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  1. Hi TomTubby....I don't know if you remembered that we've been in contact about this. We have In answer to your question : I have got the name of the bailiff involved. He was apparantly certified by Croydon. I dont know if they revoked his certificate for his actions as i was too stressed out to get involved when the court asked me to reply get more involved. In the end they dismissed it. That was the complaint part. I'm much stronger and ready to take dem to court in the name of a heavy law suit.
  2. Most definatley would accept any help...just dunno where to start. Citizens advice....don't have much confidence in them as i'd be dealing with my own borough. Not sure if it make a difference but it feels that way.
  3. Months later...got my car back and got rid of it to ease the bad memories...the dmn thing stressed me out bad. I'm sat here looking at the paper work. Wanna take these guys to court. What do i do ? Go to croydon's citizen advice to get them to help me sue or claim compensation again their very own borough ? I don't know. The whole ordeal has cost me my girl, my car that i had to repair and sell on and life changing summer of stress.
  4. Yea...sure Fair parking...go for it. I don't know why i didn't get an update about your submission to the forum on here. Sorry for the late response.
  5. I havn't got specifics at the moment. However the warrant was scrutinized by a legal expert. The form used and issued by Croydon council had reference to something (legislation) that had been abolished in 1994.
  6. Just so you guys know. The car was released at no cost but damages etc still outstanding. I was told that the document/form used as a warrant was outdated (legislation reference). I don't know what happened next...i was too stressed to chase up. These people wreck lives...and if mankind to make them pay....life will. trust me!!!
  7. Hi, I'm glad that Justice is taking course. I've made a complaint to Croydon about a newlyn bailiff too. Heads shall roll !! Here's my case where they smashed the window to get my girlfriend out of the car then towed a vehicle against the law. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bailiffs-sheriff-officers/195037-newlyn-smashed-up-car.html Good luck...i wish i could contribute my case to that hearing . Kenze
  8. Think newlyn might be trying it. The first couple of working days after they wrongfully towed the vehicle i insisted on speaking to someone from the head office. When i tried this i was told that i can only discuss the matter with the bailiff who shattered the window. I didn't want to do this because he seemed incompetent and unprofessional. I wanted to get formal documentation and a fee breakdown. I was left with no option but to speak to a one man band about this matter. When i did he said £1400 in total for the fees and vehicle release. The Finance company was quoted approx £300. This doesn't make sense. I got contact details for the person that quoted the Finance company. He must have realised that i was trying to record the call and said that he'll call me back. I then got a call back from the Head Office (from which i was unable to get any prior information) i asked them to send me hard copies of the breakdown of fees. I finally received a letter in the post from them yesterday. They sent me....two docs related to the two tickets. However....one's for approx £1000 and the other for approx £400. Is this some kind of defensive tactic ? How does two tickets issued days apart from each other amount to that ? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Regards Kenze
  9. Thanks Happy, I forgot to mention that he grabbed my bunch of keys and refused to give them back. Then took the car keys and buggered off. GOD knows what they've done to it. The i've sent the formal bailiff complaint to Croydon Council. The bailiffs didn't leave any documentation of fees with me. I have his mobile number. I think he knows that i've paid the council for the tickets. Should i ask him to send them now or is it too late ? Should i ask logbook loans to get the car back for me now ? They were quoted about £300 to get the car back but under the condition that i pick the car up. I don't think they have repaired the glass.
  10. Read the email sent by my cousin below : To whom it may concern, I would like to know where or whom I should complain to about a recent visit from Newlyn Bailiffs sent by a local authority for outstanding parking fines on my cousins motor vehicle, a 2002 Toyota Celica. The vehicle was apparently photographed with two wheels on the curb on two occasions, parking fines where dispatched to my cousins previous address as he had not changed the V5 DVLA vehicle registration document advising the change of address ( he has taken out a log book loan with a broker and had not finished repaying so the V5 was not in his possession to send to the DVLA to advise this change). On Saturday 4th April 2009, a Bailiff vehicle with Automatic Number Plate Recognition cameras identified the Toyota as being a vehicle with outstanding parking fines. The Bailiffs clamped the car around 6AM in the morning. My cousin discovered the clamp around 11AM apon leaving his new address, two Bailiffs were standing by the vehicle, when asked why they had clamped the car they explained there was a Warrant Of Execution for two unpaid penalty charges, £155 for each PCN totalling £310 from Bromley Council, plus £690 Bailiffs charges, my cousin called me for help in settling this financial matter. Apon my arrival my cousin advised me the Bailiffs had called a tow truck to take the car away as he could not come up with the money immediately, From the Bailiffs I requested that they provide documentation showing the warrant they were executing and for them to show some identification. They took my cousin over to their van and opened a laptop computer and showed him two Warrant Of Execution documents, he requested a printout so the Bailiff went away for a period and came back with this, they also showed him their ID's. I offerred to pay the £310 for the unpaid penalty charges on my credit card and this was promptly refused as they demanded £1000 or the car would be taken, I explained to them that I would not be willing to put that amount on my card and that taking the car would not be an option if they refused my offer of payment, their response was to call the Police on a pretext that there was about to be a breach of the peace. I recognized this as a intimidating tactic and suggested that they do call the Police as their charges were grossly exuberant and it appeared they were piggy backing the justice system to extort money for their own a personal gain or for others. Two Police officers arrived promptly and later a tow truck, my cousins girlfriend sat in his Toyota vehicle while he ran around trying to contact the local authority to verify the unpaid penalty claims made by the two Bailiffs, as he had no previous knowledge of fines being levied against the vehicle. This took some time to get through to anyone so the Bailiffs started started knocking on his front door demanding that he come out. After an hour of pleading for the Bailiff to accept my offer of £310 another Police Officer arrived (I am not sure why there was a need for three police officers as there was no raised voices or gestures being offered to the two Bailiffs). Two hours passed and a further two police officers arrived, now a total of five police officers. The Bailiffs still being unable to tow the vehicle as the young lady was still sat inside with the doors locked were no becoming angry and calling me an idiot as I was telling them their actions were unprofessional. The police officers were now fed up at being called to this dispute and getting deperate to go, telling us "the car now belong to the court as there was a Warrant of Executon", I told them respectively that they were wrong. In fact one said to my cousin, "can't you see that you have got five police officers here when that could be doing something more important", I asked the officer "why is there five of you here", he turned to me but could not provide an answer. The Bailiff asked the tow truck driver for help in opening up the car door, he refused and said he was only there to tow the car and is not getting involved. One of the Bailiffs (Mr Gideon Grundeling) then went to his van and came back with a car jack, he went away again and came back with a wheel brace and immediately started smashing at the drivers window, the first three blows echoed the street, the fourth blow shattered the drivers car door window showering the visibly shaken lady in shards of glass. The Bailiff entered the Toyota from the drivers side, reached over and opened the passengers door, one of the five police officers who stood by watching the Bailiffs unlawful actions approached the youg lady still sitting in the car and said she would be arrested for obstruction if she did not leave the vehicle, so she did. The tow truck which had already lowered its spectacle lifts behind the wheels of the Toyota very quickly lifted the car and drove away, followed by the Bailiffs in their van and three police cars, leaving us with no notice that the car had been seized. The young lady was not cut by the flying glass luckily, but she was clearly shaken by the experience. The police who (apparently) have a duty of care to us citizens showed none, I hate to think what could have happened if the wheel brace flew out of his hand into the car. I have since paid the outstanding fines directly to the local authority on behalf of my cousin, but I can't stomach paying extortion money, so unfortunately they still have the car and have since added charges for the tow truck and storage, they are now asking for £1400..........help. OK SO THAT WAS THE EMAIL.... The car is under finance with logbook loans. Logbook loans contacted me saying that the bailiffs had been in touch with them and that they invoiced them around £300 to release the car. I told them not to get involved. So i spoke to the bailiffs like a day later and then quoted me £802.93 for the release. They still havn't said anything about the repair of my vehicle yet. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!!
  11. Over five of my neighbors have volunteered to be witnesses. How do i go about making this into a separate thread ?? I'm new to this.
  12. The police basically added to their numbers threatening to arrest my girl for obstruction.Then the bailiff yanked out his wheel brace and broke the glass the whole street came out enraged and in protest. I wonder how comes the loans company gave me such a low figure and when i confronted them about it i'm being told tripple that. I sent a formal complaint to the courts. Don't know what to do about the vehicle...leave it or pay a leg and an arm to recovery it while this bailiff continues to mess people's lives up.
  13. NEWLYN TOWED MY CAR AND THE BROKE THE CAR GLASS WITH MY GIRLFRIEND IN IT !!!!! Read the email sent by my cousin below : To whom it may concern, I would like to know where or whom I should complain to about a recent visit from Newlyn Bailiffs sent by a local authority for outstanding parking fines on my cousins motor vehicle, a 2002 Toyota Celica. The vehicle was apparently photographed with two wheels on the curb on two occasions, parking fines where dispatched to my cousins previous address as he had not changed the V5 DVLA vehicle registration document advising the change of address ( he has taken out a log book loan with a broker and had not finished repaying so the V5 was not in his possession to send to the DVLA to advise this change). On Saturday 4th April 2009, a Bailiff vehicle with Automatic Number Plate Recognition cameras identified the Toyota as being a vehicle with outstanding parking fines. The Bailiffs clamped the car around 6AM in the morning. My cousin discovered the clamp around 11AM apon leaving his new address, two Bailiffs were standing by the vehicle, when asked why they had clamped the car they explained there was a Warrant Of Execution for two unpaid penalty charges, £155 for each PCN totalling £310 from Bromley Council, plus £690 Bailiffs charges, my cousin called me for help in settling this financial matter. Apon my arrival my cousin advised me the Bailiffs had called a tow truck to take the car away as he could not come up with the money immediately, From the Bailiffs I requested that they provide documentation showing the warrant they were executing and for them to show some identification. They took my cousin over to their van and opened a laptop computer and showed him two Warrant Of Execution documents, he requested a printout so the Bailiff went away for a period and came back with this, they also showed him their ID's. I offerred to pay the £310 for the unpaid penalty charges on my credit card and this was promptly refused as they demanded £1000 or the car would be taken, I explained to them that I would not be willing to put that amount on my card and that taking the car would not be an option if they refused my offer of payment, their response was to call the Police on a pretext that there was about to be a breach of the peace. I recognized this as a intimidating tactic and suggested that they do call the Police as their charges were grossly exuberant and it appeared they were piggy backing the justice system to extort money for their own a personal gain or for others. Two Police officers arrived promptly and later a tow truck, my cousins girlfriend sat in his Toyota vehicle while he ran around trying to contact the local authority to verify the unpaid penalty claims made by the two Bailiffs, as he had no previous knowledge of fines being levied against the vehicle. This took some time to get through to anyone so the Bailiffs started started knocking on his front door demanding that he come out. After an hour of pleading for the Bailiff to accept my offer of £310 another Police Officer arrived (I am not sure why there was a need for three police officers as there was no raised voices or gestures being offered to the two Bailiffs). Two hours passed and a further two police officers arrived, now a total of five police officers. The Bailiffs still being unable to tow the vehicle as the young lady was still sat inside with the doors locked were no becoming angry and calling me an idiot as I was telling them their actions were unprofessional. The police officers were now fed up at being called to this dispute and getting deperate to go, telling us "the car now belong to the court as there was a Warrant of Executon", I told them respectively that they were wrong. In fact one said to my cousin, "can't you see that you have got five police officers here when that could be doing something more important", I asked the officer "why is there five of you here", he turned to me but could not provide an answer. The Bailiff asked the tow truck driver for help in opening up the car door, he refused and said he was only there to tow the car and is not getting involved. One of the Bailiffs (Mr Gideon Grundeling) then went to his van and came back with a car jack, he went away again and came back with a wheel brace and immediately started smashing at the drivers window, the first three blows echoed the street, the fourth blow shattered the drivers car door window showering the visibly shaken lady in shards of glass. The Bailiff entered the Toyota from the drivers side, reached over and opened the passengers door, one of the five police officers who stood by watching the Bailiffs unlawful actions approached the youg lady still sitting in the car and said she would be arrested for obstruction if she did not leave the vehicle, so she did. The tow truck which had already lowered its spectacle lifts behind the wheels of the Toyota very quickly lifted the car and drove away, followed by the Bailiffs in their van and three police cars, leaving us with no notice that the car had been seized. The young lady was not cut by the flying glass luckily, but she was clearly shaken by the experience. The police who (apparently) have a duty of care to us citizens showed none, I hate to think what could have happened if the wheel brace flew out of his hand into the car. I have since paid the outstanding fines directly to the local authority on behalf of my cousin, but I can't stomach paying extortion money, so unfortunately they still have the car and have since added charges for the tow truck and storage, they are now asking for £1400..........help. OK SO THAT WAS THE EMAIL.... The car is under finance with logbook loans. Logbook loans contacted me saying that the bailiffs had been in touch with them and that they invoiced them around £300 to release the car. I told them not to get involved. So i spoke to the bailiffs like a day later and then quoted me £802.93 for the release. They still havn't said anything about the repair of my vehicle yet. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!!
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