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Everything posted by msowing

  1. Thanks locutus Ive never heard of that before but that sound a brill idea. will do the letter for them.
  2. Thansk irpurp. Will tell send the paperwork they asked for first and if they still keep on will just send them the tenner. Not worth much more hassle for for such a small amount.
  3. Hi This is a query for my parents. In Aug my parents decided to go back to BT for their phone calls and line they were with Pipex. The contract started on 18th Aug and BT said they needed to do nothing they would do it all. When they checked their bank statements Pipex was still taking the line rental they took it for Sept and Oct, They then cancelled Direct Debit [they didnt notice before because my mam has been in hospital]. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago they had a phone call from Pipex saying that they owed them for Oct line rental. They tried to explain that they had gone back to BT and that BT had notifed them. They deny any record of them leaving so they phoned BT. BT gave them a Ref No. [well it was something like a ref no.], we wrote to Pipex via RD. Today they have written saying that they have no record of them going to BT or BT contacting Pipex even though they gave them the ref no. They now want a copy of the first bill form BT and a copy of the ''Go Live'' letter. They are having daily phone calls from Pipex. Pipex phone then ask them to hold the line until someone is available to to speak to them, they hold on for up to 10 mins at a time then the line just goes dead. My parents are getting fed up, mam is recovering from a hip replacement and dad has heart trouble and the constant harrassment is getting to them. Pipex have threatened to disconnect them which is worrying my dad making him ill. Firstly what is a ''Go Live'' letter? What can they do about the constant calls? BTW they having all this hassle for £10.22!!!!!!! Thanks in advance.
  4. Thanks bones01 Good luck to you also. Hope you win.
  5. Thanks again aa. Your information is brilliant Then its the FOS then. Will download form and fill it out over the weekend. Will do the same with Empire Stores they didnt even bother to sned me a reply at all but its been over 2 months since I sent that one. I really dont know why they do it and say no [maybe they think I will give up] I have concrete proof of Carers Allowance being received so policy was never going to valid. I intend winning these even if it means going to court.
  6. Yes sorry about that hubby had to correct I got it wrong. Did ask for it to be moved. Is there anything I can do about Comets? We phoned again yesterday and got the same answer ''part on order'' but its been on order for over 3 weeks now.
  7. Thanks aa but I have had my SAR. The letter was why I disagreed with their decision when they said no to mis selling ppi. I took apart their response and asked for a copy of the phone call which they said they made in 2005 with the upgrade for ppi. There was no mention of phone call or transcript in my SAR. Nor where there any insuarance documents. How long do I give them to reply to my letter? What can my next move be? Going to FOS takes so long, I have been waiting for over 6 months now for them to make a decision on my Great Universal ppi.
  8. Could someone move it to the correct forum please. Comets Thank you
  9. Hi We bought a 50in LCD TV from currys 4yrs ago costing £1400 and took out the extended guarentee which cost us another £350. On 28th Oct 09 we had to phone the extended guarentee because the tv had developed a fault on the screen [right in the middle of the screen its lost all the colour, ie. white background looks yellow]and is very annoying to look at. The engineer came on 5th Nov 09 looked at the tv said he didnt know what was wrong so phoned someone. he then said that some optic sensor [or something like that] has burnt out so a part would have to be ordered and it would take a week to come in. Then they would have to take tv away to install it. Its now been 3 weeks since engineer came and 4 since we reported the fault. We have phoned a few times and each time we get told the part is on order in the meantime the tv is getting worse and becoming unwatchable. How long do they have to repair the tv from ordering the part to taking it away and bringing it back? When the tv would have to be taken away for repair he said they he couldnt say how long but they could take as long as they wanted. I have read somewhere that they have a 21 day rule, but dont really know what that means. And do we actually have any right regarding the extended warrenty? Thanks in advance for any help Sorry hubby just informed me it was comets not currys we had it from [feel really stupid!]. But arent they the same store??
  10. I sent to Littlewoods via recorded delivery on 9th Nov 09 regarding their reply that they didnt think they had mis sold ppi. I stated that I thought they were wrong in their decision and also asked for a transcript of the phone call or a copy of the phone call. I havent heard anything from them. How long should I give them to reply? Thanks in advance
  11. Thanks aa Yes I have done SAR and received my SAR from Littlewoods. However there is no record of phone call made in 2005 (know I cant get alleged phone calls from 98 + 99 coz they go back to far) to ask if I wanted the new updated PPI nor is there any documentation for PPI enclosed in SAR. I did ask but they said in their letter that because it was done over the phone there was no paperwork to sign or send out. That is going to be my main arguement oh and the letter from DWP outlining my entitlement to Carers Allowance since 1994. Will write letter this weekend and get it off Monday.
  12. Hi Bach Thanks for the relpy. Its no suprise that your letter was the same. I too have 3 catalogues that I am pursuing for PPI and everyone of them sent the same letter back. What they say about the FOS I have found to be incorrect. I have written to the FOS regarding my Great Universal account PPI and they said they would look at it. The FOS have even sent for my paperwork from Great Universal (so keeping fingers crossed that they rule in my favour). Will write to Littlewoods and take their letter apart and I will enclose a copy of the DWP entitlement at time the PPI was added (I mean sold!?). I am willing to go to court over this. Good Luck with your friends claim.
  13. Hi I have been trying to get my ppi back from Great Universal. Sent them several letters, including a copy of DWP entitlement to Carers Allowance at the time PPI was applied, but they turned me down flat everytime. They are a tough bunch to crack. They are a member of Shop Direct now. In their final response they said that I couldnt go to the FOS as they werent regulated at the time the insurance was added (I mean sold?!). Went to FOS anyway and they took my case. Still waiting to hear, they are very busy so it takes time. I dont intend giving up until I have a full refund. Good Luck with your claim.
  14. I have today heard from Littlewoods. They have turned me down point blank. They say that the Insurance was sold initally in 1998, updated in 1999 and further enhancement was offered in 2005. I have never had any insurance documents and there was no copy of any policy from 2005 nor a copy of phone call or letter sent stating the updates in my SAR. They go on to say that the insurance was offered and accepted (No it wasnt) over the phone and so there is no paperwork to be signed. They say they work from a strict script to ensure the policy is acceptable to the customer (no they dont if they did they would never have sold it to me I wasnt working). They also say I had the full benefit of the cover (I didnt,how could I it was for unemployment and sickness cover). They finish by telling me that they have made their final response the matter is closed I have no claim and that I cannot go the FOS because they werent a member of the dispute resolution services until 2003. What do I do next?? Do I write again issuing court action or do I just give up?? BTW what im trying to reclaim comes to over £700 Thanks in advance
  15. I know what you mean about it explaining yourself all the time. When he was younger people actually told me on several occasions that he was a spoilt child and needed a good smack now I guess im lucky [if that the right word], that people can tell that he isnt ''normal'' [although he looks it] by his mannerisms, he flaps his arma a lot, has a lot of facial expressions and bites his fingers. I have only ever thought of the other end of the scale never thought what you go through with HF children, that must be far more difficult to deal with.
  16. I watched the program when it was on BBC3. I cried throughout. However I felt [and its probably just me and I mean no disrespect to anyone] that they focused on the high functioning people with Autism. My son is nowhere near as capable as these young men are. He has severe autism and severe learning disablities, has very little speech and cannot read or write and has the mind of a 5/6 yr old [Thomas the Tank engine is his fav] he 22yrs old A couple of people have actually said to me that they thought all autistic people were as capable as the ones on the program. I wish sometimes they would show the other end of the sprectrum.
  17. Thanks PF Will include in my letter that FOS has already upheld complaints.
  18. Thanks livingdeadguy, will do it later. I've got 2 claims in already with Shop Direct Group, Empire Stores and Great Universal. Empire are just pi**ing me around so I am awaiting SAR from them so that I can send payment request. Great Universal have point blank refused even told me I couldnt go to FOS. Did it anyway and I am awaiting FOS decision. Good Luck with your claim they are not an easy bunch to crack.
  19. Hi I am now going after Littlewoods again, tried last yr but gave up i wasnt as clued up then. I have received my SAR from them and found that I have paid £700 in ppi between 2003-2006 . My question is, Do I have to write to them first just asking for a refund [knowing last yr they said no], or do I send a demand for a full refund plus interest straight off. I know it was mis sold I wasnt working I was on benefits. There was also no insurance documents in SAR either. Thanks in advance
  20. Sorry to be a pain. I dont know what to do now!! I wrote to FOS re Littlewoods [barclaycard] not paying me what they owe from ppi claim. Today I have received a letter from FOS returning all the documentation I sent them. They have said that because I have made a complaint to Barclaycard they can do nothing, they do say that they have written to Barclaycard saying I have been in touch but cannot do anything until Barclaycard has given a final response within 8 weeks of my orginal complaint. I made the complaint on 7/08/09 giving them 14 days to pay me, when nothing came I made complaint to FOS Is there anything else I can do now? Or do I have to wait again until the 8 weeks are up [which is Octotber]. My credit card statement is showing a credit [which i didnt think you could have on a credit card] and the card had been cancelled so there is no way i can get at the money.
  21. Well Arrow Global has been quiet for over a year. However today I received a letter from First Revenue assurance saying that they are collecting on behalf of Arrow Global. The letter says "After conducting numerous searches through a variety of different sources we beleive you are residing at the above address. It is vital that you act quickly to resolve the matter below. Your file has been passed to First Revenue Assurance from Arrow Global LLC with instructions to recover the outstanding balance of xxxx.xx in full. We are instructed to report non-contact, or failure to pay our client along with recommendations on how to proceed. If you do not take action to resolve this matter immeditately, our client may commence legal proceedings. Successful Legal action may hinder an individuals ability to obtain future credit or a mortgage Litigations costs are usually payable by the debtor Application for an attachment of earnings order or earnings arrestment payable direct from your current or future employer". Then it goes on to say how to pay. The last I heard from anyone was fredricksons last year when they said they were acting for Arrow. I sent them a CCA with £1 and heard nothing back. First of all I havent moved so why they say they had done searches to find me has got to be complete rubbish. Id like to see them make an attachment of earnings order too I am on carers allowance. Do I send First Revenue a proof it letter or a bemused letter (or both)?
  22. Thanks ida. I intend [when and if i have to] pay off the £72 arrears at a £1 a month no point in giving them it all at once they not used to that..
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