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Everything posted by Delfi101

  1. According to Companies House: LLOYDS TSB BANK PLC 25 GRESHAM STREET LONDON EC2V 7HN
  2. This is 1st Crudit. In my ongoing case (which I can't really discuss for now) they've tried shocking underhand tactics which have already been heavily criticised by a DJ. Don't assume anything about this lot and certainly don't underestimate how low they will attempt to sink. They featured on Panorama on the BBC last year. The review of their tactics was, to say the least, less than complimentary. They're also well known on these boards. I will 'out' this lot in public once we've won the case concerned. D
  3. It's important that you find out who the alleged debt is assigned to carpinjoy. I know that it's hard but you need to get all of this documentation filed and in order ASAP. Then continue to file all correspondance. Be warned (again) that this lot really are at the scummy end of the DCA gene pool and you should treat them with great care. D
  4. All that I'm saying is that you should be prepared for this lot of retards to be unpleasant and unreasonable. This is their modus operandi. They're intolerant ghouls who should be shut down. I am surprised that they're talking about 'clients' as they're a DCA who normally buy debts. Have they sent a 'notice of assignment' for this debt? D
  5. This is 1st Crudit - I'm betting that they'll ingore everything and just send more 'threatograms' until they decide to take some form of badly argued & deliberately intimidatory legal action. I'd love to be proved wrong here but I have bitter personal experience with this lot. We don't seem to get on at all D
  6. It's worth a try I guess but don't expect them to take any notice or be at all reasonable. They have bought this alleged debt for peanuts and they will want their pound of flesh. Never do business with them on the phone - EVER. Get everything in writing.
  7. They're a thoroughly nasty & uncompromising bunch sunflower. They buy debts for pennies and then attempt to persecute people in order to make huge profits. They will stoop to anything in order to get what they perceive as 'their' coin too. That includes, but is not limited to, issuing Statutory Demands at the drop of a hat (they did this to me and ended up having to pay costs). I recall that they have since been warned against doing this because of the sheer volume (at no cost to them of course) of cases that clog the court system up. The were issuing SD's like confetti. The consequence of a SD is very serious if it's not contested and they just treat it like a bullies toy. Don't try to reason with them because there's just no point in my experience. Stand up to them and fight them. If enough people do this we can hopefully hurt them.
  8. Ah 1st Crudit - my bestest friends ever (not). I've had dealings with this lot for the past couple of years and currently have them on the run. Don't back down - this bunch are in the business of making people miserable to make profit for themselves. Grubby lowlife ****.
  9. Just play the game by the rules and lose the worry It takes a long time to get anywhere and you can be sure that they'll try to cheat, obfuscate and lie at every stage. Just document the lot, play it straight and complain where necessary. And remember, the longer the game runs the more frustrated these morons get. Take joy in that It gets quite interesting and enjoyable in the longer term. Really!!! I have a couple of great ongoing cases that I can't discuss for now. Hopefully 2010 will see a resolution or two and then we can all have a good laugh at the idiots' expense. It's quite amazing how low these cretins and their solicitors will attempt to go. D
  10. You have a lot of people on your side - never lose sight of that. Those of us that have faced this nastiness really do understand what you're going through and, trust me, it's not as bad as it seems. All that they do initially is threaten bad things (to honest people) anonymously. The whole process takes ages and with the guidance of the good folks on this board you'll get through it. Don't let these cynical b'stards govern and ruin your life. Look at what they allege you owe and balance that against the time that you could spend worrying about their empty threats. Is it worth the worry? The answer is obvious but the enemy play on the short term fears of honest people. Don't fall into their evil trap and, in military parlance, tell them to Foxtrot Oscar Cheers, D.
  11. I've been going through this kind of nonsense with three different 'creditors' for nearly 3 years now. One of these (see the successes section) has backed down and discontinued. One (also in successes) sold the debt to a well known DCA who then tried to bankrupt me through a Statutory Demand, lost (we got costs) and is now being sued for crapping on my credit record. A third sold the alleged debt on to some DCA cretins who are pushing this all the way via a well known bunch of solicitors (who, incidentally, are not as smart as they think). At every stage, with every one of these gits, they have tried every trick in the book. They don't recognise CPR at all and try every means to unduly apply pressure. Their whole game is to fight dirty. If you allow this to get to you then they are winning. Simply put - don't let them pressure you! In the first case I was a LiP (Litigant in Person) with the help of folks on this site. In the latter cases I've engaged specialist solicitors to deal with these parasites for me on a 'no win no fee' basis. Even if there is a 'win' the fee is a costs and not a personal issue for me. They get to pay for their loss. I can't go into much detail about this but when we win I promise I'll post all of the details up as usual. Chin up - and PLEASE don't allow them to pressure you into hurting your health. I know that sounds easy to say but I have been there (am there right now in fact) and I focus what they try to do into anger & downright belligerence against them. All they're talking about is arbitrary numbers until a court decides otherwise. Is it really worth making yourself ill over numbers? All the best, D
  12. They're either stupid or trying it on. I have no time for them in either case. They know what they can do ...
  13. Well, would you believe it. A company called Calder Financial (associated with Mercers from what I've read) contacted me regarding this account yesterday. I phoned them to tell them to deal with a firm of solicitors that now represent me (Data Protection Act stuff). The woman on the other end said that they knew the firm represented me and then proceeded the 'you have 7 days for them ...'. I cut in and told her in no uncertain terms that she should not attempt to threaten me and should expect a phone call. Phone put down. I contacted my solicitors via a well known person on this site. They were called, told of the discontinuance and couldn't have been more apologetic apparently. The account has now been 'passed back to their clients'. I wonder what they'll try next. Idiots.
  14. That looks pretty crap to me too ... I don't see the required terms. I'm sure someone better qualified than me will be along to help soon I should have mentioned that you should keep EVERYTHING and that includes envelopes. Keep a diary. Ask for names if/when they call. Note precise times and dates. Do not talk to them on the phone and tell them to put it all in writing. The worst thing you can do is get scared or panic (they rely on this). You should expect 'threatograms' from them (or their delightful agents). Any fight will be protracted so there's never any need to rush. The only deadlines you need to meet are those specified by a court. Don't be surprised if they don't stick to correct procedures either. There are people here who will help with the documentation as, and when, it's required. You chose the right place to ask these questions Cheers, D
  15. No thread as yet ... my case is being dealt with professionally as HFC (via Weightmans and Phoenix) have decided to go for a CCJ. More fool them as they don't have a valid agreement with any of the prescribed terms etc. In fact there are many other things that they've screwed up. The intention is to fully defend against their action and to cause them as much pain in the process as possible. Do not, under any circumstances, enter into telephone conversations with these parasites. Get everything in writing and make sure that you get copies of the alleged credit agreement immediately (advice elsewhere on this site for this). Send everything via recorded delivery. Keep originals of all correspondence. I can't really discuss this in public for now but I will publish everything once we've won. That will include ALL correspondence and the names of all agents (who have attempted not only to mislead and obfuscate but also intimidate via abuses of the legal process). All the best with your fight. D
  16. That's almost identical to one that they sent me (ongoing case).
  17. perhaps 'illustrator' would be a better word ...
  18. I'm sure you can guess what I'm after here mate ... I need a really good cartoonist with a wicked satirical mind
  19. I have a project in mind that will (I hope) really stick one over on the DCA's and other bad guys that we all hate ... the words aren't a problem but I can't even draw stick men I need the assistance of a cartoonist for comic effect ... can anyone help? D
  20. One thing I should add (after my fight with Barclaycard) is that you should always clearly mark ALL copies of evidence that you submit (letters, Application forms etc etc). B/C tried to use the evidence that I'd submitted against me (I had a clearer copy of the alleged 'agreement' than them) ... they also tried to use other docs that I had provided as part of my defence against me too. Strike any such copies of evidence through diagonally with 'Defendant Copy' in BIG RED lettering. Keep the originals in pristine condition of course D
  21. Can I just add to this that you have plenty of time. Do NOT be bullied into anything by these *******s ... The AQ is an easy document to complete. Take your time and send all documentation (at the last possible moment) by Special Delivery (both to the court and the claimant). Document everything!!!! Keep a file with everything (including envelopes). D
  22. It really hasn't been a good few days for this lot ... Check http://www.oft.gov.uk/shared_oft/press_release_attachments/1stcreditrequirements.pdf Shame that ... not!
  23. Hi Angel, I'm glad that this minor victory has reached out to a few folks and given them a little more spirit to fight. These parasites prey on weaknesses and play a 'percentages long game' ... they try to grind you down. Don't let them !!!! There's an old thread around about how I got into this mess but it was mostly due to a former employer owing me a lot of (£3.5k+) unpaid salary and my inability to pay various bills due to his Walter Mitty style behaviour. Even after an industrial tribunal and a CCJ he still hasn't paid (and has admitted that at one point he could have if he'd been bothered and I'd been more 'gentlemanly' towards him ... ). I found the CAG as the attempted bullying from these so called 'lenders' and their agents increased and that's the best decision I've made. I tried to be nice to them and they threatened and hassled me. I tried to be reasonable and they just ramped it up ... I then threatened them with full disclosure to the public once I'd humiliated them (and you haven't seen anything yet ... this hasn't even started) and they didn't take me on my word. This is all part of the latter process. It was never my intention to attempt to avoid alleged debt but now I feel that they just ignored me and tried to bulldozer me. I don't react well to bullies. For the reasons noted above I'll continue to post here as things become clearer. It helps people (I hope), it fulfills a promise (to both the people here and those who tried to bully me when I was at a low point) and it gives me great pleasure to give them a dig back. Watch this space, there's a lot more going on that can't be discussed openly for now. D
  24. For true beauty read this ... This is what happens to bullies when they dish out Stat Demands like confetti ...
  25. Look at what I got today ... details removed because of pending action That's gotta sting D
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