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Everything posted by msowing

  1. Hi I have just won my ppi reclaim against littlewoods credit card [barclaycard]. It was £550. However they wrote today that because the account is in arrears they were using the ppi to pay off the balance on the card they are not just paying the arrears however they have paid the whole balance due £445 and credited the rest to my card for the future so i now have a credit. I cannot use the card however as there is a default against it and it is cancelled. They have failed to supply a cca whatsoever on the account and i put the account in dispute hence the arrears but the arrears are only £56.70!!!! CAN THEY DO THIS???? Thanks in advance..
  2. Hi Son got a parking ticket for half parking on double yellows [yes i know but its hard to find anywhere around here to park]. Anyway the ticket was for a**** street, pembroke however there is no a**** st in pembroke it is pembroke dock and that is where the ticket was issued.[only it says pembroke on ticket which is a another town 3 miles away] also she only waited 4 mins before issue thought i she had to wait 10mins but i may be wrong. Therefore the ticket is incorrect how do you go about fighting it for beinging wrongly written out??? Thanks in advance...
  3. subbing..... I have received a default notice from mercers but it had mercers address (po box no) not barcalycard (its a littlewoods credit card by the way)
  4. Hi diddydicky Thanks for info and link. Just looked at the envelopes and most of what M&S have sent have got the golf ball symbol on them, including the default notice.
  5. Thanks diddydicky. Thats a brilliant letter will copy it and sent it on Monday. Thanks again
  6. I have received another letter today from Rockwell this time from their pre litigation dept demanding full payment for their client M&S. They still havent sent me a cca (see above photobucket link). They have given 7 days to pay up or they are sending someone round to speak to me and then they threaten court. I heard from Rockwell on June 21st sent back the 'bemused letter', but it has just dawned on me (i know im a bit slow) that M&S had passed the debt to Rockwell when they knew that no cca was available (the said that in their letter 12th March they couldnt find it, mentioned in letter above also). How do I respond to their latest letter?? Who do I report M&S to for passing debt when they knew there was no cca?? Thanks in advance
  7. Good Luck. I hope it goes your way on Wednesday. I know exactly how you feel Bookworm been there. My son with autism is now 22yrs old, you just sort of get used to living with it. Its not easy though I see his brother getting exams, worrying bout girls, looking for work, going to uni and I know that M will never do any of that. Glad you managed to get his hair cut.
  8. Thanks again diddydicky Will now do nothing and wait.
  9. I have written to then after the first DN regarding ''non compliance of cca'' and sent a ''account in serious dispute letter do not ignore''. Does that mean that I have suggested that i consider the agreement to be current?? Sorry to sound dim.
  10. Thank You diddydicky. The second DN was exactly the same as the first except they had tripled arrears. They had however sent a demand for full payment after they issued the first DN. They have definately terminated now because they sent Rockwell after me. So the best thing to do is nothing and wait for their next move. They obviously dont have an agreement they admit that in their letter that they couldnt find it back in March.
  11. Good evening. I have finally heard from M&S concerning my cca request which I asked for in Jan 09. This is what they sent:- http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj198/welshie42/001-1.jpg http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj198/welshie42/002.jpg Looking at the application form they sent (even though its totally illegible) it looks like it belongs to someone else and all they have done is blank out their details. I know that it couldnt be anything to do with mine because the application form was blanked out with 2 persons details and mine was a single application. Also there are no T&C whatsoever just one sheet of illegible paper. Their letter says that they sent on 12th March to say that they didnt have the cca however even if they wrote it they never sent it because i didnt receive anything, the only letters i have had have been demands and default notices for non payments. They say they do not have a duty to provide a copy of my agreement under the act. Is that right? I thought they did. Anyone have any idea how i proceed next Please? They say they have for filled their obligation but i dont think they have. Thanks in advance.
  12. Hi Rockwell phoned the old number M&S had for me yesterday (belongs to a family member), but I dont live there anymore. Anyway they asked for me, said they had wrong number I didnt live there anymore (I did but moved over 6yrs ago and M&S have already tried the number several times and told they no longer had a valid phone number). Then she said she was from Rockwell and was that xxxx st. in xxxx(she said towns name), said no and then they told her to delete number (she said she would but wouldnt hold my breath) I could now use some advice please on whether im doing the right things. Do I send a bemused letter to Rockwell or a CCA request (and asking for a copy of the Notice of Assignment)? Baring in mind that I have a letter from M&S dated 9th June stating that they are looking into my complaint and to give them 10 working days. Can anyone point me in the direction of a letter I can send to M&S about passing on account when they have aknowledged my complaint?
  13. M&S still havent replied to my CCA from back in Jan. I've been defaulted twice and after I sent yet another account in dispute letter on 1st June they replied on the 9th June that they were looking into my complaint and to give them 10 working days. The 10 days arent even up and I have now received a letter from Rockwell saying they are collecting on behalf of M&S and telling me to pay up in full within 7 days. I still havent had cca from M&S and no letter to say that they were passing debt to DCA. Bemused letter to Rockwell and a stinking complaint letter to M&S about data protection being broken. Is that the correct way to do it?
  14. Hi. I have just read your threat and wanted to add my support to you. My son is autistic and is now 21yrs old. When he was 16yrs old I applied and got DLA care and mobility both high rate on a life award. I didnt even have to appeal they granted it straight off. You have probably already read this but:- To get the mobility component of Disability Living Allowance, your disability must be severe enough for you to have any of the following walking difficulties, even when wearing or using an aid or equipment you normally use: you are unable or virtually unable to walk, or you have no feet or legs you are assessed to be both 100% disabled because of loss of eyesight and not less than 80% disabled because of deafness and you need someone with you when you are out of doors you are severely mentally impaired with severe behavioural problems and qualify for the highest rate of care component the effort of walking could threaten your life or seriously affect your health you need guidance or supervision from another person when walking out of doors in unfamiliar places There are two rates of the mobility component depending on how your disability affects you: the lower rate, if you need guidance or supervision out of doors the higher rate, if you have any of the other, more severe, walking difficulties You may be entitled to only the care component or only the mobility component, or you may be entitled to both. Got my fingers crossed for you
  15. In my opinion I beleive they can charge but only a percentage of the actual cost (If im wrong someone with more knowledge will let you know) Where I live (Wales) they charge for transport. My son goes to a day centre and I have to pay for him to be picked up every day. Have you tired social services or a charity to see if they can help with the costs?
  16. Sorry that should have said 'cannot be timed' not measured (looked up my photocopies of old forms).
  17. Dont forget to write everything down on the form including all you've said about the road and buses etc, it all helps. I know its no help but I know exactly what you're going through, been there. Good luck with the claim.
  18. I was also told to use the 'cannot be measured' instead of 'how long it takes', and my sons forms were accepted without further questions.
  19. Hi I too have a severly autisitc son (he's now 22 yrs old). You can claim for mobility separately you dont have to wait until the care componant runs out. You just fill in the mobility part of the DLA form (I believe they are still on same form been a while since I filled one in). You dont have to re-apply for care (you do that when it runs out). BTW if your son has sever behaviour problems and is severly mentally impaired (sorry im not being rude about your son or making presumtions), and have higher rate care componant you can qualify for the higher rate mobility. They offer you lower first but you have to push them. Hope that helps.
  20. Anyone know please if firstly they can send DN after asking for full balance and can they issue a 2nd DN in the first place... Thanks in advance
  21. Yes I have sent disputed letter and stopped paying. Its an old chargecard account originally from 97/98. They havent sent it to a DCA yet.
  22. Hi welshmam. Thats good news. Im still waiting for my CCA request from M&S they received mine 2nd feb. Not heard a word from them concerning cca but they issued a 2nd DN last Saturday. Subbing
  23. Hi I am confused!! Back in Jan they sent a letter asking for full balance which I thought (and after advice) they had terminated account. I sent CCA request 2nd feb and no compliance letter 3 weeks later but have still received nothing not even a aknowledgement of request. I have stopped paying now. Saturday I received another DN exactly same as the other one (letter dated 13/4 received 18/4 giving 14 days from date of letter) only the arrears they ask for have trebled. Can they do that if they have already asked for full balance?
  24. Hi Sorry but dont know about the enforceablity of what you have posted (someone with better knowledge will be along im sure). However I did make a PPI claim against GE Money (Evans Store Card) and I think Debenhams are GE Money also (even if their not this might help). I was not working when I took out my card (on Carers Allowance only) but they added PPI without explaination and just had me sign it. If you ask the DWP to send you a letter stating that your mother is on benefits and for how long she has received them for (start date), then send a copy to Debenhams with a I want my PPI back letter as well, stating that mis sold because of receipt of benefits. I did that and they refunded fully plus interest 2 weeks later, I only ever send them the one letter. Good luck.
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