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Everything posted by flumps1976

  1. The PIP is usually paid for a 4 week period as it is paid in arrears, and if you are disallowed you will not keep the payments pending the mandatory reconsideration or appeal process.
  2. Actually I see a lot of medical reports completed by Doctors. The Doctors can charge the Assmessment providers or the DWP for them completing the reports and I also frequently see those requests too. Unfortunately a lot of the reports I do see are marked up as not known, or patient not seen in last 12 months prescription ongoing no specialist support etc.
  3. The reports that I have seen, yes they will confirm your diagnosed conditions, prescribed medications if they know if you have any specialist support and there are questions about how you can cope with things such as communicating, making decisions, preparing food, dressing etc If the GP doesn't know they will usually leave that answer blank or strike through with not known
  4. You can claim ESA for credits only for the period you are unwell. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/514107/WTC5_04_16_V1.0.pdf check that link it should give you some information page 4 of 24 shows you can get help if one of the couple is working at least 16 hours per week and the other is either an inpatient in hospital and getting a benefit for incapacity or illness. So I would say that as long as you caim ESA credits only you can then prove you have claimed it and can get the allowable costs reimbursed and then to continue for as long as the help is needed.
  5. She can keep the claim open for her NI credits only as the child benefit only cover for a few years now anyway. She will still be part of the medical assessment process though so will still be reassessed however frequently the reviews take place.
  6. http://www.entitledto.co.uk/benefits-calculator/startcalc.aspx?e2dwp=y try this website, you can always book an appointment with a work coach at the jobcentre if the figures come out ok for you as you may be entitled to some help through the new enterprise allowance but only if you get the help before setting up the business. https://www.gov.uk/new-enterprise-allowance
  7. They won't close your claim, you may receive a reminder letter and your payments could be suspended pending receipt of your fit note. I never worked on ESA processing but I believe that you need to have at least 3 days in the benefit week to have any payment issued whilst waiting for a new fit note to be received so there is a possibility that you will not get that payment when you expect it. However you can arrange to take the fit note into you local jobcentre and have it sent via scan and request that payment is issued ASAP. Given that it can take 10 working days to be received at the Mail Opening Unit then uploaded and then wait for it to be made available to view I really do not recommend posting it that close if you need that payment on time.
  8. I don't deal with Universal Credit anymore but know that they expanded the types of claims and more offices have rolled out fully now. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/benefits/universal-credit/before-you-apply/eligibility-non-british-citizen/ This is all I can find, as you are claiming an Income Based benefit which is Universal Credit either for help with your housing costs or a top up of your earnings you will still need to satisfy the conditions of entitlement if you want to continue with the application.
  9. Hi I certainly didn't take anything personally The 56 days is there and as I stated previously unless the mother voluntarily relinquishes the relevant benefits then the decison will not change regardless of your friend making a mandatory reconsideration request or appeal. I was speaking to someone at work today who also used to work in benefit processing and jobcentre and they seem to recall that the 56 days is there as sometimes a child will go and stop with the other parent for the duration of school holidays but still remain resident with the main parent so it was to protect that claim, how true that is I don't know sorry and have been out of the jobcentre for several months now and processing for many years prior to that.
  10. Do you have any children living at home? Either one of you could claim JSA however if there are no children you may both have to make a joint claim as a couple and both have to sign on, also depends if you are in a full roll out UC area or not. You cannot go straight on to extended period of sickness and you will still have a claimant commitment during that period but it would be restricted to what is reasonable in your circumstances, no guarantee that the travel time would be reduced either sorry. But if you have children in the household you can request the mandatory reconsideration and your wife could look at claiming JSA until that decision is made. It does depend on your circumstances.
  11. The only way to speed things up is to get the mother to write a letter relinquishing her claim for child benefit and tax credits for the child, but she is under no obligation to do this and from what you posted is highly unlikely to do that. As for the 56 days I have no idea where that figure came from sorry and not going to add my personal opinions as they won't change the outcome. Hope things are sorted soon
  12. The claims aren't suspended for non receipt of a form they are closed. The only thing I can think of is to ask for an AJCS (customer service) appointment at the JCP office to make a statement of what happened and to have a duplicate ESA50 handed to you to complete and send via scan to the Benefit Centre. The staff in the JCP are no allowed to completed the ESA50 for or with you and can only give you the duplicate form. Once that form has been scanned across you can request an urgent decision to consider a mandatory reconsideration of the decision to close your claim. There is no guarantee that this will work though sorry, but it will be better than having to consider a claim to JSA.
  13. That is the case sorry, the other parent can continue to have the entitlement to receive the child benefit and all associated benefits for a period of 56 days unless they relinquish it voluntarily earlier than that. Your friend could approach the mother and ask her to make a contribution towards his living costs during that period but she is under no legal obligation to do that. There is very little that the other organisations such as the local authority can do until the relevant benefits are paid. I used to be a processing officer for DWP Income Support and would have claims waiting for the full 8 weeks before I could make a decision and have the parent on the phone either desperate and not knowing what to do or where to turn or the extreme of shouting that it was me personally holding everything up. I would have thought that nearly 20 years later things would have improved but sadly not. https://www.gov.uk/child-benefit-child-lives-with-someone-else your friend you try to show the mother this link that does state she may wish to consider making a contribution for their sons upkeep but again not legally binding. Tax Credits are not usually paid without the child benefit being paid but there are exceptions to this, it may be worth getting in contact with CAB or even local MP.
  14. Previously working in a JCP office I saw a lot of people who asked about permitted work and the vast majority were approved by the ESA Decision Maker team if they were if the WRAG or the SG as being int eh sG means you are likely to need more support not totally written off for everything. I have only even permitted work turned down if the work went against the reasons they were signed off by their GP eg severe back pain and wanting to do Permitted work as a labourer on a building site with part of the job role to include heavy lifting. Voluntary work is nearly always accepted as long as it is reasonable again you wouldn't be accepted if you were to volunteer for the labouring job if signed off with severe back pain. The paid work of 40 hours for 4 weeks would terminate your claim i'm afraid as it wouldn't meet the conditions for permitted work and would be classed as full time paid employment. Would the employer allow you to do it for a longer period with shorter hours each week?
  15. Backdating is a tricky area, it is made up of 2 parts. There is the payment part which you can be entitle to if you meet the contributions based element or the income based element to actual be considered for payment and then there is the labour market element where you have to declare what steps you took to find employment in that period of time, if you could declare and show evidence of what you had done then you can ask your work coach to consider the reasons again. You have to meet both parts to receive the backdated payments. With regards to hardship unless you have been sanctioned you will not be entitled to hardship payments, you need to call the number and ask for a Short Term Benefit Advance. They will look at your claim to determine if you meet the qualifying conditions for that (sorry never worked in the payments area so no idea what those conditions are. the other thing you could consider doing is asking you GP for a fit note and then contact the JCP office about extended period of sickness. You will still have to take steps to look for work but your claimant commitment will be revised to take into account your revised circumstances so the activities should be reduced and be more realistic. You can do this for a period of up to 13 weeks and you can still call in to declare a period of sickness for up to 2 weeks before this.
  16. There is no point paying for recorded delivery as all it confirms is the delivery to the Mail Opening Unit and nothing more.
  17. DLA will not be reinstated as there is no procedural error sorry. The case manager will consider the reasons given for the late return of the PIP forms and if good cause is accepted the PIP will be considered from teh day after the DLA ended. If good cause is not accepted then need to go down the mandatory reconsideration/appeal process and make a fresh new claim to PIP.
  18. You can request that if the information is still held at DLA then can it be copied for the purposes of PIP, just need to consider if the information is still valid at this point after that many years as many conditions change as well as medications and treatments. If you have any evidence that is more recent then it is advisable to send that along with the PIP2 application form. It is not impossible to get PIP awarded however it is harder as it is decided on how your conditions affect your daily living and mobility issues and is based on a medical assessment whether it is face to face or paper based. With your conditions if you have specialist input or support then try and obtain a letter from the specialist to advise how your condition affects you day to day.
  19. It is Government Policy not sure where they pluck the figures from though sorry. The only thing I can think of is a single person aged over 25 is entitled to £73 ish per week in JSA so add the £5 disregard onto that and that is £78 which is the £338 figure calculated as a weekly figure.
  20. http://about.universalcredit.service.gov.uk/kms/Pages/Eligibility_for_Universal_Credit.htm The information about the £338 is about half way down the page.
  21. Personally I would not waste money sending recorded delivery as all mail goes to a mail opening unit so all you get is a central collection it does not guarantee receipt at the DWP. I have seen the scanned envelopes showing that someone has paid £7.50 to send a form. Personally I would advise calling the enquiry line for JCP and booking an AJCS (customer service appointment) to have the form scanned whilst you wait, you can then ask to remain at the desk while the form is scanned and emailed to the correct department so you actually see the email being sent. I was more than happy to do this for confirmation and reassurance. The original form is then sent of in the internal courier to the mail opening unit then. You can then as your JCP office for a supply of envelopes to send future statement of fitness for work (fit notes) from the GP in future again these go to a mail opening unit to be scanned to the Benefit Cenres or you can ask for the policy at that JCP for handing in fit notes some offices accept them at any time of the day others will have set time they can accept them due to staffing levels and prebooked appointments and others will book an appointment for you to have in handed in again.
  22. I think you have received the form as you closed a claim for ESA in order to move and claim in Northern Ireland so as a "new claim" to ESA within a period of 6 months you would be automatically reassessed.
  23. There are no crisis loans available either, they were abolished with community care grants and replaced with local support, so no cash available. They would ask why you have requested the help and refer to food banks, help with gas/electric tokens and the reuse networks for help with clothing and furniture.
  24. Did the letter mention anything about observations of sitting and standing? Did the musuloskeletal examination confirm anything such as restricted movements, flexion power in the legs? Any specialist input for arthritis and is she seen on a regular basis? Pain relief is it a low level, moderate or high level? Breathless on exertion, is she prescribed any inhalers/medication with specialist input? Does she use any aids to walk?
  25. http://england.shelter.org.uk/get_advice/money_problems/in_a_crisis/cash_in_a_crisis there are very few local authorities that award cash anymore the community care grants have been abolished and replaced by local support, so you are more thank likely going to be offered a voucher to use at one of the local assistance schemes that are in place and if you are not successful with your application you will be referred to a facility that may be able to help you such as the furniture reuse network. http://www.frn.org.uk/donate.html
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