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Everything posted by Delfi101

  1. UPDATE Only 3 calls so far today (a Sunday) and they were all made to my new sipgate account They're devious gits too ... I watched a phone call happen and not get answered and then immediately afterwards another call from an 'unknown' source. Thing is, I've only divulged my number to one possible caller. I don't have tapes from my answerphone as it's electronic. Not a cheapy either ... it takes a lot of phone calls to screw up an Ericsson gizmo. We've only started full logging recently too. Now that it's automated things will be much easier to prove. D
  2. That varies ... the average would be around 5 a day, every day for nearly 3 months. We've only started fully logging them recently BUT they must have their own logs of these. I wonder if BT have full records. The record is 22 calls in one day starting at 8am and finishing at 9:45pm. At other times our answerphone has failed because of the sheer volume and frequency of calls. This has happened quite a few times. Not particularly useful when you're looking for work and need telephone contact. I've also never disclosed my mobile phone number to them and yet they discovered that somehow and that always rings after my wifes number fails if there's a particularly stroppy moron on my case at that point ... I've even been called by these b*stards 3 times whilst I've been in an interview ... I'm always courteous enough to turn my mobile off but that's not the point. I've even made this point to them ... but all you get is 'duhhhh ... minimum payment ... duhhhh'. They send multiple text messages too. This is nothing but deliberate & premeditated intimidation. All I can say is that I don't know where all of this is going but I'm along for the FULL ride and they've picked on the wrong person. D
  3. Yes we have I'm in the process of combining your letter with content of my own. It will be uncompromising. With the greatest of ease but even with the immediately identifying content removed I'm not going to make that public just yet because we can't know who looks in on these forums. It's not a generic letter. Count on that! I have every intention of nailing this lot to the floor and kicking very hard. D
  4. Given the help that I've been offered all are welcome 8:55pm is just out of order. D
  5. Another update: They've called my wifes number yet again ... 8:55pm They also called my 'new' number too ... this is outrageous behaviour. Talk about digging a nice big hole. D
  6. All quoted. Also quoted: Article 8 (Right to respect for private and family life) of the European Human Rights Act 19988) which states in subsection 1 that ' Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home & correspondence' None of these are addressed in the 'reply' which is clearly attempting to avoid provable criminal behaviour. But I think the important thing is that they've replied and so I have irrefutable evidence that they have received copies of ALL documentation I've sent them. Mercers have no excuse either ... same company! D
  7. UPDATE: Late post today which I've just read ... I cc'd my last Mercers letter (a STRONGLY worded complaint) to Barclaycard and their 'Customer Relationship Manager' has written back with a long letter stating the bloody obvious. There's an apology for the delay and then an explanation which says everything has to be automated because they have so many customers. Fine, that means my debt can't be that important to them. Apparently I should also expect telephone calls at any time that they choose with a frequency that they choose because I haven't made minimum payments. I've brought the lot upon myself and it's my fault. This is something that I've explained very clearly and I now have an acknowledgement that they have received ALL of the relevant documentation as well as my complaints. It seems that I should call them on a regular basis if I can't pay them what they ask for. Letters simply won't do! To cap it all they suggest getting in touch with the FSO if I'm not satisifed and that I have 8 weeks to take the complaint further with them. These stupid arrogant people evidently think that I'm not going to call their bluff. How wrong can they be? They clearly haven't read what I've sent them and they think that they can fob me off this way. Barclayretard! D
  8. They seem to have numbers in the range 08543 007 02* plus they also withhold the number occasionally. Sounds like a deliberate and cynical tactic. D
  9. Update ... that's 8 phone calls before 1pm today ... they really are keen. Shame that 8-) Now my 'new' phone number has started to take calls and it's clear that they occasionally like to hide their number (making BT based blocking useless). And some damned bot has started editing my sweary bits on this forum too ... D
  10. Same thing here ... they just phoned my wifes number at 8:55am and left an aggressive answerphone message demanding that I phone them back. They didn't however leave a number and this time the number of the calling phone was withheld. So, even though they've been given my new magic number they refuse to use it. They're so full of BS it's beyond belief. 'Legally obliged' my arse! D
  11. The harassment letter was sent at the start of July and they have been made aware that the phone that they are using is in my wifes name (and is hers). I sent a further letter 2 weeks later and they have been told on countless occasions when they call. (Edit: the phone calls simply haven't stopped and they ignore any request to put anything in writing) D
  12. Thanks Ali, I'm hoping the same happens to me ... I'm going to pursue these bastards remorselessly and relentlessly from now on. All the very best of luck to you too ... go for the jugular. They'll regret the day the ever took me on. Update: 7 calls so far today and now they've been directed to my sipgate number and voice mail by my wife. No calls to that yet but I'm sure they'll call ... for once I can't wait ... I can sit here and mess around and watch their futile attempts being logged. I set the time delay for the voice mail to maximum in order to add maximum burden to their system Whilst they're waiting for me they're not hassling someone else right? D
  13. It will be winging its way to them on Monday. I can stand up for myself but the detail of how to deal with these lowlifes is what I need a hand with ... that's where you guys come in and you have no idea how grateful I am! This will not be forgotten. Just being able to talk about this is useful. Thanks again all. D
  14. Thanks mate, this site (and all of you lot) have been really helpful and I'm very grateful. The CCA is on my 'to do' list but the first thing I want to deal with are the incessant phone calls which have been disturbing my sleep and thoroughly ****ing me off. As I said in a prior post, I''m made of stronger stuff than most folks. This kind of unrelenting attempted intimidation must be awful for some. In fact, I seem to recall a suicide local to me last year because of this sort of thing. I've been thinking of making life awkward for them by demanding all data that they have held on me including a full list of all calls made and all logs of those calls. D
  15. Tried that ... it doesn't work. Even the full 5 minute rant not allowing them to get a word in doesn't work.
  16. Outrageous huh? They phone me (even though they've been told in no uncertain terms not to) and then refuse to fully identify themselves. Then they make up any old BS as an excuse. Something tells me they'll be phoning again today. D
  17. Not yet, my wife handled this one and didn't have the script. She does now and that's next along with the new phone number courtesy of sipgate. We're currently going down the 'I was only obeying orders' is no excuse route. They don't like the threat of personal culpability at all! Out of interest how many people work for this lot in their call centre? It must be hundreds as we never seem to get the same cretin twice. D
  18. The third call of the day and we have a novel tactic from a call centre muppet ... he couldn't give his second name because it's "against the Data Protection Act" My letters "aren't available" either. Cretins. D
  19. Great stuff guys ... thanks for this! I'll continue reporting back as things progress ... keep these ideas coming! I can feel a weekend of letter writing coming on. Last time I 'chatted' to them they threatened me with sending 'local debt collectors around' and I suggested that they should do just that, but bear in mind that I would consider any such incident as aggravated trespass and would take all necessary means to defend myself and my property. I then mentioned the black belts that both myself and my wife hold ... Can anyone guess the response ??? Yep, you got it ... phone dropped D
  20. Yep, sent via registered post. I had considered the police but I do wonder what they would be prepared to do. D
  21. Again, thanks to these forums I was aware of this relationship but thanks for the info and support. They have actually tried to deny this relationship on the phone too. When pushed the usual response is to drop the phone connection. And guess who just phoned today for the first time ... it's on a different number so it seems that they have a whole range of similar numbers starting with 08453 007. That rules out blocking through BT and I'm not keen to change a number that all my family and pals have known for a long long time. Besides, I don't see why I should. I'll also include the idea of a dispute regarding interest etc. Cracking idea! Thanks. D
  22. Thanks for this. The debt is for 2 Barclaycard bills which I'm unable to pay currently. I've sent them very clear letters and now have also complained to Barclays about their behaviour. This site has been tremendously useful in that respect. What really irks me is that the phone calls concerned are always from the same script and you can almost hear the 'tutting' when I have to explain for the umpteenth time that I currently have no money. On one occasion they phoned no less that 22 times in a 24 hour period. I've been lied to and they have even attempted to mislead me over the phone. I don't trust them and thus want everything in writing. They've already suggested that I should 'sell some goods' and attempted to intimidate my wife. Great tip regarding the 'payment enclosed' note ... I'll use that, thanks. As far as I can tell they're in breach of several OFT rules and I'll be pursuing this even after I get employment again (which is currently looking promising). I can understand why more vulnerable people than me get very upset and worried. This just serves to make me angrier. Their behaviour has been really quite reprehensible. D
  23. So how do I take these on? They refuse point blank to acknowledge or reply to anything in writing. They continue to send random 'standard' letters that threaten to 'send local ...' around. They also do this on the phone to my wife even though it's my debt and her phone. D
  24. Hi folks, My first post here even though I've been lurking and reading for a while. Long story cut short: Made redundant in late Feb by company that failed to pay 2 months salary. Court Order for several thousands of pounds (not enough to cover debt) made 3 weeks ago ... company concerned still holding out ... within days they'll have no desks and computers. I currently have 0 income and I'm being chased by the notorious Mercers who have been playing their usual games. Recently that has involved phone calls late in the evening (9pm) and early in the morning. Prior to this I have received so many calls in a day from them that my answerphone has failed. This is not useful when looking for work. All they do is demand money and get argumentative... my wife has been threatened by them with 'sending people around'. I have told them that I will only communicate in writing and 3 months ago asked for a moratorium, a freeze on interest and a degree of consideration as a customer of over a decade. They continue to call and, even though the letters are sent registered, they claim that they 'must be in the post room'. In all, 4 letters explaining the situation and asking for acknowledgment have been sent (letter one, then letter one and a further letter etc). All I have received from Mercers are standard letters with the standard veiled threats. A month ago I asked them to comply with the law BUT 7 days ago I told Mercers that I will report them to the OFT and consider them to be in breach of the Protection from Harassment Act if they continue. They will clearly not correspond in writing. Today they phoned at 8am, 8pm and 8:45pm and got given very short answers by my wife who is the registered landline user. I want a couple of things really ... I really need them to respond to the offer that I've made in writing. I only want records of what has been said because I don't trust call centre morons. I also really want to get back at these (edit) . I'm not intimidated by anyone and this lot have annoyed me beyond belief. The veiled threats and the huge volume of calls are frankly disgusting. The refusal to provide/respond to anything in writing must surely put them in some kind of bad legal light. I will find employment soon and this debt will be paid BUT I will not be bullied by these [edited]. Frankly, things are financially hard enough [edited] We've even tried asking for names and or other ID when they call ... they just put the phone down at that point. We're keeping a log of all of their calls. It's amazing how many dropped calls I get from 08453 007021. So, I'm after some broad advice as to where to go next with this lot. In return I'll post details of what happens here (successful or not) I'll be composing a formal OFT complaint at the weekend (cc Barclaycard) with supporting documentation. Any further suggestions anyone? Thanks D
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