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Everything posted by Allwood

  1. I am sure there must be large house in other parts of the Greater London that does not cost this amount to rent, apart from having 7 children, wonder what the other criteria is for getting so much rent paid on HB. I can only assume that the person that’s responsible for setting these rents up must tune a blind eye to certain members of the public. It seems that all is need for people to have more than 7 children and they can get accommodation in the most salubrious part of Greater London at the tax payer expense.
  2. Been to the dentist but waiting to go to hosipal for extraction. However, I feel that one of my crowns needs replacing as the old one has been there for over 25 years. The dentist say it is OK bit I know it is not as it get very sore to touch sometimes. The dentist took xrays and I paid the initial £16 under the NHS. I do not know the name of the dentist but she is seems very nice. I want to the dentist practice website but cannot see the dentist that I am dealing with on there website team either. Does this mean that she is still training or do dentist have to be qualified before they can treat patients. also, how often does a crown have to be renewed. I have some for over 25years.
  3. In some blocks of flats there are tenants in a small flats with 3 or more children and cannot get any upgrands becaues no housing why is it different for some tenants. Why not the council buy flats and houses that are left empty around the country. Also under labour there were lots of buy to let mortgages why not take some of them over for the people. I certainly do not want to this amout of my money to pay for some tenants that wants to live in a better areas.
  4. I do not understand why these tenants are getting so much housing benefit and others are getting so little or nothing at all why such disparity. Former asylum seeker on benefits given £2 million house - Telegraph
  5. Write to the housing ombudsman about their behaviour and see what s/he will adivse. Also write to your MP about it.
  6. Head on the news today a union person saying that people should retire from work when they reach their company's retirement date. He seemed to be saying that older people are taking away jobs from younger people – perhaps this is why unions are not representing older people at work as they should be doing because they have said that they give a service and taking older people subscriptions every month
  7. HB and BRB thanks for your reply, I will know more when I am see him perhaps later this evening or tomorrow. :-?
  8. I understand that there been no meeting as yet, it was only a retune to work meeting. Now it seems straight to a Formal Attendance Review. The letter say that he can be accommpany with a union rep or a colleague. Are they trying to frighten him or what. Apparently the letter said that if the person can not attend then he has to contact to rearrange the meeting. It was only yesterday my friend got the letter dated 12th July and the person was not in and will not be in work until this afternoon.
  9. Thanks HB and unclebulgaria67, there is no need to shout, I was aware that you written unique. I was just making the point that it was not an antique but nevertheless it was unique to me as it was given to me as a present and had my name written on it. It was a delft tea caddy and I was very distress that it got broken. Not heard back from council as yet but will chase them next week.
  10. My friend has been invited for a meeting by his work regarding absenteeism due to a disability, which is covered under the DDA. The letter was dated 12th and my friend got it yesterday 15th it was delivered by another manager at his work place. The letter was on plain paper not the companies letter headed paper. It also said that if my friend could not make the meeting the following day it could be postponed for a max of 5 days, and to contact the manager to rearrange, but there was no phone number on the letter the manger was not in work on the 15th . He went and had a word with the manager that handed deliver the letter and told her that he would not be able to attend the meeting the following day, he was then told that manager who called the meeting was not in work and would not be in work until 16th day of meeting. Initially he was told by the manager that the meeting would be informal and no need to have anyone with him. However when he asked for clarification in writing he was told differently that he should have someone with him. He is concerned that the letter was dated 12th and said that the meeting could be only postpone for a max of 5 days, should he take the 5 days from the date of the letter or when he actually received it on 15th as obviously the letter dose not specify.
  11. If your place of work is not unionized then you are going to get very poor services from any union. I have been in 2 unions within the last 5 years and both were dreadful. Why not get extra cover on your insurance for legal service which would be far beneficial for you. Also unions are very reluctant to let you have access to any of there solicitors unless they are 70% that they are going to win a case. I was told this recently by the one I am in at present and am going to leave them very soon. After an experience I had with a union rep at a meeting at work I would not now let one of them one of them accompany me to a meetings at work regarding hearing as I know as they would not be acting in my best interest.
  12. Do you know why the union backed out, did they tell you, if not asked them, what union is it. I am sure people are only allowed to 48 hrs but I could be wrong. What kind of industry are you working in. best of luck
  13. thanks for reply, it is less than 100 yrs therefore not antique, I still got the pices and the council that carried out the work make a photo of it and made inspection of damage over a month ago but not heard anything back as yet. I have not got a clue what I should asked for it as it was a present to me about 30 years ago.
  14. The reason having the correct DoB on the OH form for the employee that is referred to them is because the OH may needs to contact the employee's GP therefore a correct DoB is important as GP's has lots of patiens of the same names and it would be essential that the GP has the correct DoB for their patiens to locate their records for the OH if needed.
  15. There was some damage done to my property when works were being carried out by builders. There was one item that was given to me years ago as a present and I cannot see one like anywhere. Do not know what I should claim for it. Any help would be appreciated.8-)
  16. Hi superbab, and wellcome, it must be hard going back to work after a mini storke. Do not worry GP's do not give sick note nowadays unless they are sure you are not able work. Was falling down the stairs work related. It is good that the OH is getting involved as if you employer does not follow their recommendation then you take them to task. Ask to see what is on the form that is being submitted to OH, but I am not sure if he will let you see it as it seems to be a gray area. I know they have to let you see the the results and what the OH recommendations and if they refused then keep asking to see it becasue it is on the OH report that if the employee asked to the repost then they are suppose to let you have a copy. Good luck.
  17. Allwood

    maths please

    Many thanks Sali and HB for your help, the links Sali have and will be helpful for me.
  18. Also if the employer was to let the employee see the form before it was submitted to the OH then s/he could confirm that all the personal details were correct and this help the employer and employee. 8-)
  19. Hi Sunfl0wer, yes, I agree it must have been administrate errors but for it to happen twice is not good. also it is not alway possibile to put these erros right during the appointment as the employee would not be available of the errors if they do not see the OH referral in the first place. The OH gave good recommendation but not carreid out by the employer also the employer dose not like giving reduced hrs.
  20. What if OH has advised certain things to be done by the employer and they have not complied with it. Also, 2 times manager has put wrong information one OH referral forms manager had put employee down as temporary although the employee had been with the company over 2 years, the second time it was DoB was incorrect surely they are fundamental things that mangers should get correct before any referral form is send to OH
  21. Allwood

    maths please

    HB, I am trying to convert euro to sterling, I have done before but I do not seem to be able to retain the info
  22. Above is true as well as agncies want a lote of proential emloyees on their books so they have lots of people for their clients to pick from...
  23. Allwood

    maths please

    Thanks you Sali for that help. I can now format cells but I still cannot convert 692.00 euros to sterling how can I do that please. and what forumla should I used.
  24. No point in calling these people on the phone as they can and will denied what has been said on the phone or to you verbally. Write to them and that leaves a paper trail, which is very important/ You will see that they are much more careful when they reply to your letter. You have to pin them down as much as possible in your letter ie tell that you need confirmation of what you want to know. Best of Luck.
  25. my friend needs are minor adjustments and the adjustment soemtimes is used by other members of staff and the managers do not like this. My friend also need to keep mobile and this involved doing the same duties as other members of staff. However the manager wants her to stand or sit sometimes for most of her shift of 8hrs is in the same place and a high stool was provided for her has not got a back to it and is making my friends conditions worse. Some times other colleague hide this high stool as they have been told not use it and this is stressful for my friend as she got to go looking for it.
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