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Everything posted by Allwood

  1. Need some advice from employment guru on what constitute a grievance submitted in the workplace. A lengthy letter was submitted by employee with relevant points that employer was not complying in accordance with in relation in DDA. Employer held a meeting with employee and rep, not everything in letter was discuss at meeting but the main one about making minor adjustment was discuss. Also notes were taken by employer at meeting and all signed the notes, would that letter be classes as a grievance
  2. Need some advice from employment guru on what constitute a grievance submitted in the workplace. A lengthy letter was submitted by employee with relevant points that employer was not complying in accordance with in relation in DDA. Employer held a meeting with employee and rep, not everything in letter was discuss at meeting but the main one about making minor adjustment was discuss. Also notes were taken by employer at meeting and all signed the notes, would that letter be classes as a grievance
  3. Sorry I was not aware that the DWP supplied SAR free I got the impression from Sophia that she was living a hand to mouth existance and needed immedate help.
  4. Hi Sophia, so sorry to hear about what has happened to you with the people that is suppose to helping you , but I am sure this go on all the time and is covered up. You must be living from day to day financially therefore have no money to spare for SAR (which costs £10) is there a Citizen Advice Bureau near you or a community law centre these are all free but you will have to make an appointment with them to see an adviser. Do go and see one the above free organisation as soon as possible and get things sorted out for yourself. Take care and best of luck Hope to hear from you again, with some good news.
  5. What is the Equality and Human Rights commission roll regarding employement, I have never head of them before, but that is not surprising..
  6. HB, considering that the government main agenda is getting disabled people into work and this is how they are being treated by employer. which union condons. Now this is not a small employer that cannot accommodate disable people. If a disable person is not able to defend themselves from victimation and discrimination in the workplace then they will have to leave would they loose benefit becasue of it.... Maybe I am wrong and this is not discrimination. Also, HB how can an employee find out what insurer that an employer has to conver disable peoples in their employ:sad: as there has been an awful lot of deductions made from my friends salary.
  7. Well my friend got no phone call from manager regarding changing jobs in the business, but on the day of the accessory calling to make assessment for minor adjustment my friend was told that she would be moving up to another floor the following week. She advised the manager that access to work person would be calling to the office to access her needs for minor adjustments later that day and also would want to speak to the manager that asked my friend to make arrangement for this to happen and was told she was not in. Dreadful HR person went to my friend when on her break and said rudely what have you being doing!! She said there is someone on the 5th floor and she been waiting for you and been there ages. Went up to the 5th floor and the person waiting there was not happy after waiting for over an hr. My fiend told her that she did not know what was happening as she was told earlier that day that she would be moving from next week to another floor. The HR person that got my friend was leaving the room the assessor asked her to stay as the wanted to speak to my friend and as the manager that was asked my friend to arrange this was away not in the office the assessor asked the HR person to stand in. The dreadful HR person said ’no’ I do not want any part of it. The assessor said she needed someone there during the interview and then the HR person I will go and see if I can get someone else to sit with me for this. The assessor asked my friend what the duties would be on 5th floor, my friend did not know as she only hear about the move about a couple of hrs earlier. The assessor want to see where my friend would be working and the seating there. She was taken there with my friend and the 2 HR persons. The assessor wanted to take a photo of where my friend would be working but the HR person told her that she could not take any photos. The assessor was confused and said that it was needed to make the assessment. The HR person said I will make a phone call to get someone up here to see you. A good manager can up to the recues and said of course she could take a photo. My friend does not know what is happening now as she is suppose to moving to a different floor next week but does not know her duties will be there.....she has not asked for time off unpaid as she is sure this would be refused as it was refused before when it was needed for caring. Other have had this leave without any problems.
  8. Best of Luck with that papasmuf, and hope you will be able to bring them to task:evil: At the conference this will they will all be taking the talk but none of them will do the walk the walk, it is only lip services that member gets from unions desp;it paying not cheap subscriptions to them every month for years and years.
  9. LOL with very good reason HB, will update the thread started about my friend next week, but it is appalling the union only has a slight concern about her employer breaking every rule in the book regading DDA.
  10. I was not aware that it was up to the insurer to dictate whether an employee should get paid for sick leave...is there decision based on the manager advice or the GP advice. My friend's has not been paid for sick leave her employer has not made minor adjustments at the workplace for her. Who is at fault the employer or the employee that had no minor adjustments made at the workplace for the disabililty. Or have I got it totally wrong.[
  11. Hope everything turns out OK for you at Tribunal. I was there in the 90’s on my own despite being in a union and paying them for 10yrs. My employer was LA that was suppose to very leftwing and had a policy of positive discrimination. Thinking about it how it was back then, I cannot blame you for wanting it over and done with. I have been in two more unions, which was just as useless no change there then. If you do by a stork of luck get an unhelpful ignored rep that does not know s/he arm from their elbow to even look at your case that is… My experience with unions is that they will make things far worse for you as they will always be on the side of the employer. I cannot emphasise enough for employees to take out insurance regarding employment disputes as things will only get worse due to the economy. After taking my case to my employer to Tribunal it was impossible to get any sort of employment afterwards and had to registered many agencies to get some temporary work as permanent employer with CV was out of the question. Therefore it is imperative that an employee gets a good compensation package from the rough employer at a Tribunal, as you will be out of work for some time unless you immigrate of course. Best of Luck next week.
  12. Contact your local law centre and do not wast time with a union as they will be also working in the interest of the company. The law centre has voluntary solicictors on selective evening for employment issues. You will have to contact them to make an appointment as they will not answer any question over the phone. Best of Luck
  13. Your place seems to be like a friend of mind, she is in a union and has had meeting about DDA all these union people say we will have a meeting but when the meeting is over the company goes back to the same old ways again. Nothing changes for my friend. Keep union informed about company not changing anything since last meeting in fact things go worse but all the union can come up with is more meeting. My friend was in a union prior to this one and when the company kept breaching the DDA, all that union could come up with was keeps putting in grievances. What a joke these unions are. You would be far better off of paying for insurance for this service because at least you will be a decent opinion which union of incapable or do not want to give their members.
  14. Thanks Silverfox and repel11 - 15days not up as yet perhaps I will be in luck Edit Postand get a signature.
  15. Hi Silverfox1961, I have just checked 2 recorded delivery letter that I have sent within the last 3 weeks and what it is says is that Item was post with details of post office and date on my receipt and is being progressed thought our network for delivery. What does that mean....has it not been delivered:mad2:
  16. I have told these people lots of time before that I was not interested in their special delivery, they obviously do not understand the word 'no' I told this guy taht I could hop on a bus and take the letter there myself, but no, this guy would not give up and in the end I was afraid to leave my letter with him, as he clearly was not happy that I would not hand over a fiver to him. I took my letter from him and left. What is really annoying is that after I had waited for over 20 minutes and my ticket said that there was 20 people in front of me and after waiting that lenght of time to be further stressed out the being pressured by the staff person behind the counter that was suppose to be giving me service, not grief. It seems now that all services that are being funded from the public is being abused by the staff working in these organisation....I am sure these people are being paid a wage so why do they have to stress out their customers just for the hell of it....
  17. Has anyone experience the pressure of the staff in the PO they trying to send a letter by recorded delivery. For years now I always get their spiel when I go into my local very busy PO with ticket queuing system. After waiting for 10 minutes for my ticket to be called out, I went to counter to pay for 1st class recorded delivery service. When I passed my letter to the man behind the counter he did not stop putting down the recoded service and keep trying to make me take out their £4 to £5 special deliver services. He actually went as far as saying this service is not to be trusted. This letter to be delivery was only about 2 miles away, but I need a signature. In the end I told him to give me back my letter and I will delivery it by hand (I was afraid that he would not post, bin it instead, if I did not send it out by their very expensive next day delivery). I went a couple of mile away and try another post office again this they tried to sell their next day delivery but no way near as worrying as my local one. I look on line to see if it was deliver ie signature they go my letter but not a signature. Does it take time to put a signature on line or is this not done anymore with recoded deliver letters which is not cheap £1.15 but still a hell of a lot cheaper than over £4 to £5 not mentioned to having to listen to them trying to pressurizing you into buy this services.
  18. Just a though maybe the reason that they have been delaying is because if Mrs S claim for benefit is refused then they will run with that.....I have not read all of the threads, as it is just a though
  19. My friend had a union rep with her during the meetings and he was just drooling over the manager low cut dress. The company has started to hot up over the many letter/grievances that she has made to manager and feels now that she cannot not work theremuch longer in these conditions. She has had her salary stopped and without any explanation. She wants to take out insurance for this but does not know what or where she can get the best company for this purpose. She brought the fact that other member of staff had days, hrs changed at a meeting recently with the union rep there. The manager refute this, but the next day another colleague said that she had hrs and days changed as they did not suite her. my friend is now thinking of taking time off unpaid, this was refused a couple of years ago for caring purpose but she is going to put in a request for it again and hopefully this time she will get it for 9to 6 months which is in the company's handbook hoepfully by the time she get back that dreadful manager will have been transferred. It will be interesting to see if this manager will phone with details of a move to another department next week. This is only being done because the person from access to work is calling next week to make assessment for my friend at the workplace.
  20. As far as I am aware the colleagues that had their hrs/days changed have no disability and wanted change in days hrs for social reasons. My friend can do like other colleagues do but due to no minor adjustment beibng made by employer for nearly 18mth this has made disability worse and would like hrs or days to help with condition.
  21. Need to help a friend with an employer problem. My friend has been asking for days, hrs change or moved to a department with lighter duties due to a disability for over a year. Employer keep saying that this it is not possible. Friend had many meeting about this and in the end the manager asked my friend to put in an application for access to work form to assessment to be done. After my friend completed this process and got an appointment for assessor to call to make an assessment and also advised manager that this would be happening very soon. The manager then said that she would see if she could get my friend move to another department. This dreadful manage keep saying to my friend at a meeting that hrs or days change could be made for staff, but the next day after a meeting with the manager my friend was told by two of colleagues in the workplace that they had their hrs and days changed. This was the next days after my friend had been told at a meeting that this was not possible for staff. Would this be classed as discrimination and or breach of disability act by employer? Friend was told by manager at the meeting that she would make contact by phone at her home regarding the change to another department. Should it be mentioned to her about the other colleague’s hrs and day changed if this dreadful manager does make contact by phone
  22. What did your GP put on the certificate did it say that you are unfit for work due to stree because your daughter was in hospital. As far as I am aware you are entitled to sick pay when you have produced a GP certificate unless it has change and I know nothing about it.
  23. Have a look at your contract with them and then asked to see the staff handbook or relevant pages of it for reference. I would have though that your leave would come under compassionate leave when your daughter was in hospital and when you were certified not fit for work by your GP that should be paid by your company, as far as I can remember it is determined by the length of them with the council. Again your contract should specified this or staff handbook. If you have exhausted the company pay then you should get SSP under your GP's certificate. If they continue to keep asking you for an interview then say that your GP feel that this would not help your recovery at present and you will keep them advised accordingly.
  24. On this link http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/immediate-family.html
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