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starz 61

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Everything posted by starz 61

  1. I have to write to FSA this week I sent an email to FOS and this is their reply to me...................... Thank you for your email. I am afraid that we are unable to provide any forms of legal advice, our service is purely a complaints body and not an advisory service. I am afraid that there are limitations to our powers, we are unable to appeal or overthrow any decisions made by a court. You may want to contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau for some free advice or alternatively a solicitor maybe. I appreciate this is not the reply you had hoped for, if you have any queries then please contact me. Regards Barry Hughes Consumer Consultant
  2. I will do that do you know if there are any templates for this kinda thing? I am seeing the solicitor on wednesday and will ask him.
  3. Yes Jimbo your right, they are accepting 145k when the offer was in place for 148k I told them this so did estate agent and my solicitor and they ignored it and did their own thing now they are adding all those charges for me and mortgage outstanding is 136k there are 2 intrim charging orders in the ex husbands name I hope they wont pay them cos I will have nothing left for the children.
  4. not yet I been in hospital, I will write this week kensington have sold it £3000 under the price offered to me before they evicted me, I am seeing my solicitor tomorrow I will let you know what happens.
  5. Update: Kensington have told me today they accepted £145000 and exchange will take place on 7th they will take their charges and costs out of it there are two intrim charges on it in the ex husbands name so it looks as though me and my children will be left with nothing I had a firm offer on it for £148000 days before they took possession can it still be reported to the FSA? or do I just give up now? I am so ill and drained with all the worry these vultures have put us through.
  6. I know I really have had a terrible time with these sharks they should not be allowed to trade I had these charges every month too. I don't know what to do next.
  7. yes I used edwards agents and had the offer with them then kensington used peter alan and broke into the property what a mess they made holes in the doors etc blocked my letter box changed locks put tape over toilets taps etc.... but after constant complaints from me kensington dumped peter alan and went to edwards who I had working for me for months I signed with them too and they will not tell me anything now... I dont know what to do next. but I know the offer they have now had is a lot less than the one I had and it is the same person who offered the £148000
  8. what kind of letter do I need from the estate agent? the solicitor has written twice to moore and blatch and they havent the decency to respond to him I mean if they will not reply to a solicitor what chance do I have. I really want to report them in the papers I am so annoyed.....
  9. In 2006 they took us to court to apply for possession order because of arrears judge ordered us to pay our mortgage + £100 we did this for months and I also paid a lump sum off the arrears to really bring it down so kensington sent us a letter asking if we want to put the arrears on the remainder of the mortgage and revert to our normal monthly payment we agreed and signed a form to do this immediately so we did not have to pay the 100 the judge ordered every month just our normal monthly payment, when this was done we thought the court order did not exist anymore so we fell into arrears again things got worse broke up our marriage we left the home and moved seperately into rented accomodation I have the children, so the house was left empty every so often I would phone and update them about the sale of the property,they would send the usual arrears letters and monthly statements and then out of the blue on june 7th my sister rings me and says there is a white van on the drive they checked a letter I collected from the property I received on 4th from moore and blatch kensingtons solicitors saying possession was taking place on the 7th it was too late for me to do anything I did not get the chance to go to court to say there is an offer on the table of £148000 I thought they would have to take me back to court to get possession I am so confused about it all.
  10. Just phoned the original estate agent and she told me kensington have given them the keys back but they are working for kensington now and can't tell me much the original buyer offered £148000 for it but have now offered less (wont tell me how much tho) and it will be offered to the general public next week she said even tho the offer have been accepted they are looking to see if anyone will pay more I really dont understand all of this and I cant get anymore info from them, I bet this means now I will have piles of costs why could'nt they let me sell it for the original offer I had I ask you these people are real sharks in they.
  11. Hiya, I havent sent the SAR yet because my daughter have been in hospital so I will send it this week, and I am going to phone my solicitor this afternoon as soon as I know anything I will post it here to let you know the outcome.
  12. Thanks I will then, I will send them a SAR to claim back what they owe me, I would do anything to stop these people doing this to anyone else and putting them through what I had to go through and being humiliated with the eviction etc I really think they should have taken me back to court I will be looking into that too, and if there was any wrong doing by them I will ask me solicitor to investigate if they were allowed to do that.
  13. Oh OK I will but do you think I should wait till the sale goes through tho in case it winds up kensington?
  14. Thanks I will phone him today and I hope it is good news,and I will always stick with these forums and recommended CAG to lots of people it has been a great help. Will keep you posted.
  15. update well the estate agent that kensington used to take over the sale of my property I rung them to keep an eye on the price they are going to sell it for and they told me they are not in possession of it anymore and it have now been handed back to my original estate agent who had the offer on it, I phoned them and they confirmed this and they are going ahead with the sale???? But when I phoned kensington they had no idea as their computers havent been updated? so I am wondering if my new solicitor have succeeded in persueding kensingtons solicitors to let me proceed with the sale after all.
  16. I have monthly statements from them and I know there is a £50 arrears fee added every month I will have to look at them closer and check. So you saying I should send a SAR to them?
  17. Thanks and I will go for it too thanks to you and Ell-enn who have helped and encouraged my to do this, if it stops kensington doing this to anymore people I will do anything I can to help them I was even prepared to go to the press.
  18. He said he was going to look into it a bit more and then he is going to contact Kensington direct he will let me know ASAP as soon as I hear anything I will let you know.
  19. Thank you and yes it is a different solicitor and he was recommended through my local MP as I told you I contacted the other day I hope he can help he said he had dealings with kensington before so he knows how they operate. Will let you know what happens.
  20. Well I have moved all my stuff out of the house now, and when they came to change the locks there was a mess. Anyway I got a solicitor working on it now and he is gettin in touch with kensington to try and force their hand for me to be allowed to sell if not we will take them to court. I will keep you updated as soon as I hear anything I will post here. Thanks to everyone who helped and advised.
  21. Yes Ell-enn I did I got a case number too I spoke to a lady there who asked me a series of questions and then she transfered me to another dept and she said it it busy an answer phone switches on so leave your name case number and telephone number and I did so but have not heard back yet so I have to collect my things from the repossessed house now so I can't phone them today so I will have to ring them again tomorrow.
  22. They have repossessed my home I am fighting it to the end and wondered can I claim charges and the £50 arrears fee they keep adding every month. They have taken everything off me I want something back. I have to collect my things today and face an embarressing time there for a measley 4 hours with a housesitter watching every bloody move I make.
  23. Update: I have to go and try to empty my house today I have 4 hours that is all kensington said I could have and they are putting a housesitter in there how embarressing? I have lots of furniture and all my kids stuff in there I dun know if I can do it in time, they let me in b4 the ex he is due for his half day tomorrow. Also I have tried everything to stop kensington they havent had the decency to respond to my estate agent as they have a buyer who is desperate to move in and she has no chain they have faxed the offer to kensington and their solicitors and they will not respond to the estate agent, I have told my MP and waiting for help from him I dont know what else to do now.
  24. yes it would but the charging orders are in the ex name and affects his side of the sale not mine so if I got 2 thirds 1 third I dont know how it stands but I would have thought if Kensington sell it they will keep all the money themselves and the charging orders wont get paid am I right in thinking that? I just emailed the financial ombudsman too.
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