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suzanne michels

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  1. hey guys how you all doing? got my statements today but they say they only have records back as far as 3.5 years. Anyone had this one? are they allowed to do that? iasked for 5 years!! anyway it tots up to a nice £1210!! can I still send out my prelim letter with the charges attached even though they haven't given me the complete set? can anyone help?? cheers suz
  2. hi I received my statements today from Halifax plc, however they said they could only give me the last 3and a hlaf years not the full 5 I requested because they don't have recpors back this far! is that true? is that allowed? can I do anything?
  3. No I didn't have to file a claim and they settled in the 40 day period after sending my DPA. This may be because my account was with the debt collectors??not sure why so soon?
  4. keep on going My MBNA account has been sent to a debt collectors. Yesterday MBNA sent a letter saying they have credited that account with £880 in charges and sent the list of charges incrued when they sold the debt to the debt collectors. keep on going they are caving in fairly quickly
  5. hija I went to see an advisor at the CAB yesterday and she informs me that they have a book of "good quotes" RE tax credits. She has taken all my paperwork and is going to deal with them on my behalf. I would recommend goint to your local CAB. Will keep you informed a sto how it goes :-|
  6. hey guy:) have sent off my DPA and letter to the credit reference agency, so we will see what happens suzxxx
  7. how's it going I now have 37 days left to wait for a DPA. How are you doing? suz x
  8. thanks for your advice I am going to write them a letter today and make an appointment at the CAB to see if they can help cheers:)
  9. hi I gave them a change of circumstances that it took them 9 months to change on their system, even though I made over 18 phone calls to get it changed. They also didn't get my annual declration updated until march 06 which was why the system wasn't allowing them to proceed. In my opinion I had given my annual declaration in on time and given my changes to them and it wasn't my fault that they hadn't updated it - I called 18 times to get them to change it!! whtat do ya think?? suz
  10. hi does anyone have experience of a tax credit overpayment that doesn't feel it was their fault???? I have a dispute on at the moment and have filled in correct paperwork, only to be told its my fault, which I'm absolutely sure it isn't. Can anyone help here I have 6 children and £3800 is a lot to pay back!!!!!
  11. thanks so much will do this asap cheers for the support suz
  12. thanks so much will do this asap cheers for the support suz
  13. hi cool, its good to know you're at the same stage we'll keep each other up to date good luck
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