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Everything posted by flumps1976

  1. what were you sanctioned for? If it was due to failing to attend an appointment or signing then it is a fixed 4 or 13 week sanction and the claim should restart from the day following the end of the sanction. If it was a disallowance following an availability or actively seeking referral then under the new sanction regime it is a 2 week disallowance followed by an additional 2 weeks sanction, due to hte initial disallowance form JSA4rr is required to reinstate the JSA award.
  2. http://england.shelter.org.uk/get_advice/housing_benefit_and_local_housing_allowance/discretionary_housing_payments each local authority has it's own criteria for DHP.
  3. The receipts that are available in JCP are purely to record a valuable item being received, birth,marriage,death certificate, savings passbook, passport, girocheque, bank cheque or cash. They are not designed for confirming receipt of claim forms.
  4. UC will be based under a new system which considers the adults within the family/household claim ,so as a couple you may both be required to sign a claimant commitment contract if you are not working full time, if you secure full time employment it may purely be you partner that needs to attend to agree a commitment contract. Only one of the couple will be paid but the household unit must all satisfy the conditions of claiming for payment to be made. appointments would be booked with plenty of notice with an opportunity for them to be rearranged in the event of extra hours being offered on the same day or sickness.
  5. Would you normally receive payment of JSA or are you a credits only case? If you normally receive payment and have disallowed under the actively seeking element then if there is doubt that you have not met the steps as agreed within the JSAg you can be disallowed for a period of either 1 or 2 weeks followed by a further financial penalty of a 2 week sanction. If this is the case then yes as your claim was disallowed you are required to reclaim by completing form JSA4rr. The disallowance can be from missing one step as agreed on the JSAg as well as failing to apply for any vacancies that can be identified that you could have been expected to apply for. How long ago were you disallowed and was there a gap between the decision, the completion and handing in the JSA44 form, as if you were disallowed then you don't have an existing claim for JSA until the JSA4 has been received and processed at the BC.
  6. If you are/were a credits only case then you should not be referred for DMA action.
  7. My understanding from my recent overview of Universal Credit is that all clients receiving Universal Credit will be required to sign a claimant commitment contract, the actual contract will then be tailored to the individuals circumstances.
  8. I think that it should be ok if you transfer from the JSA claim to a claim in a new claim for IS in your own name. You will have already served the waiting period so you shouldn't have to serve it again, but I'm not a processing officer so am not 100% certain.
  9. http://england.shelter.org.uk/get_advice/housing_benefit_and_local_housing_allowance/discretionary_housing_payments I would advise contacting Shelter to find out if you could reclaim any money you struggled to pay before you claimed the DHP.
  10. Is the mortgage in joint names or solely in one name? If a sole name would that be yours or your partners? https://www.gov.uk/support-for-mortgage-interest/overview
  11. dogbonday there is no definition of vunerable for DWP, it depends on how the person present themselves at the office, some people may be vunerable at 9am when te office opens but depending on actions needed and undertaken they may no longer be classed as vunerable at 2pm for example.
  12. http://www.turn2us.org.uk/benefits_search.aspx this link should be able to help you figure out if you would receive any help from the local authority. as posted above as a single person you would not qualify for jsa working 16 hours per week so a sanction for leaving voluntarily or being dismissed for misconduct would not be considered if you did not pursue a claim for jsa
  13. nystagmite, from the training we had yes any change following October will transfer the claim to the new benefit, be it PIP or UC. Working tax credits will remain in payment but if there is a change of cicumstances reported after October the client will transfer to UC
  14. Sorry Casper i was referring to the poster above you Nation_Of_Poverty. Casper you would be best starting your own thread tbh.
  15. You may be looked at for a fictious desertion/separation claim If you are geographically separated but still maintaining a relationship then technically you could still be expected to remain as a couple for any benefit claims.
  16. Also if a customer contacts to report a change in circu,stances for any benefit that falls under the UC umbrella from October 2013 will automatically need to claim Universal Credit instead of te change to an existing award of JSA/BH for example.
  17. The ES19 form is only valid for the next booked attendance and will not carry on for any further appointments or signings.
  18. The decision is not made by JCP the referral is swent via JCP to DMA who will consider the infornation provided by the client and the applications that could have bben made and other activities as per the JSAg and action plan (work program provider agreement). If a decision is made that the client cannot be treated as actively seeking for the period it is a disallowance for 2 weeks with a further referral ade at the end of that period for consideration of a 2 week sanction as per the revised guidance from October 2012. A 4 week sanction is the outcome following first failure to attend a signing or work program appointment without good cause. Your partner can request a reconsideration of the decision if they are able to provide new and additional information to what was originally provided. If applications were made via email then you can print those off and send with the reconsideration request. On the letter you can request that the decision needs to be referred for appeal if the decision is not reconsidered favourably. (although this also looked at automatically on receipt of the appeal).
  19. I don't know about changing you advisor at Ingenue sorry it won't hurt to ask. You should advise them that you have declare a period of sickness so that is on your record as yes they will automatically refer to DMA for a possible sanction even though the JCP have received the JSA28.
  20. If the client does not allow DWP access to view the account then no it can not be accessed.
  21. I couldn't afford to go out on strike and lose a days pay so I went into work as normal, and it was business as normal. The work to rule will have far more impact when staff work their offical hours only so that here will be a backlog building once again. There is another 1/2 day walk out planned for 5th April.
  22. The advisor has breached security, this needs to be reported and you ned to contact the JCP advisor manager to discuss this. The emails that are sent out in a bulk mailing should always be set to bcc no cc so that nobody else receives any information that is persnal to customers or about other customers. good grief we receive regular security bulletins about this so in all honesty they should have known better and there is also meant to be an emailblock in the signature of the sender to make them stop and think if the settings are right and should the email be sent out of the gsi network.
  23. pastanutty, once universal credit rolls out you will be called in yourself, to sign your own claimant commitment. I don't know what the work program will do with/for your wife sorry, only the work program will know what they have planned, at the present time she is the work related group and they will be trying to work wth her towards becoming job ready so your one option is to go to the CAB and get advise regarding the appeal t be placed in the support group.
  24. yes you are still required to attend all appointments at seetec until you are either placed in the support group or your claim closes.
  25. The have to show that the business need would not support your request. they can't just deny your application. If you partner is working 23 hours and they can't increase their hours then you will only be looking at child benefit and child tax credits as you need more hours as a couple to claim and receive working tax credits, so you would need to declare your change of cicumstances and income to the local authority and they can then assess your claim to determine if you would continue to have entitlement or not. http://www.turn2us.org.uk/benefits_search.aspx have a look at this site and it should hopefully give you an idea of income. have you also considered that with both of you working you may be entitled to help weith childcare costs via tax credits which would enable you to find a nursery/childminder to have your baby for some part of the day allowing you work, not ideal but it may be an option whilst you decide what to do or find alternative employment.
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