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Everything posted by gymfreak1978

  1. Is this AJ Martin geezer a fantasy figure I wonder he does half sign a lot of letters my point is AJ is the last 2 letters of Morrcraps postcode.
  2. cheers for that Micheal, a good read Ok ive been pondering all morning what to send, and gonna send the simple letter N template as it short and sweet and to the point, Ive seen the longer version on various threads but theres bits in it I dont totally understand so Im not comfortable in sending that version. Gonna send the template doorstep letter with it, in the same envelope, but ive edited to "another doorstep visit" Recorded of course.
  3. Cheers SP I think your right I was gonna send saintlys letters but feel it will drag things out longer than neccessary, so gonna send a CCA request to Moorcroft, I originally sent a CCA request to Eos solution about a year ago but I dont know what i did with the proof of postage, so thats not a lot of good know and so long ago. My parents knew everything about the debt even before I walked through the door, even told them they could sign up for a £50 a week mandate, if thats not breaking the DPA then I dont know what is. He knew my parenst were is best chance of payment some how, maybe some research from him beforehand, as ive stated before hes a local. Thanks to everyone whose replied you have all given great advice.
  4. PI guy your probably right, However cant help feeling he shouldve asked if I lived there, and if when told I wasnt home shouldve left, no questions asked. This is the 5th DCA agency this debt has been all have threatend me with the usual stuff, why have none taken me to court?? this is first home visit Ive had. wheres discmandave when you need him
  5. I would point out that I have no knowledge of any such debt being owed to do I put moorcroft or the original creditor?
  6. Im feel like going down the police station (doubt it would do any good) and reporting this guy, I feel hes totally violated my privacy came into my home, throwing accusations at my parents I feel so low at the moment.
  7. just 2 letters b4 xmas, threatening court action etc, ive never spoke to them on the phone, as I hadnt heard from them for so long I thought the account had probbaly been passed on AGAIN.
  8. Hi Np yes he had an identification card, he was a retired gentleman quite smart, hes actually lives in my village, mums seen him around so thats why she was so warming to him. Guess that how how u get a home visit when the DCA has a local rep.
  9. A different DCA defaulted on a CCA but that was a year ago now, I wouldnt know what I did with the proof of posting thou, so that probably doesnt stand now.
  10. It may not been 30 mins but felt like it, he just kept asking if this debt was mine, then my mother asked me if it was my debt, I said I never heard of his company he said you wouldve had final demands through the post, so must have, I was completly shocked to be honest he said to my mother I would know if the debt was mine, in fairness he did ask if it was ok to speak in front of mother but was a tad late imo.
  11. Ok I was out tonight at the pub, and had a call from my mother around 8.30pm, to come home for a private matter (an 8k debt in my name to a credit card), so raced home and theres a geezer from [EDIT] Moorcroft plc awaiting sat on the couche, mother even made him of tea. Mother asked me I owed 8K to the Halifax without even saying a word I was in total shock, the [EDIT] Moorcroft geezer tried to get my mother to sign up to £50 a week payment scheme even before I got home (would be over 2 years to pay the debt off in full I believe but he never actually mentioned this to me), I asked him why they hadnt taken me to court, he said yes they will do and will add on another £1000, I told him I didnt have £50 to my name, which is basically true. After about 30 mins of argueing the geezer finally had it away on his toes, I never admitted the debt to him but my mother kept asking me if was my debt, he then gave his number to my father on the way out and asked him to contact him if he wanted to pay the debt in full. It was so like he was prying on my parents to pay as he knew It was best chance. Now my mother wants to pay the debt in full on my behalf to get rid of it, she isnt mad at me at all, having these sort of people knock on the door, thats the the kind of woman she is, says were entitled to one mistake, but if she pays it feel so bad. Im in bits really, I thought the debt had finally gone away when Eos solutions defaulted on CCA request, and hadnt heard from [EDIT] Moorcroft since christmas. If this cc debt is actualy mine there been no payment made for at least 2 years, as I havent had a credit card for 2 years at least, I have none now and no other debts. im in tears I feel completly violated, all the private business been put out in the open.
  12. had the same letter of these just b4 xmas, as the last poster states there is no CCA, im still waiting for mine ,
  13. plerase the moisten the edge and send back?? since Ive had no bedroom action for a while, I think I have something I could moisten it with
  14. never had an Argos card, but you get to know original creditors favourite debt collectors, a great way of knowing if the debts been sold, in this case looks like it has not, imo of course. Trying your gf's address has have had no luck at your address, so trying a new tatic, since you CCA'd moorcroft, the debt becomes in dispute and should have never been passed on to frederick, not alone these new mugs. Depends what you wanna do CCA the new mugs again, or ignore them, id be declined to ignore them, as far as your concerned the debts in dispute with moorcroft. The account probably go around a few more houses before they finally give up. Oh by the way this isnt debt avoidance by the way. (you have to get that in these days) good luck anyway, you can sleep well tonight (nap) sorry im to use to the betfair forum
  15. allied have a website Allied International Credit - Home I take it you sent a CCA request to Moorcroft?? i
  16. sound like the normmal unenforceable debt what the orignal creditor cant sell as no paperwork, so Argos pass it around there fav DCA,s. moorcroft and frederick, and allied are Argoses main men, eventually they will leave you alone.
  17. this shower ring everyday between 6pm and 8pm, calls started about 10 days ago, I have only one alleged debt (rather large credit card), this account started off with blair oliver scott, then eos sloutions (defaulted CCA), Iqor, then with moorcroft, moorcroft seemed to give up just before xmas, Now these new calls from witheld number, but no letter as yet, and no one seems to speak. I think I may get a letter tomorrow, always seem to get a welcoming letter from a new DCA on saturday, guess it designed to ruin your weekend.
  18. this is most annoying DCA ever, everyones called Mr and Mrs, they ring everyday without fail, they wanna make you feel as small as possible, sonner you get rid of them the better, get CCAing the sods ASAP.
  19. LOL goldlady im glad I only ever had one card, no other bank was stooopid enuff to give me one, allegedly of course.
  20. gold lady theres only an application form for this what was signed outside outside a bank when a lady working for a credit card company begged me to sign up for one, when I took some CASH out of an ATM. Week later was called to say my application was sucessful and a card was sent to me, no proper CCA was signed. A company called EOS solutions ignored my CCA request, I ignored the further 3 DCA's rightly or wrongly thanks for the letter Ben
  21. thanks for the reply ben, why hasn't any of the DCA's this alleged debt has been with started legal action when they have stated in letters they are about to do so, then just pass it onto another DCA to go thru the same annoying process again. At least morecrap as you called them dont seem to be to bad on the phone only 2 or 3 calls a week, some of the other DCA's 2 or 3 times a day.
  22. recently recieved a letter from these muggs who are chasing a debt whats been passed around, they are currently the 4th DCA since january to chase the debt. My first letter explains if they dont recieve payment in full for 12K alleged credit card debt they other no option to start legal action any storys from this company ive never heard of them thanks in anticipation?
  23. i aint heard from iqor in about 4 weeks now after there solicitors incasso sent me a letter,
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