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Everything posted by treble99

  1. also my apologies for the lack of info on my first post as i was just goin to work being honest i dont actually think it was kerobo/atm solicitors who sorted this it was my own ccomplaint that i made to wellcome who kept knocking on my door i eventually let them in and you will see in the letter what i complained about i have paid kerobo 460 last august (09) AND I WILL POST ALL CORRESPONDENCE I HAVE RECIEVED FROM KEROBO AND ATM as soon as i have worked out how to do this (COMPUTERS ARE NOT REALLY MY THING) MANY THANKS
  2. hi everyone yes i have it all in black and white my wife will scan tommorow at work and i will post it on tommorow I may need some help on how to do this as i have never attatched a scanned document before. Can anyone advise? But here are the last 2 paragraphs of the letter; With regards to your wife not signing the charge on the property, when the original credit agreement was created in June 05, both you & your wife signed this legal charge and this covered the credit totalling £9398.88. When additional funds of £5173.23 were borrowed in Dec 05, only you signed this legal charge against your property. As a result we have charged against your property of £9398.88, asnd the additional charge of £5173.23 are not secured against your property. Because of this error with the legal charge documents I can confirm that on the basis of that payments have been received to cover the amount of £9398.88 Welcome finance will remove the charge from the property. Therefore I have upheld your complaint. Goes on to give us details of the Financial Onmbudsman..... I will send you a copy of the full letter tomorrow if i have misunderstood this letter i would be grateful if you would let me know
  3. hi everyone i had a secured loan with these people saying it was unfair i basically complained went to a firm called kerobo the complaint was upheld the loan is cleared the charge taken off loan amount 16.000
  4. hi i have used this company kerobo they are a complete wast of time in the end i was virtually threatening them to sort this out anyone who is unlucky enough to fall for this [problem] like me u need to tell them your reporting them to the ministry of justice with your complaint and be prepared to do this they will eventually pass you to a firm called ATM solicitors who are just as bad wont return phone calls ect there success rate is virtually nil people need to be aware about this company they bombard people with phone calls promising everything but you just end up in more trouble
  5. hi all sorry not replied sooner it took a while but finally the FO awarded me £320 THE CLAIM WAS FOR 1200 DONT KNOW WHETHER TO ACCEPT YET im noexpert but i do know kensington are not easy to deal with any suggestions anyone
  6. small victory against kensington regarding mortgage arrears charges total won £320.00
  7. hi payday uk are threatening to have a attachment of earnings put on my wages it it possible for them to do this without going to court thanks
  8. hi mrsfoot hi mrs can i just clarify that i wasnt advising yog to use a third party only that i myself was happy to use one and i dont think i had the knowhow to claim myself reading what you posted i have now told my third party not to proceed i will try and do this myself thanks treble99
  9. hi i have made the mistake of taking 4 of these loans out i had to take loans out to pay the arrears on the others anyway i am in arrears now and the agent is not turning up at all sometimes when she does and i ask her what happens to the weekly payments she replies it gets added to the end of the loan a manager phoned me and asked for the arrears i told her whats been going on she got rather irate and so did i she said that the agent wouldnt do this and blamed me for tryind to wriggle out of paying so in the end i told i cant pay and i wont pay so she said that ok im taking this further they want to come and visit me at home and take my payment book can anyone advise me what i do next
  10. hi yog i to had a mortgage with these people i to was paying 1200 per momth i was being charged 50 a month to cut a long story short i am remortgaging now and i have instructed a recovery firm to claim back these charges i believe its a legal minefield and these people dont give up easy i have no problem getting a firm for this as i dont think i could do this on my own i will keep you posted on how its going good luck treble99
  11. hi i have recieved notification from cardiff court tahat all directional hearings have been stayed on the 14 august until the outcome of the 0ft case can anyone tell me if possible when that is likely to be thanks
  12. hi smutley ive just relised ive posted this on the wrong thread anyway the debt has not ben sold they just accept a lower payment and after 60 months i pay them a lump sum with so much written off or so they say im still paying the management fees every month though and paid 900 pounds when i thirst signed up the very people who are supposed to help are making money got a feeling its all gonna end in tears this thaks treble99
  13. hi i have a directional hearing for the 14 august for claim amouting to 10500 robertson holbrook are representing me i am expecting RBOS to attend as hollbrooks are claiming interest dont really know what happens after that fingers crossed the pay out before i also have the added nightmare as i still owe RBOS MONEY ON A LOANwhich has gone into debt management company if any one knows what could happen ther please let me know thanks treble99
  15. JUST WONDERING IF ANY ONE CAN ANSWER MY QUESTION i am claiming back from the RBOS 10500 IN CHARGES the account was defaulted a while ago owing them 15000 i entered into a debt management scheme with spectrum my case is due to be heard on the 14 august and was wondering if this will effect my claim if they pay out there charges are the reason why i defaulted in the first place but ive got a nasty feeling im gonna end up with nothing thanks treble99
  16. hi these people dont mess about they will take your car phone trading standards like i have this week these people need to be reported and trading standards know all about these people i have also spoken to the ombudsman sorry c ant be of much help but i know log book loans moniter this site good luck
  17. thanks all for the advice im in the process of puttig all the advice into action wont worry about it now thanks
  18. hi ppman no work switchboard cant block callls i work in a factory and get my name called out over a tannoy next time they phone i will do what you suggested thank you
  19. hi can anyone please advise if you can stop creditors from phoning me at work i cant always answer my mobile when im at work so they keep phoning work if it carrys on i will be in trouble at work its getting really stressfull now many thanks
  20. hello i have a secured loan with welcome finance for 15000 so things are getting worse thanks for you reply to be fair kensington have been quite good they have not filed for repossesion yet and they could have done i dont really want to push my luck at this time with kensington im worried that if i claim my charges they will just take my home i may claim if i can in dec when i remortgage thanks treble99
  21. hi mate the company is kensington mortgages we have been in arrears for 12 months each month there charging 50 for being in arrears the arears total 2700 whic we cannot afford to pay back the mortgage has an interest rate of nearly 10 per cent on 117000 s0 you can imagine the payments we cant remortgage yet because there is a 6 per cent redemption penalty on the loan the term is up in dec o7 so iws just wondering if i culd claim the arrears penaltys back thanks treble99
  22. hi im very interested in the outcome of this im in same position allthogh they have not took my car yet i suspect there planning to i spoke to trading standards and the ombudsman about these people am waiting for them to phone me back today i also believe but not confirmed that watchdog are very interested in these people and want to hear about peoples experiences treble99
  23. hi can anyone tell me whether it is possible to claim back mortgage arrears charges as you can with bank charges your help will be much welcomed thanks treble99
  24. hi if the worst comes to the worst and they come to take the car hide it or lock it in a garage they cant take whats not there dont let the baiiliffs intimadate you stick to your guns and phone citizens advice good luck
  25. hi marritte yes they do but from hering about other peoples dealings they dont bother with things like that they just come and take it i have sighed a bill of sale but i wont let them take it i know watchdog are interested in these people and peoples complaints are you having trouble try and read some threads on these and get some advice sorry i cant be of much help to you
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