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Everything posted by sillygirl1

  1. Sorry, just realised you may already be there. Hope the case gets dismissed.
  2. How far is the court from you? I would go along just in case and put in a wasted cost claim against Lowlifes. I would also take a complaint letter along listing the length of time this has taken and the grief and frustration it has caused you.
  3. Yes. let them know you know all about paper trails, it will make them aware you know your rights in this situation. I always take my fit note to the council after visiting my GP, it is on the way home anyway and then at home I copy the fit note and post the original to the DWP in Belfast.
  4. Thanks for the link to the legislation. I am going to reclaim all my money back from them, will be good to get especially as I am leaving them next month for EE - same package but half the price.
  5. Surely if Grant Thornton had costs of 50,000 this could be deemed wholly disproportionate to the amount of work done and that they were unjustly enriching themselves at the claimant's expense.
  6. Don't forget to mention wasted costs should be awarded to you. Take a letter of complaint regarding Mr Carter to the court and hand that in too. I believe he once boasted about being the biggest user of Northampton Bulk Court so they should have a copy of this letter too. Good luck for Wednesday.
  7. No they have not breached the Data Protection Act. They have probably just passed your details on as they are allowed to do for claimants. I would get a letter into them stating that the job is not what you want, will not enhance your skill set and clashes with an existing job you have. Keep the letter short and bullet point the reasons in as few words as possible. Keep the letter to one page.
  8. An Italian friend of mine (from Naples) once stated on one of those 4 seasons in one day days in November, foggy in morning, sunny at lunchtime, rain at dusk then sleety rain that "The English weather, she can be very badly misbehaved!" which I thought was beautifully expressed!
  9. What I would do in your case is write to them in strong terms, and in the meantime line up a new internet provider. You can do this quite easily now without having to talk to them.
  10. Talk Talk themselves have said that you can leave without penalty if you can prove to them you have suffered. This is not good enough IMHO. My contract with them runs out in May and I am leaving them next month and going to EE - will cost me £69 but I will get that back when I put in a claim for their non-payment by DD charges, 'not paying on due date £10 charge' and hassle they caused me with billing me for a phone I have never ever used and they should have taken off my account a long time ago. I will wait til I have changed before doing them a 14 day letter of action - I won't need to pay for court fees either as I am currently on benefits so I can afford to carry this forward.
  11. He should stop paying them, and set a counter challenge asking for all the paperwork relating to the alleged shortfall, especially if it was a sub-prime mortgage. I think that if it went back to court the Judge would say the company had had enough time to try and collect and as he is now retired there is little chance of an increase in payment, and in fact might even decrease the payment. It is a difficult decision but if you stick to your point that when the property was repossessed it was sold at a shortfall - which repossessing was supposed to stop in the first place.
  12. No, they do not have to undertake the review. They are sending somebody round (and probably will charge you for this) to see if your relative is 'living outside their means'. It is a sneaky move by Halifax and needs to be strongly countered. Keep the letter short and simple to both Ascent and Halifax Dear nosey whatsits I revoke any authority you may think you have (implied or otherwise) to send somebody round to my property. I have already given you a financial assessment and come to an arrangement with you. If anybody does come round they will be refused entry. That should put a stop to their behaviour. Don't threaten them with loads of legal jargon or other rubbish otherwise you will end up with your relative playing letter tennis for months.
  13. Report her to the Jobcentre Manager and copy in your local MP - this is disgraceful behaviour from her. She clearly does not understand the rules.
  14. Yes MM, they do go for more money, an LO to them is money in the bank over any other priority debt you may have. It is irrelevant that the debtor may be on minimal money and have no means of paying other bills, council tax comes first and foremost.
  15. There is no such calculator - you need to work it out on a spreadsheet. It isn't as easy as calculating a PPI refund and is not as simple as giving them the figures.
  16. In 90 minutes I could be at Gatwick Airport - but in practicality as a working location I would need to time my work hours around the coach service. The last job I did involved two busses and three trains each way - and if the trains didn't tie in - which frequently they didn't on the way home, the 1 hour 15 minute journey would be nearer 3 hours.
  17. Get in touch with the FOS and explain that Lowlife haven't paid you up, and ask them for further intervention. I think you were over ambitious asking for an additional £200 - if you had asked for 8% interest it would have put you on a better standing for persuing this via the courts.
  18. You are shooting yourself in the foot again. Not going to the interview could cause them to trawl through their records for about 7 years, checking every single piece of information they have - and they could demand to see your bank account for the last three or four years.
  19. Went on u-switch and saved my friend who lives downstairs £20 a month on her electric bill. She was paying EDF £40 a month for a one bed flat (our heating is included in our rent so she had no heating) and is well happy. EDF wanted to put her bill up to £50 a month to cover 'winter heating'.
  20. Showed a friend the ESA form you need to fill in. We've been texting each other fake intrusive questions regarding lifestyle and daily habits for a couple of hours....example question is "How many slices of toast do you have for breakfast and how much butter do you spread on it?" Answer "I have two slices and I use sunflower spread as the flower on the packet makes me happy!"
  21. Consumer Dude, the Freedom of Information Act would not apply here - because most local councils produce a lengthy document showing how council tax money is spent each year. They provide this to residents when they send the bill for the coming year. Its also available on the local councils websites. The Freedom of Information request will likely be turned down as the information is freely available elsewhere.
  22. If your daughter has been working a regular amount of hours over a 13 week period then the job should be re-classifed at that amount of hours rather than permanently be left on a zero hour contract. That is something that needs to be looked at. Take all her weekly hours over the period she has been working and work out whether she should be properly employed at X amount of hours. If this is the case then this could be highlighted to the management as well. If your daughter has not mentioned previous incidents to the management team how can she reasonably expect them to have investigated them?
  23. Well done MM. I wonder if they have a course like that in my area. My right arm is playing up again due to a trapped nerve and I managed to burn myself getting something out of the oven the other day. I will ask in the local Age Concern office next time I go to the shops.
  24. You can make an immediate claim for ESA if you want to, they won't accept 13 weeks of fit notes these days. If you are sick for more than two weeks you have to sign off and sign onto ESA
  25. Well done MM. My heating is paid with my rent - about £3.00 a week, which is really good. The building I live in is lovely and warm and a lot of the time I don't need the heating - I did yesterday though. Good neighbours are hard to come by these days so keep an eye on your friend.
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