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moving on..

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Everything posted by moving on..

  1. ... oh and I have had so many errors on my bill these last few month..if it was not for itemised billing three would have 'conned 'me out of an extra £30.00!
  2. I was told I could opt out of paperless billing and check my account on line.....great no £1.00 fee....but that is only an option if I pay my bill by direct debit..which i refuse to do! Also I have never been informed of these charges...they are just in small print and wrapped up in the now £4.00 Admin charge! Personally I cannot wait for my contract to end. moving on
  3. Hi letsmakeamark, I spoke to my friend yesterday.... as far as I understand she has numerous tickets going back some years. ..some of which were given to an ex-partner who drove her car.. I think there were 2/3 different cars (he also ran up a £500 phone bill before leaving her...but thats another story). She has not signed anything, the baliffs have called a few times . How on earth is she able to sort this out if she doesn' even know how many tickets or even the dates they were issued? As Im sure its taken her a lot to tell me what a mess she is in..all I want to do is to help her find a way forward....after all CAG helped me find that way...! regards moving on
  4. I am asking this question on behalf of a friend, who by her own admission has got into a very sorry mess with parking fines. I really would like to pass on some useful advice to her, she does not have a pc, and is at her wits end, she is in fear of every baliff in the land being after her. What steps can she take to undo the situation she is in..?im asssuming baliffs fees are adding to the amount she owes., which i can only imagine is horrendous... she wonders if they put a mark against her credit file..??...im sure she is thinking to gain credit to pay them off somehow...? I know baliffs have entered her house, and she is not even wanting to be at home anymore. As far as I can ascertain they are all council parking fines. thanks very much regards moving on.
  5. Hi Kia, Im afraid I cannot offer any advice on the contractual side of things.....just emphathy for how 'painful' it is dealing with 3 network!! I have phones that break up, drop the call halfway through..bad or no coverage ( though 3 insist there is)_...customer services that in the last 6 months or so is just chaotic..no promised call backs from managers...trying to fob me off at the first hurdle....etc etc...I have spent at least 30 hours this past 6-9 months trying to sort out issues on two of my contract phones.... I too would love to be rid off three and their contract, but seems there is no way out and i have to carry on paying for shoddy service!!! regards from a far less talkative moving on!!
  6. Hi Nima, Hows the job going??....those first days nerves all over now??!! regards moving on
  7. Good Afternoon all, I wonder if anyone can advise. I have recently been in dispute with BT regards their service and trying to resolve payment of an outstanding bill. This was taken to mediation via Otelo who asked BT to send a letter of apology , also to reduce the bill by £20.00 as a gesture of goodwill..Bt have since passed this debt to Credit Solutions who have since added 25% admin charge and are carrying out threats of further action if I do not call them and pay them within 10 days. Can I send a CCA request to Credit Solutions or does the CCA not cover this type of debt?!! I just want to pay what I can afford without all their threats and extra charges. Bt have not really given me time to do so. kind regards moving on...
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