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  1. Sorry, I was getting confused with contribution based JSA. Will need to think of a plan b!
  2. Hi there, I've been using this forum for advice throughout my benefits journey having returned to reside in the UK in December. At present, I am receiving IB JSA jointly along with my partner. Initially, our claim was refused as I own a property in my sole name which was rented until February 2013. That was classed as a "second property" hence the refusal until we moved back into the property. We have a little girl aged 17 months. The strain of returning to the UK with no money has taken it's toll on our relationship and we are to separate. I understand that after our separation I would require to claim Income Support which is not means tested. We have agreed that I shall stay in my property with our daughter. If possible however, I would like to move to a 2 bedroom property closer to my parents as my property only has 1 bedroom. My query is as follows, as Income Support is not means tested, would I be able to rent out my property and receive an income from that whilst claiming Hosing Benefit for another property? Many thanks lisestar
  3. Sorry I should have said, the mortgage is in my sole name.
  4. Thank you both for your responses, they were extremely helpful, at least I now know where I stand.
  5. I am currently claiming IB JSA jointly with my partner. My partner is the principal claimant. We have recently applied for mortgage interest relief in relation to my flat having been on benefits for more than 12 weeks. It looks like I may be separating from my partner. As such I'm trying to find out if we separate and I go on to income support (we have a daughter aged 1) whether I would need to wait another 12 weeks as I'm a new claimant or whether the MIR payments could continue albeit in my sole name? Any advice would be gratefully appreciated.
  6. I am currently living with my partner and it looks likely we are going to separate. We have a joint/couple claim and currently receive IB JSA. We have a child aged 1 and she would stay with me after the split. I understand I could claim Income Support as I'm unable to work due to looking after our daughter. I have 2 queries I need help with:- 1. If my partner subsequently gets a job would that mean the CSA would automatically become involved or if we have an agreement between ourselves with regard to maintenance can we agree that the CSA do not need to be involved? 2. Does anyone know how much I can receive by way of maintenance before it would affect my Income Support. Answers to either of the above would be greatly appreciated.
  7. Sorry, I didn't make that very clear, I only own one property, the flat in question. We are currently staying with my parents. The flat I own is subect to an interest only mortgage. The mortgage itself is approximately £60,000 and the flat is worth approx £90,000.
  8. Hi Having moved back to the UK after living in Spain for 7 years myself & my partner applied for income-based JSA as we were told we would not be entitled to contribution based JSA as we hadn't made any contributions for the last 2 years. Our claim was refused on the basis we have savings over the £16,000 limit. I have a flat in my sole name which is rented out. It made a loss during the last tax year so there was no rental income. There is about £30,000 worth of equity in the flat and having phoned to obtain further info as to why the claim was refused, I was informed it was on the basis of the equity in the property. The flat is currently rented however the tenant is due to move out next month & we are going to move back in. My query is - if we reside in the flat as our principal home, is the equity still taken into account and we would still get nothing? And if it is disregarded can we make an appeal now or would we have to submit a fresh claim after we have moved back in? Many thanks Lisestar
  9. Hi, myself & my partner have just moved back to the UK from Spain along with our 1 year old daughter as my partner was made redundant. We have an appointment with the local Jobcentre tomorrow but before I go I wanted to be up to speed on what we might be entitled to. 1. We have been in Spain for 7 years, prior to that both of us worked in the UK. Would we be entitled to contribution based JSA or do your contributions have to be recent and if so, would we be entitled to income based JSA. 2. I have a flat that is currently rented. It was purchased in 2005 and there's a mortgage on it of £60K and I think it's currently worth about £90K - would that render us ineligible on capital grounds? We are staying with my parents just now as the property is rented. Any info/advice anyone has on this would be greatly appreciated. lisestar
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