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Everything posted by mahala

  1. I can't believe they're even bothering with the defense for £170!
  2. I would send it to a central office. I'm not sure if all the same laws apply in the Isle of Man.
  3. Have you received all the information you asked for under the DPA? You mentioned that there's nothing from your student days - is that because they haven't supplied it or because you didn't ask? If it's because they didn't supply it, despite it being included in your request, don't let them get away with it. The DPA request is a legal procedure - they have to comply fully - and you should, imho, keep on at them until they do. If that means taking them to court to force compliancy, then I'd say do it! I've recently issued them a LBA for compliancy.
  4. six of the most gratifying weeks you're ever likely to come across - it's very empowering, asserting your rights!
  5. OK, first of all well done for taking the time to read through everything - you'll find it will help a lot. Onto your DPA question - yes the fee is £10 - it's not set by the institutions, but it the maximum they can legally charge. And as for the DCA. They are not allowed to harrass you. For starters, I'd suggest writing to them telling them you will from now only only communicate with them in writing and that you expect them to adhere to this. Tell them that if they continue you will report them for harrassment under the Wireless Telegraphy Act of 1949. If they do continue, report them to Oftel and to the police - if you have asked them to stop calling and to communicate in writing and they do not, they are committing an offence.
  6. not heard of any Barclays closure so far.
  7. mahala

    Vicki v Egg

    the 40 days starts from when they have all the information. Taken from the ICO's DPA leaflet: However in your case, they are playing for time I suspect, since they've asked for no new information. However, since they have asked for it, I think you will have to give them the info and allow the time limit to start when they get it.
  8. absolutely! Just give them your name and address, date of birth. If your name or address have changed sicne the accounts were opened, make sure you include that info. They will likely ask you for some ID - passport/drivng license/birth certificate - let them have it and then wait for the info. The DPA request is essentially a request for information about YOU not your accounts - that information in included in the info about you, so no need for account numbers if you don't have them
  9. Nice to get a payment from them, but remember to stick to your timetable. you sent a prelim letter 14 days ago - did you give them 14 days to respond? If so, their time is now up, and if I were you, regardless of the nice lady and the money in your account, I would be issuing a Letter Before Action for the remaining amount. Don't let them take another 2 weeks over this and sidetrack your claim. Your money, your claim,, your timetable. Write and thank them for the interim payment and give them 14 days to pay the rest before you issue court proceedings
  10. might want to edit your post to remove the account number
  11. I wrote to Abbey with a DPA request for 3 accounts, with no information about the account numbers. I had also moved, and changed my name! I gave them details of where I lived when the accounts were opened, what my name was then, and said if they needed confirmation of who I am, to ask for it. They asked for a simple piece of ID (birth cert in the end) and were satisfied and released details of the accounts. At least I now know the account numbers for my LBA for non-compliance lmao So, the point of all this waffle is that you can ask for the details they hold on YOU, whoch will include the info held in the accounts ....
  12. take the money and run indeed! what are they thinking? good for you for sticking to your guns!
  13. I don't know about the bankruptcy issue, but you can certainly claim on the loan accounts. Good luck!
  14. I would contact them and tell them if they don't get the missing bits out pronto - as in in the next few days, you'll cancel payment and then can come and collect the rest of it, at their expense, at a time that suits you. cheeky sods
  15. put your offer in writing and whether they accept it or not, pay what you've offered. This will cover you for the time being at least. I know you won't want it to get this far, but if it goes to court, you will have shown a clear intention to pay. There are some rules about this, let me find them and come back (unless someone else can quote them now?)
  16. mahala


    oops DUHHHHHH I was busy THANKS (mj)
  17. great minds must think alike - I've just finished updating my blog link to CAG (for anyone interested, the link to the blog is in my sig, and the link to here is on the right hand side of the blog - with a logo - but the link is a text link )
  18. rather than asking the bank for duplicate statements for the last 5 eyars, you'd be better off submitting the DPA request, and paying the £10 fee for that. The DPA request puts you on a legal footing, they have to comply within the 40 days. If you request copy statements, they can take their own sweet time about it. I'd suggest having a good read of the FAQ and the Step-by-Step guide before you go any further - it will answer most of the questions you'll come up with at this stage. Good luck
  19. what does it say in your contract? They may have a case for charging an early settlement fee. however, there's been much discussion about early settlement fees on mortgages recently - do a search for them and see what comes up - there might be something in there that can help you.
  20. the other problem with their copy statement marlarkey is that there is then no time limit for them to get the data out to you. Cheeky buggers, remind them that they have a valid DPA SAR to deal with and to get on with it
  21. yep, but it is worth speding the time reading it before you start, rather than trying to play catch up once the ball is rolling.
  22. there's another one too - callcredit. You can get your statutory report from each of them for £2 each - no need to pay for their fancy all-singing, all-dancing reports which cost about £12 each.
  23. SAVE OUR TICKS!! SAVE OUR TICKS!! are you on about those little ones you got when you subscribed to a thread - they showed up on the new post screen etc? There's a thread somewhere that mentioned there was some jiggery pokery going on behind the scenes and some things temporarily fell out of the space-time continuum. or something.
  24. *drums fingers* no call from Capital One then. All together ... "Now there's a surprise!" I am actually quite angry about this situation. I will be asking for copies of both credit agreements from them - although I know I only completed one, there obviously must be two, because they've opened two accounts. The reason I'm going to ask them to supply the non-existent one is that the credit agreements are signed before an acount number is allocated - and I don;t want to request the agreement for this new account and have them send the agreement I actually signed for the legitimate account. Asking for both means they will have to prove I signed two.
  25. mahala

    Views of FAQ's

    blimey riley - I must account for at least 5 each of those lol I wonder (always dangerous ground) if there's a way to direct people to the FAQ pages when their registration is complete. A sort of "well done, you're a member, now read THIS!" *shoves FAQ in front of face*
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