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Everything posted by fzrkitten

  1. Hi, See this other thread as well - Oft Test Case News! It has some links to other news as well. Can anyone confirm this - What I would think about is if your case is only stayed til half way through this test case (as some people have said February), do you need to appy to the court again to keep your case in court after that date? The judge I sat in front of last year stayed my case til July this year, but if that was before any outcome of the test case then I myself will have to go back to the court to keep the stay in place, and not get my case thrown out as it were. I think we just all need to still be on our toes, and check perhaps? Any thoughts? Fzrkitten.
  2. Hi Mattemotion, Same as you - still waiting, looks like it might be a long wait too. News said last night that a judge's decision might be about april, and then any appeal could run for another year. But someone on bbc news made the excellent point that why should the banks still be able to charge while we are stopped from claiming - as many people have said on here. There is this thread Oft Test Case News! and some links in it to other news like the bbc, so just keep an eye out for what's happening, I'm sure the guys on here will be quick off the mark with anything they hear. Most people knew about that [problem] before me, I was gobsmaked (so innocent!). BW, Fzrkitten.
  3. Thanks Steven, I did have him trying to find words, but he was good! (nearly too good). The first woman that phoned me put the phone down within seconds, but when I called them back, I got this guy, and he tried his hardest to convince me - and nearly did unfortunately - until he mentioned the cost. Then I knew. I just worry that other people won't know, and there are some that have had money taken from their accounts, on that whocalled site that els put up in above post. Wouldn't mind but calling him back probably cost me loads on my mobile, not even sure how they got my number - but I don't mind if this helps others. My whole sorry story so far is on this thread Court Date - Have queries! Help Please? if you are in need of a laugh (or maybe cry!!!). Fzrkitten.
  4. Helllooooo, thought I just replied but lost it somewhere, sorry! Gary, I pm'd you but ignore it, I started a thread - Urgent Is this a [problem], and there are some answers on there, elsinore sorted me out. Was funny though, guy phoning to tell me we'd won bank charges case and would be refunded in full! When I mentioned CAG he put the phone down, funny that. Nice to speak to you all again - Gary do you know any more about the test case - any murmerings of how the OFT might decide? Know the other website says they think it will say charges are unfair, but I'm finding it hard to hold out for a glimmer of hope! And I know we shouldn't really speculate......
  5. Excellent site, thanks Els, have posted on it and also emailed the government complaint address one guy put on for the same reason. That company need taking out of action fast!
  6. Hi Lula, I know of the court case and everything, have my own thread on here, just wanted to grab attention so no one falls for it - even I nearly did until he mentioned the 39.99 payment, and filling in paperwork for them. The way he worded it was that they had decided that charges were unfair, and were now making the 14th to decide how much they would be in future - he was very good. (But so am I - I didn't spend over an hour arguing in the court room to be taken in by this guy!). I just want to stop anyone and everyone from falling for it, and think people outside CAG should be made aware, there are millions that haven't claimed bank charges because they thought it was too hard, if this guy is just ringing randomly and telling them that we have won, and for 39.99 they can get their charges back, people will fall for it. I'm gutted all over again now. Fzrkitten.
  7. Also, he said the paperwork will be sent out, and you give your details and the money will be credited within 7 to 10 days - DON'T ANYONE FILL ANYTHING IN OR GIVE ADDRESSES OR ANYTHING IF YOU GET CALLED!!!!!!!
  8. I have just had a phone call from someone claiming to be 'the Banking Charges Bureau', that were set up in March last year, (and mentioned the FSA), who have just tried to tell me that the bank charge case has been decided, and that everyone will be getting their money back. I told him the case wasn't until the 14th, and he said no, on the 14th they are going to decide how much the charges will be in the future, and that they were likely to be set at £12. He said we had won and for a small 'legal' charge, would get all we had claimed plus 8%, the interest. He was very convincing, and said that he would send paperwork out, but there was a small 'legal' charge of £39.99, but we would get so much more back from the 8%. At that point I said I had already claimed the 8% in my court claim, and that I had done it with the consumer action group, and he put the phone down!! I know I was a random phone call as well, as no one but my friends have my mobile number. - So what is going on here???? I have the number that I was called from, (if anyone wants to check it out) and I rang him as I missed the first call, and it does pick up as the banking charges bureau (but could be set up or anything!). The 'small legal charge' was what got alarm bells ringing with me, why would we have to pay anything if we have gone through court etc, then why did he put the phone down when I mentioned CAG?! Guys?
  9. Hiya, I'm ok, just tend to self-destruct a bit if I keep thinking too much, so left it all alone for a bit, although I know others have so much more to worry about than me. I was able to do christmas, have had a lodger for a couple of months, although she's leaving me this month, which throws me backwards again, and I need advice on council tax (?) as I have an attachment of earnings now and they will take 3 payments of nearly £300 out of my wages over the next 3 months, which I basically can't do as my mortgage is £924, that's my wages gone. So I think I'm worrying again now, as I just can't lose my house, been here before, not got any chances left now. - Does anyone know how I can stop them taking that much? See you started me on the doom and gloom look, never meant to. Want to be positive about the test case but I wondered if any whispers were around on whether we think it's going to be good news? I know it could go on for years, just hoping I guess. Some friends of mine had a lean christmas as well, but at the end of the day we all have each other, and I think Christmas is just completely out of hand anyway, so it helps to get us to come back to earth a bit and see what means the most I guess. Health and family eh, (and in your case a dry house?) I do hope this year is better for you, and I'm glad you feel in control now and happier, a good place to be! Fzrkitten. x
  10. Hi all, I haven't really been around for people for a while, (not that you needed me!) hope everyone is ok here, I had a few things going on and I tend to drive myself mad, so I didn't really need lloyds to help! And I haven't felt much use for anyone else for a while - sorry. Let's hope this is the start of a very good year for everyone - what are the general thoughts out there of our chances in the test case? Fzrkitten.
  11. Hi Night Owl, Just popped in to say hi really, and see how you were getting on. I've tried to just completely forget about things til now, as the test case starts next week eh - then I guess things will get interesting again. Sounds like you have still been battling - glad you've changed accounts though, best thing you could do. And I love the cat litter idea, might try that one myself. (That would also make identity fraud harder for people unless they cared to retrieve stuff from used litter!). ewgh, not a good thought! Good luck hun, you are strong to keep fighting. Fzrkitten. x
  12. Hi all, made me laugh, echoing in here! I guess the guys/gals that work so hard for the site are working hard on the test case at the mo, we are still reliant on the brains of these wonderful people that have helped us all the way. Did anyone else get stayed the same as me - not only til the end of the test case, but to the end of any appeal as well, AND, if I don't hear anything before end June I think, I have to write to the court or the case will get thrown out, not Lloyds telling them! I have actually tried to forget for a while, it wasn't doing me any good, as I'm sure you all feel the same too! I got on with life and have got a new lodger to help pay the mortgage, so things are a little better, and I've never really taken life seriously for long, so I manage! Hope you are all ok and hanging in there! BW, Fzrkitten x
  13. Hi all, Sorry, I've been very quiet and not very useful for a good while, hope you all are ok. Just wanted to catch up if there is any new news on test case? I can't even do anything til after appeal, judge made sure of that, but wondered how things were going? Best wishes, Fzrkitten.
  14. Hi, If you worked out how much you are claiming, that's first amount, then interest at 8%, then daily interest (*% again unless you are claiming other interest), you just fill it in with your amounts that you put on your charges schedule? There is an interest calculator on here somewhere if you haven't done your schedule, sorry couldn't find it quickly for you. BW, Fzrkitten.
  15. Hi Mattemotion, Few items here - last one is well funny. Also check out hadyanth's thread, he won in court most recently, and Gary gave me good advice too, if any helps you, on my thread. Case Guidance notes - Going to court Case guidance notes - bringing your case to court full report from an entertaining afternoon at Kingston County Court **MUST READ** (1 2 3 4)
  16. Hi, Your letter from the court should say something as to the length of stay? If you have read guidoT's post there is some good advice there too, if you were thinking of opposing the stay. Regards, Fzrkitten.
  17. Hi, It does look like your judgement fax may have got ignored and Lloyds have got their defence in, although you should get a copy. If proceedings have transferred to your local court, and you know which one, it might be worth ringing with your case number and asking if they have anything yet, and what the situation is. If you don't know the court, then you might just have to wait until they send something to you, although if it went through northampton in the first place you could ring them to see where it's transferred to. Good luck and let us know how you get on. Fzrkitten.
  18. Hi Gary, Thanks for clarification, that's all I wanted really. I'll just sit back and forget about it for a while, and just keep in touch and help where I can. Looks like a long wait unless they pull out or something! Guess I'll just have to get another lodger and keep up the car boot sales for a while! Thanks for all your help so far:) Fzrkitten.
  19. BBC NEWS | Business | OFT may compromise on bank case Here it is.
  20. Hi PabloFr, Sorry for your outcome today, I agree, it is hard work! I'm in the same boat as you, for all my arguments. Except the judge I had has even extended my stay to the outcome of any appeal, not just the test case. Unfortunately I've just seen on another recent post (sorry, lost it now), that the test case may even be postponed itself now, with the banks expected to follow Lloyds and reduce charges. It's a bbc news item, on a very recent post, I read it about 5 mins ago! There are so many things being said at the moment, it's difficult to know what to do. I notice you said the Lloyds guy told you that you would probably get paid in full - how weird is that! I am not sure about challenging the stay, it depends on circumstances and if you feel you want to spend a non-refundable £35 on challenging it. BW, Fzrkitten.
  21. Hi Hannah, It does seem they've got themselves a bit confused doesn't it. Who was the letter from granting the stay? The court? Or did moneyclaim send you a letter? I know moneyclaim cases were all supposed to be stayed now, but not ones that have been going on this long and should have had judgement. Did you actually file with the court for judgement against lloyds, or do it through the moneyclaim site? And did you have a court date set? I know you haven't received any defence either, just trying to see what would be your best course of action now. Regards, Fzrkitten.
  22. Hi Jaz, Hope court went ok for you this morning - I know full well it's scary, I went last week. Let us know how you got on this morning, Bw, Fzrkitten.
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