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Everything posted by k1mmie

  1. congrats xeonwales, now the real fight begins with the charges! I agree make payments online with the council, that way they cannot refuse to accept them. Bailiffs wont like it, but tough luck! But still check out those levy charges that have been added.
  2. So they want you to attend their offices for an appointment and will then probably charge you a fee for doing so! Did you just get this today?
  3. Don't worry xeonwales, their job is to intimate you! Don't let it happen. I personally would not bother hanging around for them to show. But it would be interesting to see if they do turn up if they try to levy the car. They act first then think after (oh that's right, they don't)!
  4. Gone 11am, maybe you should bill them for your time waiting infor them to arrive. What fun would that be if they turned up for you to hand them an invoice!
  5. I had a similar problem, but yours is worse in that they wrote to your neighbour, which I believe is unforgiveable. I got a Notice of distress letter saying you have 5 days or we will levy goods below. I called them to say you have levied on a vehicle of a neighbour. 3 days later they wrote a very weird letter addressed to occupier at my address, stating that they were looking for me and asking how long the new occupier had lived here. Where did I move to. How much the house was sold for? etc etc.... and named the account number and the amount outstanding. WHen I put this in writing to go before a judge, the company claims this was not a breach in data protection as this was a standard letter they send out to find information. I think it is unbelievable what these companies think they can get away with - really think they are a law unto themselves!
  6. You can argue the costs etc with the bailiff company after, but as your initial concern is them turning up today, as mentioned you do not have to open the door or talk to them. There are some great templates on here with letters you can adapt regarding the bailiff company explaining their breakdown of costs etc. and all the points you raised above. Type a letter to the council explaining all this and send a copy to the bailiffs. As mentioned on here all the time, your wife will need to ask for a screenshot from the bailiff company, as this gives all the information they hold on her account and more! There is even a process in place that is free, whereby if the response is not satisfactory then your wife can make a complaint against the bailiff for the original WPO and they will have to justify their actions in court.
  7. Just don't open the door at all. They will not make payment arrangements on your doorstep, regardless of what you say. So contact the council and try to set up a payment arrangement with them. I agree, I have yet to see a bailiff turn up on time, let alone on the day when advised. Just get on with your day and make a note if they do turn up at what time and if they knock or just put a letter through the door, but Ignore them completely. Don't worry!
  8. Dont even answer the door! In all likelyhood, he wont even turn up. These people are scaremongers. Will do and say whatever they want to make you panic. Let us know what happens, but dont get into any conversation with him at all. Just make a note if he comes back of wether he knocks or pushes the letter through the door without knocking (as they have been known to do), and if you can see him from another window if it is the same bailiff.
  9. The form 4 is the complaint about the bailiff. The Reg 46 is the complaint about the council. I will PM as I dont want to flash it around. They may read these sites!!
  10. Not form 4, the Reg 46! Sorry if we were talking crossed purposes. So much going on at the moment, my head is a jumble.
  11. The local court said it was £200. I asked about a fee remission for those receiving benefits. I was told we could probably arrange a discount, to which I said I had been informed that the court service had a full fee remission if in receipt of certain benefits and had a form for this, to which she replied "oh just fill that in then". So don't think they know what they are doing really, which does not give me much confidence for the hearing. I took 5th November for my form4 complaint, as I was waiting on a specific judge who is fully booked. I could have had December in Northampron or November in Leicester. Was prepared to wait if I get the right outcome!
  12. HI. I'm back. Have a court hearing date for 5th November in Leicester. Have also put a Reg 46 in against the council and awaiting a call back to see if they intend to hold a hearing. Called me back to advise me of £200 fee, so this may put people off! Lets see what they come back with. My car has not yet been sold, but obviously I have a very fed up buyer, who does not want to wait around forever and a day. Got a letter from the local council saying as the case was in the hands of the bailiff andit was going to court (form 4), they were not prepared to comment. Who's telling who here? Seems like the council have handed it over to the bailiff and washed their hands of it completely.
  13. This is interesting as A Notice of Distress is all I had received from Newlyn, as a form of levy. Total incompetence. Added charges. Clamped my car, took my car and 4 days later sent me a letter Notice prior to removal of Goods! Don't think incompetence sums these idiots up!
  14. Blasted cheek! Didn't think they could take things you needed anyway like a washing machine! These people really have no morals. One of mine had a big flashy silver badge round his neck though that he was so proud of he kept flashing at me. Think he thought he looked cool, like starsky and hutch!
  15. Just got a letter this morning saying. Before District Judge ***** Upon reading the court file It Is Ordered that 1. The claimant shall by 27th August 2009 file and serve: a) a copy of the original agreement b)a copy of the Default Notice c) a copy of the Assignment d) a copy of the Notice of Assignment and in default the claim be struckout. 2.This order was made of the Courts own initiative pursuant to CPR Part 3.3(4). You may apply to set aside, vary or stay the order but such application must be made within 7 days of receiving the order (CPR part 3.3.(5) and (6). Is this good or bad news and how do Cabot usually act?
  16. I received the AQ, and the allocation to my local court. Filed it in person on last day due. (thought I would give them a taste of their own medicine). WHat now? I have had absolutely nothing from Cabot. Does this mean that they requested a hearing or the court just follow a procedure as they have not heard from them. I called the court and all she said was that it has to wait to be allocated a hearing. So not sure if Cabot are pursuing this or the system! WOuld I know or just turn up to a court hearing and see if they turn up? Bear in the mind the last letter said account suspended until paperwork produced!
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