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Everything posted by gymfreak1978

  1. must be a weight of your mind welshmammy, congrats!! GO and get HFO what ****!!
  2. Im being chased by DCA for unpaid credit card bill. Just about to CCA them as they left many messages on my phone, yet to speak to them in person. I got the card in 2003 and know I signed the original application form when I was asked on the street if I wanted a credit card, but nothing else im pretty sure. Would they use that as the CCA if it went to court? P.s it was originally handed over to a DCA in January then a month I get a letter from another DCA saying they are now the agent of the account. I dont understand why the original DCA would give after just one month. any good advice would be great
  3. I guess EOS solutions have bought my credit card debt what was originally handed to balir oliver scott in January. I sent the 28 day grace letter to BOS asking for all action to be held on the account, a few weeks later I get letter from EOS asking for the amount in the full. They have left about 10 msgs on my answering machine, yet to speak to them, gonna send the CCA letter as soon as printers fixed. SO have they bought the debt, or are they are part of BOS.
  4. pmhcfc vbmenu_register("postmenu_688056", true); what are the chances they have a CCA do you think? im scared to death they do LOL but cant see it myself cheers mate the letters seems great ill post it off
  5. section 2 of act 49 seems to suggest they have broken the terms. but how would an earth would you prove it.your word aginst theres I suppose.
  6. cheers mate any help would be greatly recieved. It was on highstreet when the lady reresenting the halifax signed me up. Shes was waiting to ask people if they wanted a credit card after withdrawing from the ATM.
  7. makes me laugh when these call agents call themselves mr ad mrs so and so when they leave a message, who the hell do they think they are.
  8. It was a silly thing to do I know that now!! my last bet was on boxing day, but thats probably more down to me NOT having no switch or the credit card anymore to put money into my online account, when I lost I just stuck more in to chase it, just STOOOOPID!! I dont really miss to tell you the truth. So what exactly is a CCA, would I signed it when I applied, thats the only time I couldve signed one, as I recieved the card thru the post I signed no other contracts and sent back, apart from the original application form.
  9. Just joined the site after reading these forums a few times and you guys seem so cool. Ok then my story goes in the summer of 2003 I was caught unaware when coming out of a bank after making a cash withdrwal, and a lady stopped me and asked me if I was interested in a credit card, I said no to start with and walked past, then she called me back and said her job was is in danger if she didnt get enough people applying, she said just apply and rip the card up when you get it if you dont want to use it. Anyway I agreed and she asked me the questions while she filled in the application form. I recieved the card with £1100 limit on it about a week later. Anyway a few months later I was pretty skint and used the card to feed my gambling habit and soon the card was maxed out, then the limit was upped to £1900, £3100, £5200, and then £6950. Last July the card became maxd out (again) and this time no letter offering to up the credit card limit. I could no longer afford the min payments of around £160 a month. The card was 90% used to feed my gambling addiction. 9 months later the debt stands at £8000 (added interest since last July) and is now with a collecton firm. Im getting the letters asking for full payments, threats of legal action, door to door collector calling, they have left a few messages ony answering machine wanting me to contact them. Im pretty sure I never signed anything apart from an application form so not sure wether they have a CCA. I have no taxable income at the moment and only have a car of value. I have no other debts or any other credit cards, no one else stupid enough to give me then. any advice welcome, thanks in advance Mark
  10. Just joined the site after reading these forums a few times and you guys seem so cool. Ok then my story goes in the summer of 2003 I was caught unaware when coming out of a bank after making a cash withdrwal, and a lady stopped me and asked me if I was interested in a credit card, I said no to start with and walked past, then she called me back and said her job was is in danger if she didnt get enough people applying, she said just apply and rip the card up when you get it if you dont want to use it. Anyway I agreed and she asked me the questions while she filled in the application form. I recieved the card with £1100 limit on it about a week later. Anyway a few months later I was pretty skint and used the card to feed my gambling habit and soon the card was maxed out, then the limit was upped to £1900, £3100, £5200, and then £6950. Last July the card became maxd out (again) and this time no letter offering to up the credit card limit. I could no longer afford the min payments of around £160 a month. The card was 90% used to feed my gambling addiction. 9 months later the debt stands at £8000 (added interest since last July) and is now with a collecton firm. Im getting the letters asking for full payments, threats of legal action, door to door collector calling, they have left a few messages ony answering machine wanting me to contact them. Im pretty sure I never signed anything apart from an application form so not sure wether they have a CCA. I have no taxable income at the moment and only have a car of value. I have no other debts or any other credit cards, no one else stupid enough to give me then. any advice welcome, thanks in advance Mark p.s if i had 8K id pay them tomorrow
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