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rubber duck

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Everything posted by rubber duck

  1. This whole insurance thing becoming just like a Pandora`s Box...Dig it deep and soon enough we`ll find just the material to take them to the Courts!
  2. This is why we need to get altogether and force the insurance companies to change otherwise we`ll suffer even more.The changes has to be thus; 1-the NCB stays at the same level irrespective of how many years you take off before the recess. 2-No cancellation charges applied to any insurance company as if there is a cancellation this is due to finding better quote unless they come down then fine otherwise we leave and no penalties. 3-Never pay higher premiums the following year if you stay with the same insurer. unless of course cirrcumstances changed. 5- The Government cannot hike the insurance tax more than the rate of inflation...ever! 6-Insurance contracts can be for a year but no penalties if changed anytime along that year as nobody has a guaranteed right of printing money when they basically use us a cashcows! Thank you all please feel free for other suggestions. RD
  3. INSURANCE COMPAMNY SCAMS I have just been scammed by a car/van insurance company called Bedford Insurance who fleeced me in a very professional and merciless way because of a mistake made on an online quote. Instead of writing 2017,,I by mistake I must add,had written 2007 for the vehicle purchase date. They came back to me a day later and charged me another £300.00.- + per year more with an increased deposit payment of another £47.00 payable immediately or they would be cancelling the insurance and still charging me another £35.00 for cancelling it! Is there any lower level that these fraudsters can sink in?They are always winging about how difficult insurance market is and they are barely making a living and all the other rubbish that they can come up with , yet I have never seen any one of them ever go up the wall? My short question is this;what can we do about this robbery? How about all of us not insuring any of our vehicles or use them for a year and see how they suffer ?Or take every single one of these companies for even the smallest mistakes they ever make ,to Courts?£65.00 a time is not an expensive way to deal with these crooks as they will lose in both ways since to be represented in court costs them a min of £1500 each time anyway! Any takers to create a real Consumer force to be reckoned with instead of just word-mongering? Please add your comments as I for one am sivk of it all!!! RD
  4. Hi Everyone.. Amigo is the worst of the loan sharks.period. Started by a [removed] ,named James Benamor who was also the main culprit on a BBC documentary about " a millionaire from Bournemouth misleading people over loans" is simply a [removed] misrepresenting yet unfortunately still allowed to [removed] people with formerly with a now defunct outfit called FLM and now the new kid on the block called Amigo Loans Ltd. This Company must be stopped at all costs since their main aim is not to get you out of a dire situation but instead layer his own pockets with a whopping 50 pct interest-even higher than Loan sharks since they only lend for a very short term and take all the risk themselves -with a view to put a charge on your house and even repossess it! Irrespective of what his website and advertising mumbo jumbo tells people. This is why this company must be taken off the financial industry since they are [removed] with money, and they will bring you on your knees ,if you allow them. This is why I would wish to start a protest group for any guarantor Company especially this outfit and drive them away from preying on the weak and the vulnerable.. ..And why am I so incensed with these[removed]?... Because they are trying to [removed] their way of putting a charge on my house , irrespective of the fact that they made an arrangement with the primary Debtor and when I offered to pay the same as his guarantor -although in their contract it says that they cannot make me pay more than the debtor himself -they want 10 times.. .yes 10 times more from me as his guarantor .Otherwise they threaten me with putting a charge on my house -for an unsecured Loan!!!!! which is what Amigo loans are supposed to be -and because they somehow got a Court order from a Colluding Court -since I suppose , they bring a lot of business to them ! - and now I shall be fighting them tooth and nail until they are simply taken out of this industry . The main culprit ,Benamor should have been stopped as early as 2008 but instead he is now worth 220 million quid , instead of 77 mil when he was found to be a real [removed]by the BBC. So please revert back as to how we can start to stop this evil empire!
  5. First of all, thanks a lot for a prompt reply but we still think that the restaurant has been grossly negligent let me explain why; when we gave the order we specifically asked 3-4 times that we did not want a certain ingredient in that meal which we had a right to do and was assured that would be fine but only to be served exactly what we avoided to have in the first place surely counts as negligence as our request fell on deaf ears..is that not negligence? I know people who were vegetarians ,who asked if the fat used was vegetable fat,assured it was but got served animal-fat fried chips ,sued the establishment and awarded damages of $27.000..why is this any different?After all, our faith has been sabotaged by a clueless server and my wife suffered emotional trauma-which happens when you never ate this particular ingredient since birth-was violently sick but not dead and shall not go near the establishment ever again,and you think this is a non-starter?I mean this place would have served her say peanut butter when they knew she was allergic to nuts yet she wouild just have an upset stomach,then everything would be ok? Also how a Customer Services Manager of this place can basically say" well, cross-contamination is basically a natural thing in our restaurants,so watch out as you are responsible for checking the food we serve and if you happen to be poisoned,hard luck!" Well,if obviously we feel that if this restaurant chain shall/can not change the way they serve food-according to the wishes of their customers-then we have every right to expose them to the rest of the world,maybe damaging their business worldwide- and believe me this disclosure shall do that.But we ,by contacting them first before going public,hoped that this would be avoided.. We thank you in advance if you would be once more kind enough for any more advice?
  6. Hi Everybody. I hope you all are having a wonderful New Year ,may the Justice be with you at all times. My wife and I have faith that prohibits us to eat certain meats and meat products yet have been served food that was not what we ordered which turned out to be contaminated with another kind of meat which we specifically had requested many times not to be included in. Once our food were served and we started eating and She never realised that the food was contaminated until a few bites into it and once realising the meal was not fit for her consumption, went out and became violently sick with tears running down her cheeks. The manager was informed who simply wanted to offer a free replacement which we declined and said that we would write to the head office and seek an apology as well as compensation as this was a corporate negligence of the highest order. The head office offered us free replacement meals which we have declined and returned and nothing else and were advised" to have checked our food before we consumed as it could have been cross-contaminated during preperation."WOW!!!! We have written to the Head of operations of this restaurant but the answer was the same; "we can not do anything more". Of course the issue is a lot more detailed and the name of the chain shall not remain a secret if they continue their present stand. So ,do we have a case ,if not why not?
  7. of course not.! can you also imagine the noise that it will create in the media and the industry as a whole??..hopefully afterwards we can take them on,on our own terms...at the end ;we need mortgages,they need a return for their money,as long as we are all honest with each other...there is no problem,is there?...this whole issue is not of earning a decent profit for these companies-as shown by them so far!-but how much they can squeeze us for!..similiar situation happened with car companies for so many years now..they toe the line!(they are still making money on over-priced spare parts now, but this is another issue for another day!)
  8. Jamorgan.. how about creating a "fighting fund" for everybody concerned when they are taking kensington to Court??? this fund can be used to help people to continue their cases even if there was a risk of costs being awarded against them.. in most cases,the judge would not order these costs as long as the refunds are below £5000.- as we all know,therefore the risk is minimal... what does everybody say?? consider this ; if everybody who had been hard doe by kensington paid only £10.--each for this fund,we shall have more than enough to represent everybody and believe me this will put the scares up the Big Boy! and many similiarly featured other companies too! what do you reckon..worth a shot??? my £10.- ready when you are! keep the faith. R.D.
  9. Dear Louisk.... please..pleasse..please..do it! i ,and the thousands of others are waiting in hope!..pleaseeeee!
  10. Hi there.. first of all we all are aware what kind of an extortion racket these people are,but don`t despair... keep writing to them in a polite way-as they say keep your friends close but enemies closer!-and try to appeal to their humane side-ok..i know they have none of that..but just for arguments sake!-and keep asking for these charges not to be added on in a nice way...keep chipping at the old block of granite..sometimes-and it is very rarely-they may conceed rather than keep getting letters to deal with every so often and may cross out a charge or two..it happened a couple of times to me but not very oftehn..as they say every little helps...inthemeantime,we are all trying to take them to court!
  11. Hi there.. i suggest.please please please,do not ditch them until you are free to do so..so they get no fees for early exit..they do not like that!..all in all even if you have to change to another company,the changeover fees etc is gonna cost you around 1500-2000 pounds..so save that and wait until you can leave without any punishment from the Draculaland!that is exactly what i am waiting for..ready in June -july sometimes... but whatever happens i want everybody to sue them..the more the merrier...as the numbers starts to increase believe me their will to defend anything will be on the wane..then Bingo!They know we are right..but just delaying the inevitable so they can draw more interest from our funds in their hands...but not long now! keep the faith.
  12. Tks a lot for the info so far..one sticky poit for the intelligent barristers though... does it matter how much of a legal indemnity clauses that they may have when what they do is plainly illegal hence the original contract is null and void??as they were supposed to deal with us honestly,with care...where??? i have not seen that at all from any of these big boys ...People like kensington deal with people who did have their problems in the past and trying to get back on track..but not only by charging higher-up to 50 pct more!-on their mortgages,they also punish them with all kinds of heresy,inuendo and superficial codswallop!..they are the first ones to breach their own contract anyway by delaing with us in a dishonest way!! please tell me which judge is gonna listen to them,except when striking claims out as a result of making mistakes on the procedures governing the technicalities of the mechanism of courts,not on the fundemental issue of dishonesty and lack of care.
  13. Hi there.. first of all ,thank you very much for all the info that you provide on these forums ...my dilemma is as follows as far as the Mortgage comapnies are concerned; how they can even contemplate of challenging any of us in Court when they know full well that; 1-they are covered by the same rules and regulations as the banks- and credit card companies-as clearly indicated in the Customer Contract regs... 2-they have charged us all along fees ,penalties and defaults well above what it costs them ,clearly they have been making huge profits-as much as up to 2000pct in most cases!as we all know that these silly letters etc..cost between 49 to 99 p each to produce!no wonder they do not want anybody else to know their cost disclosure!!! so is there any reason why we may not take them to court.???..surely any even averagely intelligent judge would see through them at a stroke and award the decision in our favour,specially when the media also gets hold of this sad story! please enlighten us with your wisdom.. tks and God bless. r.d
  14. Hi There.. apparently you were also kensingtoned! sorry about that but we are all in the same boat.. there are a few peole on these forums who are claiming from them.one already received all the charges back.i am also taking them to court as soon as they refuse to come to an amicable solution about my latest demand..another way to put pressure on them is to get the media involved.talk to any newsoapers-and they do know them!-and tell them your story and ask them to make an issue of it..they all need a good nes story these days..obviously the more people take themto court less likely they are to contest the uncontestable!so good luck and keep the faith,the law is on your side!
  15. Hi There don`t forget..give them the publicity they they do not want!..ring a newspaper and tell them your story so everybody knows about these people..i have already done that and boy..were they interested ! so do not be afraid and take the fight to them..the least they want is negative publicity! so let them have it! good luck.
  16. Jamorgan.. you are one brave,courageous and ballsy individual..go and give them hell ..we are right behind you all the way as there are hundreds more claims on the way and believe me they shall not be able to defend them all however big their litigation department is! good luck! r.d.
  17. Hi There. i am sure you will find tons!! please do not let them off the hook! the more people claim,the quicker and easier will be for everybody else and this practice of deception will end once and for all! After all ,what we want is to be treated like decent humans and not like the idiots that they take us for! good luck. r.d.
  18. Hi There.. i am exteremely sad that you were forced to sell your house.. i have been in a similiar situation but kept the payments up and just about scraping by now..but believe me do not let the b..tards tgrind you down..you have nothing else keft to lose and they cannot-in most cases!-land you with their court cases..there are hundreds of people who are taking them to court now,and i am one of them and i also want the media and newspapers to get in the act..so please do not be afraid of the cour system and do not give them an inch.. good luck and keep in touch..you are certainly on the right place here. r.d.
  19. Dear Mila there are many people who are in the same situattion as you are..i am one!now after having read all about them and the way they [edit]people blind i shall be another one of no doubt many people who shall take them to court too..as i am also loking for similiarly treated people maybe we can all get together on these forums for a joint strategy to defeat these [edit]..? if we all stand together and show them our resolve,i don1t think they`ll even defend the cases!
  20. Hi There i really loved having read of your humiliation of this vampire of the mortgage companies the rogue Kensington outlaws..but now everybody will sort them out ..after all they can only defend so many actions! well done..god bless you and good luck!
  21. Hi There.. please keep reverting with the details as i am also taking them to court..also if it helps ,get the media involved too.they love a story.recenlty Daily Mirror expressed an interest in my story but they want to use the real names which i objected to.if you do not mind that then please do it and give all of us a break from these blood-scukers! good luck.
  22. Dear Graham i am sorry to see you suffering as well as me from the hands of the Kensington Mortgages.. i have already claimed from them..after a few letters backwards and forwards and me explainign the situation to them they said to fight the issue in court and also threatened me with forcing me to pay their court costs too!!.now this makes me believe that they have things to hide on this score and trying to gag me up..so i need everybody incld yourself demanding the same thing as they are also covered by the same ruling as i already found that out. so please let us know how you go on about this-as i am on the verge of taking them to court,having already threatened them not only with the court appearence but also with media exposure but they came back arrogant and i feel they should be taken down...do you feel the fight too.. i am sure there are thousands like us with this company-as i feel they`re the worst of the worst! and it is a matter of time we all have a go..so let`s do just that..how about a combined effort..?? p.s; they turn over 155 mil£ p/year...10% of their customers are 3 or more months behind with their mortgagese-no wonder with all the charges they put on! and they are cocky as hell...so what do you think?/..worth a shot?
  23. Hi there.. can you please tell me if i can claim for Mortgage default/late payment penalty fees too??
  24. hi thre yes you can go back up to 6 years even if the bank account is no longer open!
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