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Everything posted by Delfi101

  1. Very interesting! I think what you're saying is right ... perhaps they've been hurt too many times by the unenforceable 'Application Forms' that they dished out in the past. D
  2. We don't have that ourselves yet but when we do I made a promise to 1st Crudit when all of this started that I intend to honour. You'll all get to read about the lot
  3. They may well issue you with a Statutory Demand but the odds are in your favour when it comes to a set aside. The documentation is relatively easy to put together. As a word of advice if they do serve you with a SD keep the envelope that it comes in carefully. Most likely it won't be recorded and that's enough for a set aside by itself. Ideally it is supposed to be served in person. My alleged debt was/is considerably higher than yours and they soon backed down. They only attended court because we went for costs against them (that didn't please them at all ). I'll bet on Monday morning someone is going to be in for a good rollocking because we actually got costs and the judge tore a strip off them. You should also remember that they bought that debt for a fraction of its alleged total value so they won't want to attend a court hearing if there's any chance of losing (and there will be). They use this route as an intimidatory process because issuing a SD costs them nothing. Attending court however is a different matter. Chin up eh? It's not as bad as it sounds. D
  4. What a delightful bunch they are ... See http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/legal-issues/183856-delfi-1st-credit-connaught.html#post1978688 D
  5. Calm down and take your time. Nothing is open at the weekend and it's far better to use the extra couple of days to run what you're about to say by the people here. Don't be scared into moving too fast and thereby making mistakes. Emailing or faxing will achieve nothing on a weekend. Use that time to your advantage. You'll find that your opponents won't be too bothered with timescales so don't be too scared. I'm sure that Monday morning will be perfectly adequate for both Fax and email. Personally I'd send paper documents by RM Special Delivery too to be absolutley sure (just under a fiver but guaranteed delivery). Recorded is OK ... Special is better if you can afford it ... standard is a nono! Print out a copy of anything you send for yourself and staple the postage receipt to it. File it. As has been suggested phone 'Rachel' on Monday and tell her that she's got an email/fax and that the paper docs have been sent by recorded or special delivery. Keep the receipts for anything you post, print everything out and file it carefully (add your own notes to separate documents ... keep the virgins). Anything you get from the enemy should also be kept and filed very carefully ... keep the letters you receive in their envelopes too (they mostly have date franks on them ... sometimes the letters don't). Hope that helps a little ... Now chill and use the weekend as time to consolidate what you have. D
  6. I really think we're off their Christmas card list now mate ... For now, a Valentine's poem will do (for Mr S if you're looking in) : Roses are red Violets are blue We both want to say We really ****ed you! :lol: Lots of love D
  7. Can't say what's next for obvious reasons ... but it's going to be an awful lot of fun (for us not them) ... watch this space
  8. Well done to Paul more like ... he did all of the professional representation. I've never heard the word 'sir' used in a room so many times in such a short space of time It's the first time I've ever been in a court with my arse on the line too ... To be honest I feel fairly flat about this right now (as well as a little tired, I didn't sleep too well last night). No matter how you try to not let this stuff get to you it does. I don't have the vocabulary to properly express the contempt that I have for Connaught and 1st Credit. They tried (and failed) to put me through hell. All I can really add is that no matter how bad it seems it's always worth fighting these people in the hope that they'll lose and end up paying for being bullies. I hope my journey to date adds to the body of experience of all those others on here and encourages people to take these parasites on. They feed on indimidation and scare tactics. Everyone that uses this site also deserves to be part of this minor success. You've all had your own part to play. Thanks.
  9. It was a set aside for a Statutory Demand ... we were after the set aside and costs (& we mostly got both) + we got formal recorded criticism of the opposition. Basically, they lost very heavily in this case. They throw these things around like confetti and it's a scary prospect that they're effectively threatening bankruptcy.
  10. An excellent job mate ... donkeys filleted etc. Life is so much easier when you have an expert on your side A very big public thanks again.
  11. Firstly, a big thanks to Paul (pt2537) who attended court with me today for a set-aside hearing for a Stat Demand issued by the above eejits. We won!!!!!!! My costs weren't awarded (booooo!) but Paul's were at legal type levels. The argument was that you either pay the litigant in person or their representative. The set-aside was granted and the morons had to pay for a local geek to turn up (at the last moment) to argue about costs... I suspect that had they not contested my costs that it would have cost them much less The judge was heavily critical of their behaviour and this will have cost them MUCH more than they bought the alleged debt for. Complaints to the relevant regulatory bodies will now follow. They've tried all sorts of dodgy tricks since the SD was issued and they've been caught out. They even lied in court about an alleged agreement to bear costs for the set-aside. So, in short, up yours Crudit!!!! :lol:
  12. As are you .... but this is about 'Legal Issues' in the 'Debt Collection Industry' and for the sake of £100 in dropped credit limit it sounds very trivial to me. I see no debt to be collected. When you look at the problems that people have on here I still contend that this is a frivolous and somewhat insensitive post. D
  13. I strongly suggest you read the other threads in this forum to understand how frivolous and uncaring this post actually sounds. D
  14. Use a signature generator like http://www.mylivesignature.com/mls_menu.php Never use your real signature and NEVER EVER talk to them on the phone. If they want to say it get them to put it in writing. Sipgate.com is a good site to get a free phone number and answerphone (there really is no charge for the number or incoming calls) if you need to redirect them if they give you any grief. Keep positive and learn to enjoy the fight. There are more people on your side than you may think. D
  15. This stuff makes me want to cry out of sympathy. I got issued with a Stat Demand which I'm defending in Feb (not contested .. the opposition backed down) so I'll have them for costs (=a good meal, a bottle of decent wine and a donation to the CAG). Don't let them hurt you with their threats and stay strong. They're just bullies and we all know you should never back down to their sort. Take advice from the good folks here and remember that you have nothing to worry about if you cooperate with the court and do things properly. The people trying to intimidate you can't do anything to you directly. Chin up! D
  16. Isn't it amazing how time changes things ? Today I got a CCJ Claim Form from Penix and I'm not in the least bit concerned ... having fought the likes of Merciless/Optimistic and 1st Crudit this defence is easy. The 'Application Form' that they have (as well as the Default Notice) is a crock. So, AOS filed and CPR Request for Info sent to Penix by Special Delivery. They won't reply and we'll have to go through the usual process until they back down. Yawn! 2 years ago I'd have been insecure and crapping myself. Now I know that the advice on here is totally sound and they haven't got a leg to stand on. Go ahead boys, we all know what the outcome of this will be . You really are wasting your time. The charges added to this account are excessive and unlawful ... the list of badness goes on. So, just a 'heads up' for anybody scared or intimidated by the techniques and processes that these utter winkers used ... don't be. D
  17. Count on it ... as promised many moons ago I hope to be able to make a substantial donation to CAG (using 1st Crud dough) later this year. D
  18. Hi again all, I've just noticed this thread ... congrats!!! 2009 is not going to be a good year for 1st Crudit and Con ... can't say any more for now but suffice it to say that Paul and I are on the case and they are really in for a very nasty surprise:) As things progress we'll keep you all informed. D
  19. And precisely what all of this has to do with this thread is beyond me ... again.
  20. Special Delivery only for me. I arrive at work before the courts open and leave well after they close. D
  21. not yet ... will check if nothing received by next monday D
  22. All who wrote now replied to ... stick it to them big style guys D
  23. I'm not the star here ... I'm just doing my best to repay some of the kindness shown to me. I'll continue to do so too. D
  24. Jeff, You have a PM! (fill yer boots ) Another thing that I noticed with the 'Application Form' is that it is clearly taken from microfiche (there's a serial number on the edge of illegible copy they sent to me). The T&C's had no such number and so therefore the 2 are clearly not demonstrably contemporaneous. It's worth checking for this. Also, they admitted that Barclays have no true copies older than 6 years. Hope that's of some help. D
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