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moving on..

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  1. Good Afternoon, I am writing this on behalf of a friend who received a visit from JBW last week who clamped her car for an unpaid PCN. They presented her with a notice of Seizure of Goods and Inventory with her workplace name on it and the car noted on the inventory was clampedand is a leased car.They clamped the vehicle outside her home address. I do not think she saw a warrant, and has since asked for one but has not received any response. The council refused her payment of the PCN and JBW demanded £741.67. £185.00 Penalty and court costs £ 21.20 sending a letter £179 levy £282 removal attendence £73.99 VAT CCTV of her workplace has confirmed no attendence was made at her workplace! I just need to pass on some advice as to the amount asked for..it seems far too much?! whom she should write to and what to ask for?.The council in question have been very obstructive and say its nothing to do with them now! many thanks jane
  2. My friend rang cardiff County Court yesterday and they say the CCJ is still with them?! They have sent her the papers to ask for a set aside. regards movingon
  3. Thank you PT for your considered replies. The hearing was at Wimbledon court, (friend was fined for not providing driver details., she did not attend court) , I am not sure whether that was Magistrates court I will confirm with my friend. TheCC judgement was issued at Cardiff County court, it says on the judgment that my friend did not defend, but she has a fax proving that she did. I am not sure what has happened to that? Does my friend need to find a solicitor asap or is she able to apply for a stay of execution herself. Will she need to call Cardiff Court to see if/where the case was transferred to? Please, please excuse me if questions are obvious...before CAG, I only ever really wrote shopping lists!! Many many thanks once again, moving on.
  4. Good Morning Thank you for the replies. My friend's mother was just shown the HCEO' s card..no writ was issued, but an inventory/seizure of goods was done? The original case against my friend was that she did not give evidence as to who was driving..( at the time she had no idea her vehicle had even been taken), and was subsequently fined. All this was via Wimbledon court. My friend then thought no more of it until the CCJ was obtained against her..she did try and defend it.. as she was not the driver , no evidence was produced to her re: the damage to the parked vehicle, and now it is in the hands of the HCEO and yesterdays visit. (and now over £7,000?) I do not think any of this went to a magistrates court hence I do not understand the High court enforcement officer's involvement? Also I do not understand why the alleged damaged vehicles insurance company did not deal with it.? My friend will now have the evidence of the youth who knew what happened, and confided to her 8 months after the event. I assume goods are in the name of the Limited company. Oh and I do not have a credit card! kind regares movingon.
  5. Good Evening, I am posting on behalf of a friend. A High court enforcement officer called at my friends business today( riding school). He called unannounced and as far as I know without prior communication. My friend recently had a CCJ obtained against her from Cardiff Crown court for a motoring offence. The car she owned, but was not driving, was taken from her yard and was seen to hit a parked car. My friend was unaware of this, and when the police investigated she had no idea, and it was only months later, a child at the yard confided to her what had happened. Meanwhile the owner of the damaged vehicle has obtained a CCJ.for over £5,000 for damages. My friend tried to defend/ appeal but this judgement seems to have been made against her anyway. Today the said enforcement officer arrived at her yard, and presented her mother with an inventory /notice of seized goods and told her she must pay in five days. I do not think there was a warrant showed, the seizure note was not signed by my friend or her mother.He has given her 5 days to pay or face bankruptcy? The warrant listed horses, horse box, microwave, truck and a fridge freezer. The riding school is a limited company. Please how can I help and advise my friend.? Would she be able to negotiate payment via the court, she has no evidence of there even being £5000 worth of damage!..Can she get the judgment set aside? In this economic climate she would struggle to find the funds to pay a solicitor for help? Well thank you in advance kind regards moving on.
  6. the V5 is in the lease company name. and its leased to a small Limited co. business reards Jane
  7. Thanks so far..What will happen if my friend is unable to pay the tickets or if indeed the council do not agree to a repayment scheme?..in terms of it being a leased car?.the pound will not release the car at the moment. regards Jane
  8. Good afternoon. just need some advice asap.! A friend has just called me...Her car has been towed away by a company called Ontime..in the london Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. ( a few minutes ago)..she had overrun her ticket time..and the company towed her car away saying they could because it has other outstanding parking tickets on it. The car in question is on a three year lease. Please can you advise what she should do now . Will she be able to get the vehicle back from the pound without addressing any other tickets or will they only release it on payment of all tickets. They have told her they can and will crush it! Any help greatly appreciated. regards Moving on
  9. Brilliant..thanks for sharing..made a dull,wet morning in London so much brighter.x
  10. Good morning As a lone parent I have recently had to sign on for JSA. I started signing on at the beginning of May and got totally confused with the next signing on time and actually turned up a week late. When I realised I felt sick, rang Glasgow office and they said to go straight to my local job centre, fill in a late signers form. The benefit advisor said 'oh it happens', and advised that if they rejected my appeal I could forfeit a days money.The advisor also said she would call back..she didnt. I rang on the following Tuesday and was told I would have to fill in a rapid reclaim form as Glasgow had closed my claim down. This I did. In the meantime they stopped a weeks money and now housing benefit have also done the same ! Im not sure that my confusion is grounds for appeal, but i just find it so harsh to have lost so much. Is it worth trying to appeal? regards moving on
  11. Thanks.. it does appear to be a combination of all of the above. In hindsight i believe she should have been more aware of her responsibilities after she found out what happened..but at the time of submitting court papers she knew nothing about the incident and just paid the fine. I just thought proof of her not being the driver would be enough to prevent a claim against her as on the POC they are stating she was the driver. It all seems far more complicated than I thought and i think the best advice would be for her to seek legal advice asap.! thanks once again Jane
  12. Thanks for the replies. She did not report the taking because she did not know..they drove from her yard to the end of the road to some shops then back again ..she was teaching at the time..it was only after one day she had court papers and saying she had no idea what it was all about and filled it in to that fact ,that another youth who was present told her what happened...by that time she had told the courts she knew nothing about the incident..but they still fined her for not providing details of the driver. The vehicle was on private land awaiting repair. I believe the solicitor is representing the owner of the damaged car. Thanks Jane
  13. A friend has just received a copy of proceedings for issue against her. A claims form for damages arising from a car accident. The vehicle involved ,(though my friend was the registered keeper,) was taken without her consent. It was not taxed, insured or with an mot. The youth who took it hit a parked car, (there was an independent witness, who,months after the event told my friend what had happened (meanwhile she was fined for not giving details of the driver). I would just like to know how to help my friend word her defence..The claim form states her as the defendent and thus the driver,which she was not. The solicitors letter also states that she has committed an offence by not providing the insurance details to them under s.154 Road Traffic Act 1988.They state this is why they have sent proceedings to the court for issue. So can my friend be helped or is it to complicated ?!.ie should I advise her to see a solicitor. many thanks moving on
  14. Thanks for all your help..I will pass the comments onto my friend. Indeed I always try to look on the bright side..but... On the down side I have just gone out to my car to find someone has stolen the spare wheel from underneath it and damaged all the holdings where the tyre sat. oh well..at least the sun is shinning.! Thanks once again regards Jane.
  15. Thanks for your reply sorry I do not have a scanner. The council state the pcn was served at 9.09..the tow truck was already there and my friend just jumped in her car and drove off.. yes nine minutes into the restricted time!Is it reasonable to have a tow truck there so soon.?.no clamp and no photographic evidence that the car was causing an obstruction? regards Jane
  16. Good evening Just would like to ask for some advice about an appeal i helped a friend with.. The contravention on the pcn reads 'parked in restricted street during prescribed hours' On first reading the pcn it looked as if it was issued at 08.58 (before the parking restrictions are enforced) but the council say it was issued at 9.09, therefore it was watched for 11 minutes. They also say it was on a single yellow line on a junction. by chance the friend was on the phone to me that morning and as she left her house a tow truck was there already ..she jumped in her car, and they left. the council say they are perfectly in their rights to tow away as they deemed the vehicle caused an obstruction. they state that the ceo was unable to take photographic evidence as the driver drove away before they had a chance...(but they were there for 11 minutes watching...)..my friend insists she was parked in a bay, not a single yellow. just like to know if we should take this further....the contravention stated did not mention yellow lines?..Is photographic evidence taken with every ticket issued? many thanks moving on
  17. Good morning, I spoke briefly to my friend yesterday....it looks like the out of time stat.decs filed for the above pcns have been denyed? What is the next step?..( i will look at the paperwork later today)..my friend said it said something about reduced payments..but i know she has no money . just wondering what advice i can give her in the interim? regards moving on.
  18. Good morning My friend has now received a response to her SAR ..which does not really tell a lot! She also asked for a breakdown of fees and copy of the warrant that they collected on..neither of these were sent.? Do I write again? On the payment receipt it mentions Milton Keynes Magistrates? If my friend rings the court will they send her a copy of the warrant, or at least give information as to when the warrant was issued.? (Northampton did). That morning Marstons took over a £1000..and were rude and belligerent..and despite numerous calls on and after that day never returned with a copy of the warrant..(they also levied on that day on out of date warrants)... I believe this money was also collected on an out of date warrant. What to advise my friend to do next? Thanks in advance moving on....
  19. Good morning.. Eon are requesting to replace my old meter. I live in HA property. My only concern is I am in arrears with my bill , but pay regular amounts by payment card. On past occasions Eon have suggested a pre-payment meter , which i do not want.I am just wondering would they replace the existing meter with a pre payment or do they have to replace like for like unless otherwise agreed?. kind regards moving on..
  20. ..I am just appealing one ticket for same friend...it was issued at 8.58 a.m and the restricted time begins at 9.00a.m. Also at 9.08 a.m a tow truck had arrived to lift the car..my friend pointed out the time of issue of the ticket and the tow truck left!..Am I right in thinking there should be a time 'allowance' between ticketing and removing the vehicle? If so I would like to compose a strongly worded letter! regards moving on
  21. Good Afternoon The tickets are council issued. regards moving on..
  22. Many thanks for your reply regards movingon
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