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Everything posted by Allwood

  1. These people will never admit to neglect as they do not want to loose their lucrateve jobs, which at the end of the day that is all that matters to them. They are not in it for caring purposes. I am not sure if you can do a SAR and see with NHS but it would shows up what has been done. It must be very stressful for you to cope with all of this it is bad enough when you see your son like this but having to cope with all fobbing off as well is dreadful Look after yourself.
  2. Thanks for your reply cornetgirl, I will go to see the dentist this afternoon to see if I can get the other dental work done ie crown and see about my bridge, whcih I am worry about as I do not want to wear dentures as they will make me feel sick. I cannot afford to pay for this private as I am a pensioner but work part time to make ends meet. Do not want to claim any benefits as this also would worry me about filling in forms for it.
  3. I used to take bisphosphonates for osteoporosis been to the dentist yesterday and need to a lot of work done on my teeth. My dentist said that because I used to take bisphosphonates for osteoporosis I was referred to the dental hospital for an extraction. When i got to the dental hospital I was told that I would have to wait about 6 weeks for a letter from them and then I would have to ring them to make an appointment. This is exceptional long time to wait for extractions. Should I go back to my dentist as I have other work that needs to be done ie bridge will need to be replaced as well crowns. Will this be done on the NHS for me. Or will they try and make me pay for it.
  4. Allwood

    maths please

    Can you give me a bit more information DX what does this symbol mean please. all I am capable of is pressing the autosum for answer......LOL
  5. Allwood

    maths please

    I want to use excel for conversion of euro into sterling. In excel if I put a hundred £100 in column ‘A’ and the put the euro rate for the day say for each day say €82 what do I press in the formula bar in excel to get it to calculate to €121.00 in column ‘C’.
  6. Many thanks for your help guys, I want to show off by showing my friend that I can use excel. I have the exchange rates for a week and want to use excel to calculate it. In excel if I put a hundred £100 in column ‘A’ and the put the euro rate for the day say for each day as €82 what do I press in the formula bar in excel to get it to calculate to €121.00. I could put in £100 all the way down column ‘A’ and then put the 7 days daily rates for the euro in column ‘B’ what do I have to do get the calculations in column ‘C’ Hope this make sense.
  7. A friend of mind maybe able to go on holiday that is the euro zone he wants to know how to calculate the exchange rate. I have got Microsoft excel but do know what formula to put in to get the correct result for each day exchange rate. If I put in the column ‘A’ £100 sterling and then put the column ‘B’ the exchange rate of €82 for any particular day, what function do I need to use the get the correct amount. I should mention that I am useless with numbers hopefully excel will be able to make it easy for me if I get the correct formula to use.
  8. Your friend should tell the company wants to be referred to OH and get a copy of the referral from that they sumit to the OH as sometime they do not put the correct information on these forms. What has the GP put on the sick notes. Is the the same conditon all that she has been off with. Your friend should also put it in writing that she would like to moved to another department for heath reasons. Was it the line managers that you friend had a meeting with and was there minutes taken of that meeting? Was your friend made to sign the minutes that they took of the meeting. Your friend dose not have to resign but they are hoping that she will do. Do not safisfied them by doing this. A little bit more information would enable a fuller reply.
  9. Have a look at this government link it may be helful. Also, I could be wrong but I think that if you work in the capital there is an extra allowance. Employment terms and conditions : Directgov - Employment
  10. If you work 4 hrs then there is no break but why not work 4 hrs and 15 minutes and take the 15 minutes break. I think it is 20 minutes break for over 18s for 6 hours , 30 minutes if youre under 18.
  11. Sorry about that Conniff.... if he has got to go to court then it is always good to let the court know that he has made contact with the council and informed that he can only pay by installments. This happened to me going back many year ago in the early 9o's I wrote to the council and I copied everything to the court as well, also I contacted my councilor and he was a great help as well, he told me that I should write to the council and tell them to stop it, as it as if they continued it would be construed as harassment. The council then checked and found that my council tax has een paid. Remember that was before new labour came into power.
  12. If he has received a summons then he should the same letter to the court as well.
  13. You need to put it in writing that you are only able to pay installments, take the letter in by hand and also cc it to your councilor and MP if needed. They cannot make you pay it all in one go if you are not in a position to do so....that would be seen to be unreasonable of them. :-|
  14. It is so counterproductive, if an employer is reasonable and treat their employees with respect then they will get a good service in return. If an employee wants to use the loo and is not allowed surely they cannot be expect that employee to be able to give a good services to customers. The same with a drink of water when the weather is hot either they have a bottle of water available for their employees as it would be too disruptive to walk so far to the staff cloakroom to get one. How can some employers tolerate such bad managers, surly they should be trained in awareness on how to treat the people that they are supposed to be managing, or maybe these people are just too thick to learn).:o
  15. I am sure it is a bullying thing but try and prove it in to days climate especially large plc stores that have to keep share holders happy.
  16. In some store they do not even provide a thermometer to gage the temperature, they are breaking the law asking staff to work in these conditions, very large store do not even provide water for their employees even though the store sells the stuff. One time I was told to buy my own water and had to wait until break to get it, it was bakeing in the store as well, because lighting is continuous on in the store and around the counter area. Lots of people in the store and the store staff area is 3 or 4 floors up in a very slow lift and to get to the lift you first have to walk across the floor and while getting to the lift customers will asked you questions about stock etc. Manager when this happens and you are judged from the time you leave your work place to go to the staff area and you cannot say no to customers as that is a hanging offence. Rant over. :?
  17. 12 months time, people are already doing it everyday in the cities and also on the underground stations you see young women with a child in their arms begging that has been Britain for the last 12 years.
  18. This is where all our money is going on these shysters.... These people are go greedy have they got not shame and they are suppose to be making the rules for us and giving nothing to live on.... BBC News - Peers with London property claimed overnight allowance
  19. Willl she loose pay for the time she was at home...it was a nice day to have off if she got paid for it;)
  20. I note on the news today some smart a***s said that they are trying to get people that are no benefits to be like apprentices ie working for your benefit and get I think it was 2.90 an hr. Wonder would he be able to live on £2.90 an hr.... Should have said apprentices will be paid £2.50 and will be introduced in October. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/10434464.stm
  21. I know it is difficult when sterling was weak for a couple of months and the exchange rate was not good for people in the Euro zone. You should be aware that the UK has the smallest state in pension in EU. Also, it will only be a matter of time before the heating allowance as with the Christmas bonus of (£10) in sum EU countries it is a full month’s pension, will be cut. Also the UK only allows for free transport during certain times and it is only the public bus and of course that is if the pensioner is able to walk miles to a bus stop and wait for a couple of hrs for a bus in the winter months, which of course is not possible as it is too cold. Severely disable elderly pensioners do not use this pass as it is not possible for them to get out as well as no busses in rural areas of the country due to no buses available there. If they can use the train they have to pay full fares. There are very few lifts in stations and the stations that have lifts nine times out of 10 they are broken down and of course cannot be fixed for a couple of weeks. Also at weekends when there is no time restrictions they buses are always full as the trains are doing up grading work. If you use the train and pay full fare you will end up using a bus or a coach, and pay the higher train fare for the hassle of using them ie getting on and off buses without help as well as the journey lasting much longer. In EU countries pensioners gets a full months pension instead of the miserly £10 here Christmas bonus, also they get full transport trains, busses and coaches free and they can get someone to travel with them free of charges as well also no time restriction on them unlike here. All in all I would say that the UK fall short of the so called 'free perks' they are allowing pensioners to use here in the UK. These crumbs that they throw at us are supposed to compensate for such small state pension paid mainly to women. Also these 'perks' are paid only to pensioners.
  22. Thanks for that reply, it seems that my partner was off say on Friday she would have to have a sick not in to her employers or retune to work by this Friday.
  23. My partner was off work last week with a chest infection she had an xray, she also asked for a sick note for her work. The GP told her that she did not need a sick note until she was off 7 days. She only works two shifts/ 2 days a week, does it mean that she does not need a sick not until she has been off seven shifts/days.
  24. Thanks for your reply GS - I have gone through the pages and found that there are all kinds of benefits that people qualify for when living in a EU country such as Attendance Allowance, DDL (care components only do not know that relates to) also carer allowances can be claimed as well. Also pensioner that have worked in the UK and paid NI and leter moved to another EU country they can claim for the pension that they have contributed to here in the UK. Therefore they should not be ba problem with DDL. Good Luck
  25. I was able to access the link you posted. No disrespect to you goldensyrup, are people living in the EU receiving DDL subjected to the medical checks like the people residing in the UK for work capability assessments. Please do not take this the wrong way as I agree everyone should get their entitlements regardless where they reside in the EU in relation to their disability, but if you are not subjected to the same dreadful examination that I have read about on this thread? Do you know why the disparity.
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