44." She says, "That's amazing that you can tell all that, just by the sound of it dropping on the counter. I'll take it!" As she opens her purse, her credit card drops on the floor. "Oh, that sounds like a Visa card," he says. As the lady bends down to pick up the card, she accidentally farts.. At first she's really embarrassed, but then realises there is no way the blind salesman would tell exactly who had farted. The man rings up the sale and says, "That'll be $58.50 please." The woman is totally confused by this and asks, "Didn't you tell me it was on sale for $44. How did you get $58.50?" "The Duck Caller is $11, and the Fish Bait is $3.50:razz:
  21. To be honest. I only play games on Facebook. The most demanding will be War Commander. But even Candy Crush Saga slows this laptop down. I just hope that the new laptop will just breeze through them games.
  22. I'm just glad it's worth the price. I will ask about creating a cache for games after it comes. It's not due until 24th-29th April. Thanks for your help.
  23. I have a couple of days to cancel if I want. So if you could fill me in about the raid stuff (I don't understand it), I would appreciate it. Thanks.
  24. I would appreciate any feedback you guys and gals can give me. I have just bit the bullet and splashed out on one of these babies. http://www.amazon.co.uk/MSI-GE70-2PE-051UK-17-3-inch-Notebook/dp/B00IZFMB6I/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1396250496&sr=8-1&keywords=MSI+GE70+2PE-051UK+Apache+Pro+17.3-inch+Gaming+Notebook+%28Black%29+-+%28Intel+Core+2.4GHz%2C+16GB+RAM+%2C+1TB+HDD%2C+2x+128GB+SSD%2C+Windows+8%29 I have never heard of the make before, but can't find much negative response on the net. It seems to have similar specs as the Dell Alienware range, but for less than half the price. I also got it for £1299 and not the £1467.22 advertised. Thoughts please.
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