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The GodMother

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Everything posted by The GodMother

  1. Safe to ignore. I would tell thrm to in future make sure all contact is via royal mail.
  2. Wow l was told if discontinued it could not be. Oh well does not matter. The OP now knows what to expect. Lots of begging letters l would just ignore them but file them with a date received on back. Only act when you get something worth it.
  3. Yw. When you get it. Put it in your file of info the good news is a new claim cant be started against you.
  4. Well it could still be in the post RM are a bit slow here atm. Failibg that wont be the first and not the last were a claimant has not done as they should.
  5. Sounds like you have won. Maybe they did not expect you to defend. I would call the court to see when it was sent it can take a couple of days
  6. Bàsed on google search it means a couple of this. The court case can be adjurned but brought back if you get in arrers again.
  7. Studio cards were recently took over by Frasers group/Mike Ashley After looking on the website l found this. Studio is a trading name of Studio Retail Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for consumer credit and general insurance. Studio Retail Limited is a member of the Finance and Leasing Association (FLA). We adhere to the FLA’s Lending Code. Please contact us for a free copy of the Code. Registered in England. No: 718151. Registered Office: Church Bridge House, Henry Street, Accrington BB5 4EE VAT No.: 125688644
  8. Studio l think is the girlfriends. So she should be paying it IMO. He could CCA or SAR them and see what was brought but then again l do suspect he would not remember anything from it. Sky they dont do CCAs so maybe a SAR and see what it says
  9. Yes l know but its a legal request and they can legally be awkward.
  10. What l never found was if anybody refused the loan and what happened. I mean surly they would have had to agreed and had payment a loan before you owed them the money.
  11. post 11 clearly states:- Vanquish 2 The £400 one is for 2 Provident Loans Possibly prior to 2017 as the letter l have is chasing January 2017. and its Fresh Start Vanquish Bank. It advises the debt was sold to the in December 2016. So assuming what the OP has wrote here is correct then it is 2 provident loans and a fresh start Vanquis bank. Upon googling Vanquis fresh tart bank l have come across a post that you have commented on DX regarding these being some type of scam. Another one where you call them Ruddy fleecers!! So based on a google search it was Provident selling a debt to Provident and calling it a fresh start loan.
  12. they cant all debt got wiped from what l understand Important update about our loans service We are closing Provident Personal Credit We’ve made the decision to close Provident Personal Credit (PPC) on 31st December 2021. If you have a balance outstanding with PPC, we’ll be clearing it on that date. Over the years, we’ve been proud to help people who needed a loan. However, the tough economic situation meant that Provident stopped lending earlier this year and now we’re closing altogether. There is nothing you need to do. You can stop making payments on your outstanding loans owed to PPC and if your payments are taken by the Continuous Payment Authority (CPA), we will stop these for you. Any payments made after 31st December 2021 will be paid back to you. If you’re in arrears or didn’t pay your loan within the time we agreed when you got your loan, we’ll update your file with our Credit Reference Agency to show the balance as zero and partially settled. | Provident WWW.PROVIDENTPERSONALCREDIT.COM Important update about our loans service. Tho this does not count as far as l am aware if you debt has been sold to a DCA. From Memory Vanquis is owned by the main company of provident. The link above will help
  13. As l said it might be a hotel that he stays in and you would have thought that the hotel would have been informed. Even air b&b etc. Just because they are not having residents does not mean they dont need informing.
  14. It use to be £10 but l dont know if its now free under the GDPR. Rules changed and l dont remember as l have not used it in a while. @dx100uk can you let me know.
  15. Resident or Not The OP may be renting a room house owned buy work place or the college/university in Ipswich or even a hotel room. Either way they should have been informed this was happening in advance.
  16. A SAR does not need a account number. Its all the Information they have on the person wanting the info. Provident loans well provident is gone now so you might be best applying for the ccas and go from there. Same with Vanquis they know the rules. Mortimer Clarke sounds close to statue barred so trying to sneek in before hmm l would say a CPR request as its sounding like getting legal now.
  17. It seems to be a transunion problem as l know several people who are have TU issues but they were not there when it was Credit Karma. Eg my name they are refusing to accept they are the only credit reporting company that has my name wrong even saying how the bank has been telling them its a name l have not used for nearly 21 years been to bank, l was not even with that bank 21 yrs ago, and provided them all the info they have investigated and they gave me all the info logged a complaint and even that showed the bank were not at fault. Gave all the info to TU they still dont accept they are wrong. Logged a FOC ICO etc complaint ICO got info from TU saying they were now using my correct name 3 months after the complaint lodged. Then l found out that TU has changed my middle name and they dont accept that even though their own records show that when KC it was correct and before l lodged my last name complaint it was correct and they say its bank. its not as the previous complaint says its not. Now they have again suddenly changed the info to correct info. just waiting for it to change back.
  18. No expert but l will assist with a bump. @dx100uk @Andyorch @unclebulgaria67 @FTMDave Can any of you advise this guy.
  19. LinkedIn is another good place to look. My Son put his CV on there and had 20 offers of a job in 36 hours. been promoted internally 3 times since October last year when he started there. Were looking at another promotion again some time soon and a 12 week all expenses paid trip up North for him further work.
  20. I would not be bailing my son out learn to stand on his own feet. The police wont really do anything just tell you to contact action fraud
  21. Deffo sound desperate think the barrel needs a new bottom based on this. Tho thanks l can say this is the longest one l have heard.
  22. I know what the OP has put Dx its just that the claimant has said they got it for him. Putting the claimant the money was only paid out due to them getting it for the OP or even the initial contact from the claimant would be necessary IMO.
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