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starz 61

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Everything posted by starz 61

  1. Is there a deadline for these claims? I had a remortgage through a broker (Husband self employed) we were sold this as a if you dont have it you might not get your mortgage with Kensington? So we paid a few thousand up front added to our mortgage, how do we stand with reclaiming I really dont know where to start. Help.
  2. Thank you all for your help, I am assuming I could not get it I thought I read it somewhere, I have 2 children under 12 and a 14 year old. Thanks I will apply now.
  3. because I havent paid enough stamp. What I need help with is my family is splitting up and my husband currently gets paid incapacity benefit and income support for himself me and the children I think, I get tax credit & child benefit I have to sell my home as we cannot afford it so it means I will have to rent but I cant get help with income support for me and my 3 children, I dont know what to do, any help please.
  4. Would appreciate it if I could have a copy, couldnt find it. Thanks for your help.
  5. Do you know if you can claim if my husband was self employed I wasnt working I have children born these years 1995, 1997 & 2002 can I claim tho?
  6. I was thinking of claiming too, anyone else done so?
  7. Thanks for the info, never mind wait a bit longer then...
  8. I want to switch to another electricity provider and I owe just over £100 to npower which I will carry on paying as usual. But I have received a letter from npowwr saying "Sorry you want to leave us etc" but we cannot allow this as this amount is still owing?? how can they stop me switching providers anyone know anything about this I mean can they?
  9. Oh I know exactly what you are going through I have 3 children in between 6 & 12 and we will be having our home repossessed any time.. We are supposed to be British citizens where is the help for us??? plenty of immigrants coming in taking our jobs, houses and money with all the help they need and they send the money back to their own countrys dont even spend it in the UK.... Really sorry but it is not fair.. Our Fathers & Grandfathers fought for us to have a good life what the hell went wrong?
  10. Thanks brilliant tips, He is on so much medication anyway it dulls his senses.. I did not realise it will be a Doctor wish it was David Tennant tho!!!
  11. I recently put a claim in for my husband for DLA they have received all the paperwork from our Doctor including cardiologist reports, but they medical services dept, have sent a letter saying they want to call to our home does anyone know what kind of questions etc we will have to go through? Thanks.
  12. No they just threatened it over the phone, I am months behind too my fixed rate ended in May and they WILL NOT help in anyway like putting arrears over the lifetime of the mortgage or reducing payments they just wont do anything. i am worried sick too I have 3 young children and a husband who is ill. Government did not help us much did they? Ell-enn has helped a lot of us here you are in good hands.
  13. Hope they wont be around much longer!! Kensington to cut 60 jobs - 24 November 2008
  14. You are going through exactly the same thing as me only I was told it over the phone, Kensington are hell to deal with, I have resigned myself now to selling up and I have already applied to a housing association also written to my MP and will also be claiming the charges back from these people. My mortgage payment almost doubled overnight I have help with DWP and I pay all my child tax credit to them.. Good luck with everything I will be watching your thread, I really hope this company will not be around for much longer...
  15. Thank you so much Ell-enn, I will let you know when I hear anything. Thanks again.
  16. Be great if you could draft me a letter Ell-enn, Thanks for your help. Do you think I will be OK for xmas? I have young children I mean should we put up our Xmas decorations?
  17. I dont know what to do now I mean are there template letters or anything I really dont know where to go from here any suggestions? Off to read some more threads on this.....
  18. Unfortunately we went with a broker coz husband was self employed I think it cost us in between £2000 & £3000 they said it will be paid up front and added to the mortgage, he kind of said its best to, we said yes because we thought we would not be able to get the mortgage. When my husband was to ill to work guess what? you got it he could not claim I even had a solicitor to check it out. This was sold to us in 2001. Now I cannot afford the mortgage Kensington has put the pm almost doubled since our fixed rate stopped in May, they are going for repossession, so I want to sell. So do you think I can claim?
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