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  1. I spoke to Ofcom yesterday who were doubtful they could help ??? this morning ( 1st Dec ) I have had a phone call from 02 to say Ofcom had been in touch and that due to the length of time involved and as a result of the activities of the DCA`s, as a gesture of good will they have recalled and cancelled the debt. Many thanks to everybody
  2. I have played around with both letters and come up with this, any comments gratefully recieved. Dear Sir/Madam You have contacted me regarding the account with the above reference number, which you claim is owed by myself. This account is in dispute with 02 UK Ltd/Moorcroft DCA and has been since 25th February 2008 . After two years of requesting account details from 02 UK, Moorcroft DCA, Buchanan Clark and Wells DCA and Scotcall DCA with no result, I consider this account to be in SERIOUS DISPUTE consequentially any legal action you pursue will be averred as both UNLAWFUL and VEXATIOUS. I would also point out that the OFT say under the Guidance that it is unfair to pursue third parties for payment when they are not liable. And in not ceasing collection activity whilst investigating a reasonably queried or disputed debt you are using deceptive/and or unfair methods. Furthermore ignoring and/or disregarding claims that debts have been settled or are disputed and continuing to make unjustified demands for payment amounts to physical/psychological harassment. I would ask that no further contact be made concerning the above account unless you can provide evidence as to my liability for the debt in question. I await your written confirmation that this matter is now closed. Otherwise I will have no option but to make a complaint to Trading Standards and also inform the Office Of Fair Trading of your actions. I would appreciate your due diligence in this matter. Yours faithfully
  3. The CCA advice I got from this site at the time of sending ( Feb 2008 ) was to do exactly that. The validity of the debt is in dispute and neither 02 or any of the DCA`s have been able to provide any details of the account as to what has been payed or not or when ? it was my understanding that as they can`t prove the debt they are unable to collect, after 2 years surely they would have done so had they been able ????
  4. My daughter has a alleged debt of £123 with 02 dating from July 2007, in Feb 2008 I CCA`d 02 and Moorcroft DCA and of course they failed to comply. Moorcroft passed the debt back to 02 Sept 2008 Buchanan Clark and Wells started to try to collect threatening phone calls doorstep collection etc, usual crap until they gave up Jan 2009 Scotcall DCA tried and gave up after one letter today Red DCA working for Lowells are in touch wanting the £123 This is now the 4th DCA, I have all the letters that have passed both ways on file, following the advice on here I have been quite enjoying myself playing with the DCA clowns but it is now becoming a pain in the backside. What should be my next move ? Steve
  5. Recieved a letter today - they have ceased collection while they contact their client - how very kind Steve
  6. Thanks, will post tomorrow. Steve
  7. yes, in the end they just said they were handing the debt back ( after several letters and them failing to comply with my request for details of the debt ) Steve
  8. yes went through the full CCA process with Moorcroft in Feb this year, they were unable to supply any contract or details of the account. Steve
  9. Hi I had Moorcroft trying to collect a debt, they could not provide details or contract so gave up - now four months later I have received a demand from Buchanan Clark and Wells for the same debt - any advice please. Steve
  10. yes it was for a 02 mobile account which was cancelled, Moorcroft have had much more than the original amount owed approx £60 they seemed to want more and more unfortunatley my daughter did not bring this to my attention for some time, they say she still owes £123 even after paying some hundreds to them so I asked for a full statement of the account up to date via CCA with no result.
  11. Hi, I CCA`d Moorcroft who recieved it on 27 Feb 2008 so their twelve days are up and just a week short of the thirty days, today a letter arrived which I find very confusing could somebody comment on it please, my instinct is to ignore it until the thirty days are up.
  12. I sent Moorcroft a CCA which they recieved on the 27th Feb, today I recieved the following letter from them - what action if any should I take or should I ignore and count the days, the cheeky sods appear to be asking me for the same information I have asked them for !. Steve
  13. Hi, I am about to CCA Link Financial, I have two address`s a PO box in Caerphilly and a registered office in London, I am erring on the side of London doe`s anybody know for sure which would be the correct address to send to. Steve
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