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moving on..

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  1. ..having just re -read the notices My friend is beyond the 28 days to reply.! I imagine now the fee increases 50%.?.Is there still a way to just pay the original fine? I know she will not be able to pay all this money. regards moving on
  2. ..sorry i do not have a scanner! regards moving on
  3. Thank you for your quick reply. The notice to owner contravention stated...'Parked in a residents or shared use parking place or zone without clearly displaying either a permit or voucher or pay and display ticket issued for that place shared use bay.' My friend does not have the original pcn s as they were taken in the mindless theft..as was a lot of other paperwork. she is in a catch 22 as outstanding pcn does not alow her to buy a residents permit..and it seems they now 'target' her ! regards moving on
  4. Good morning On behalf of a friend, it seems her informal appeals re pcn s have been rejected and she now has notice to owner. I am not sure what her original grounds for appeal were apart from her [payment was overdue as she had her bag stolen and all relevent documentation taken.(she has a crime ref no.) My friend is seeking advice as to the next step as the notice to owner is asking for payment of £120 . Is it to late to pay the original fine of £60.00? I am not sure whether she has grounds for appeal?and really do not want her ending up owing more! How best can i help? (on one of the notice to owner the car model is wrongly recorded) kind regards moving on...
  5. Hi Tomtubby Thanks so much for getting back to me. I had confirmation from the local council that 5 of the pcns the bailiffs wrote on the notice of seizure had been withdrawn as they were indeed out of date.!!The council advisor stated she was sorry and the bailiff should have known!..(could I get a transcript of the call?), For the outstanding 4, they said the amount due would be £1621.84. not sure how they arrived at that figure. What I am concerned about for my friend is the signed Notice of seizure of goods and inventory. This was given without the warrants seen and signed as they were in the house for what they said was a magistrates warrant of distress. To date They have neither faxed or returned that warrant nor have they faxed the warrants for the pcns . I have received the stat out of time documents from the courts, but am unsure how to proceed as you say 6 of the warrants will be out of date next week. so do I advise my friend to carry on with the stat out of time documents for all the warrants? Even though the phone call to the council confirmed 5 warrants out of date can they still enter on the notice of seizure? They said they would be back in 14 days. very many thanks as always Jane.
  6. Good morning I tried to PM but cannot .. I hope the info below is just enough?! On ringing TEC..one advisor gave me the info. Another would not. confirmation dates I have are 15th July 2008, (work address ) 22nd feb 2008 (two this date), 29th feb 2008, 11th march 2008,(two with this date), and April, but advisor would not confirm adress or exact date of last two.He asked friend to call directly. All to home address. kind regards moving on..
  7. Thank you Tomtubby and Good morning I will call the TEC when they open..I do have the pcn numbers. I hope you do not mind if I pm you the details. On speaking to the local council office yesterday..mainly about the bailiffs conduct and over £1182 of their fees..an advisor told me that 5 of the pcns that the bailiff had quoted on the notice of seizure of goods had been withdrawn and she said sorry the bailiff made a mistake!Does this make the notice invalid?.They had no warrants on them for the pcns when they entered the property... They said they had one from magistrates for another matter..though my friend realised they took the warrant with them and she did not even really read what was on it. They told her they do not need a warrant to come back for pcn s. very many thanks moving on..
  8. Thank you Tomtubby for your reply. I have just got back from seeing my friend, who now has gone to work albeit late and very distressed. I am a little confused now. But I will try and be brief and factual! The bailiff followed the police up into her flat when they arrived even though my friend requested they stay downstairs. She paid the amount that was on the distress warrent though she did not pay close attention.I think the court fine was £400.00 and she paid a total of £1057.50.( She paid a fine of £180 back in the summer and I advised her to dig this out.) As she was struggling to borrow the money the police left, the bailiffs agreed that they would accept part payment whilst the police were there , when the police left they demanded the whole amount. They did not leave the warrent, but she has since asked that they bring it back to her. They have given her a Notice of Seizure of goods and inventory and stated now that she owes a further £2758.24 and on this form is quoted penalty charge notices.They have told her she has two weeks to pay. They also told the police they have the warrents for these fines and will fax them.I rang the bailiff and asked them to fax them to her place of work also. They were vague and said I was getting confused with magistrates and other warrents and they would not need them to come back for the parking fines??..but would fax them anyway?? They did state that they would not need a warrent to come back in two weeks to collect the outstanding amount.?. Here i am confused , as they have done an inventory can they come back without a warrent for parking fines? They were very intimidating and even after she had paid the £1057.50 , and she was reluctant to sign anything , they said if she did not they would remove goods for the penalty charges quoted there and then. What I would like to do for my friend is to help her negotiate payment and get her head out of the proverbial sand...Half the fines she has no knowledge off..i suspect they were given when her ex-partner was using the vehicle..apart from assaulting her in broad daylight in front of the children she teaches..there is a whole catalogue of abuse , taking money from her..£10,000 !..My friend has found the strength to stop the abuse , and as I mentioned earlier he was arrested and is on police bail. All this I feel has lead to where we are now..and the sheer intimidation and bullying of this morning makes me want to help her find away to tackle these fines without the involvement of these bully boys So first I would advise her to make a staturory declaration? Can you confirm if now they have what looks like a walking possession agreement can they come back any time?? Thank you once again kind regards Jane.
  9. A friend has just called me in distress at finding marstons bailiffs on her door step.she opened the door and the bailiff put his foot in the door , she then called the police. they said they have a warrant of distress from milton Keynes.they say its a Criminal fine for car tax non payment i think. They also said they had a lot of parking fines that they were going to make her pay there and then (over £3,000). I said they needed a court enforcement and they said they had warrants for them and would fax them to the police that day. The police came, and suggested the bailiffs enter..they did she offered £500 on a fine of £1,004.The warrant was issued on 28th september. As i was on the phone i could hear what was going on and desperately reading on here to try and help her.. Marstons would only take full payment..and now she has gone to borrow the money otherwise they would take her goods. I spoke to the bailiff because i said he should not have put his foot in the door..I wanted her to get confirmation that he did this..(he would not sign anything)..(not sure if it is relevant). Im sitting here shaking so goodness knows what my friend is going through What can she do now..? I advised her to complain and then to fill out a N245 form for the other fines?. .she has buried her head in the sand i feel and to make matters worse her ex partner is wanted for arrest for assaulting her..so i can understand her distress and just hoping all would go away. I would help her with forms if CAG could help me !! kind regards Jane.
  10. Hi, I was just wondering how long did they take to process your claim..? I put in a claim 26th Jan..sent by special delivery..and to date they have not dealt with my claim.. Today the phone line is not even available..!!(just says they are too busy!!) regards Jane
  11. Just to say thanks for all your replies... I will suggest my friend reads over her lease again!.The tickets were all police/council issue and I know there was no delay in her paying them. once again thanks for all your valuable input regards Jane.
  12. I am posting this on behalf of a friend who has just signed a two year lease on a car. Unfortunately she has received parking tickets..and duly paid the fines, but she has now received notice from the lease hire company stating £15.00 'Admin charges' for each of the fines? Does she have to pay these outragous charges for sending her a letter telling her she received a ticket that she has paid anyway! kind regards moving on..
  13. ..........I lurvvvvvvvvvveeee sprouts - I can eat them by the bowlful..lol..
  14. ...is it rude to ask what's on ones Christmas menu?...A 'friend' on facebook commented that they had finalised the Christmas menu..I said 'tell all' and I got a curt replytelling me to mind my own business!! ..just wondered if I missed out on a certain piece of food etiquete!
  15. ..just like to say there is now more than one tear in the eye now..and a few more on my keyboard...!!x
  16. well done Frankie...you winning brought a tear of happiness to my eye!.x
  17. The last time I had the pleasure of pasty eating was about fifteen years ago..!!..and I still savour the taste now..ah sweet memories.... I never win anything...lol but if Im not in it I can't win it....! so is today the day??!x
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