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Everything posted by fzrkitten

  1. Hi, If anyone can help then: It seems I may have had 2 accounts with HFC, one was a personal loan plus, taken out in September 1998, and did have 'IC protection premium' on it. (I have the agreement for this). This wasn't a large amount, and was run like a bank account, where you paid your wages in and they took direct debits for the loan amount each month. I'm not sure that this one is in dispute, I may have finished paying it, or it may have been lumped in with a further loan. However, it looks like it had ppi on it. The second loan I only have 2 details for, the account number, and a letter from a solicitors back in 2005 asking me to up my payments voluntarily on the attachment of earnings. They never wrote again and I am still paying an amount every month on my wages at work. I think I do have the judgement for this one, and it's a very large amount, I'm sure more than 3000 more than the original loan as well, on judgement. My query on these is that if I now chase for refund of ppi, or the original judgement, could it backfire on me and I end up paying more each month etc? Or is it worth arguing it. I think they treated me apallingly at that time, and the fact that I am still paying must mean I have paid a large amount already. I never appealed the original judgement, I hadn't found this website then or knew there was help out here, and was too scared and young and on my own at that time. If anyone can help it would be ace, thanks guys. Fzrkitten
  2. Hi, 42man if you are out there, I just realised you asked me a question months ago and I didn't answer properly. I never challenged the original judgement. Can I do something about that now? I have the paperwork, will post a bit more detail in a short while. . Many thanks to anyone for help, Fzrkitten.
  3. Well done Night Owl, reading with interest as I too wondered if I need to change my POC, also a very long time ago now. Keep saying I'm going to phone the court but got other stuff on and keep forgetting, although it would be tragic to get struck out now as you say. BW & hopefully a happy new year! Fzrkitten. x
  4. Hi all, Found my stay instructions, dated 9th Oct 2008. It states that (probably the same as others) the test case be stayed pending the final determination of the OFT case, to include any appeal. Are the OFT likely to appeal now? I take it this means Lloyds can't just get the case struck out, they'd have to apply and I'd know first? I'm probably asking daft questions and not thinking, apologies if that's the case, problems with mum in hospital at mo, bit difficult to read up and take stuff in. Will phone court if I can tomorrow, get a general idea if anything is changing there, and let people know. Fzrkitten.
  5. Hi NightOwl, Seems like forever for us eh! I had seen those announcements but the thread was useful, seems things are moving for some people already, so I think I should phone my Court, just to see if any directions. I can't get struck out now, we put too much into this! BW, Fzrkitten x
  6. Sorry my thread title hasn't changed for 3 years, court date had been and gone, on hold like everyone else. I am significantly worried however about what happens next, as my claim isn't for a tiny amount. I understand we are waiting but is there anything I need to do to make sure this case isn't thrown out of court? I saw the original advice of getting the stay lifted, but didn't write the letter and then the advice changed, so I'm waiting, but worried! Thanks, Fzrkitten.
  7. Hi all, My view is that if they finally pay everyone back, it will boost the economy, as everyone will spend again, or pay back the debts they owe anyway, as they won't want to be in that situation again! Also the banks will take debts out of payouts before people get any money, therefore getting the cash back that way. Fzrkitten.
  8. Hi 42man, just read the link, does the below mean if my loan is older than 2005 (it is), I would have trouble? ...... HFC has been regulated by the FSA since 1 December 2001 , but in relation to its insurance mediation activities, only since 14 January 2005 . It is an authorised person under the Financial Services and Markets Act with permissions to carry out a range of regulated activities. .... I can send an SAR anyway, no harm done I guess (although I don't know if I need to tread carefully with this as they still take pennies from my wages. . .) I didn't challenge the original judgement, young and stupid. I will spend the weekend looking for paperwork first I think. I know I have the court judgement somewhere, and I have visions of a green piece of paper which may be the agreement. . wish me luck! Thanks very much, Fzrkitten.
  9. Can anyone tell me if I should send SAR, or CCA, and if CCA, what is that and where can I find it on site, been looking since yesterday! Sorry, can do sar, been through that before, but wasn't sure on cca.
  10. Hi all, My story is, I had a loan, probably 15 years or more ago. I got into trouble paying it, and it ended up as an attachment of earnings which I am still paying. The amount is a large one, larger than the original loan I think. I'm not sure if I was sold ppi as well. I don't have many details of the loan at present, and I am trying to find the court details etc, and info through work as to who is being paid, but can anyone tell me if they think I can do anything about this now very old debt, as it's already been passed as a judgement a long time ago, but I'm sure I've been paying it 6 to 8 years already every month. I may be able to find the original piece of paper, I have visions of it somewhere, and I do have the court judgement somewhere. Just want to be pointed in the right direction or told to give up on this one? I've got an outstanding (LARGE) claim with Lloyds on the forum, and I'm just thinking of tackling Capital One for old money. This is the only debt i have outstanding, and I think it's wrong that it's more than the original loan by quite a lot, and that it's so long now. Any help appreciated, BW, Fzrkitten.
  11. I've found HFC thread, I'll post there, thanks dx.
  12. Hi Steven, Thank you, I will keep you all informed. Also thinking of taking on HFC, have posted (probably in the wrong place) on that one as well. But that's a different kettle! BW, Fzrkitten
  13. Hi dx, Thanks - I'm being really thick, cca? You wouldn't think I've argued for an hour in court against Lloyds would you. Can't remember a thing. (Mind you, I think they had a part in my losing the plot for the last year slightly!) lol. letters just won't come into my head! So you think I can do something then? Thanks, fzrkitten
  14. Hi, not sure if I'm in the right thread as usual, couldn't see any claimants of HFC Bank. My story is, I had a loan, probably 15 years or more ago. I got into trouble paying it, and it ended up as an attachment of earnings which I am still paying. The amount is a large one, larger than the original loan I think. I'm not sure if I was sold ppi as well. I don't have many details of the loan at present, and I am trying to find the court details etc, and info through work as to who is being paid, but can anyone tell me if they think I can do anything about this now very old debt, as it's already been passed as a judgement a long time ago, but I'm sure I've been paying it 6 to 8 years already every month. I may be able to find the original piece of paper, I have visions of it somewhere, and I do have the court judgement somewhere. Just want to be pointed in the right direction or told to give up on this one? I've got an outstanding (LARGE) claim with Lloyds on the forum, and I'm just thinking of tackling Capital One for old money. This is the only debt i have outstanding, and I think it's wrong that it's more than the original loan by quite a lot, and that it's so long now. Any help appreciated, BW, Fzrkitten.
  15. Well, can't believe how long ago I asked for help, sorted myself out, forgot about capital one, was going to do it and didnt! I am going to put in the SAR now then, time I fought back I think, haven't had the energy til now. Hope to report back with good news soon. BW, Fzrkitten
  16. Hi alphageek, I hope for others it is resolved quickly, although it seems it will drag on. I'm ok now, (still waiting like you though) but I know many of my friends on here are still suffering badly while waiting. Just makes you wonder how many more game's they'll play and how many more lives they'll ruin first. Good luck all! x
  17. Hi all. What get's me is the paragraph on that BBA report that says: There is limited guidance from case law on whether and how the UTCCRs apply in these circumstances. The Banks continue to believe that the UTCCRs do not apply to these types of charges, where the customer is using and paying for a service that is being offered. So how come, and there are probably thousands more people same as me, I wasn't allowed an overdraft on the type of account I had, so how were they providing a service? They just charged me every time for going over big fat zero, and direct debits of course. This has been my argument all along, and my charges go into thousands. I had to sell my house (luckily I sold in 2 weeks), because of the banks. I am in a better position now but that's not quite the point as you guys all know. When will they give in? Bw, Fzrkitten
  18. Hi Night Owl, I'm pleased to hear you are getting somewhere, if not with Lloyds, lol. I'm not really battling any more, I just wound myself up over it constantly, as I know you know! I am just playing the waiting game now. Let's hope it's not another year before we get any answers! fzrkitten x
  19. Lol, I've just read that again, not bitter at all are we?!
  20. Hi Night Owl, I was just seeing if anything had changed on site, reading your posts etc. I wondered on your last post, if Lloyds are admitting you are suffering financial hardship, I wondered if the courts would lift your stay at all as a financial hardship case, seeing as the bank seems to be admitting it themselves? I wonder if it's worth just putting a little letter to the court together with the other letters and abuse you've had, and copy in the FSA etc, and see if you get any response that way. I have to say I gave up trying and am resigned to the fact that I have to wait, but I had to sell my house to get out of the situation I was in. It is a happy ending for me as I've moved in with my man after 12 years, and it's been ace, but that's not the point, I nearly lost my house twice mainly because of Lloyds, before I gave in. (And I fought an hour in the court as you know). Hope you are well besides, Best wishes, Fzrkitten. x
  21. Just realised I keep repeating myself lately....! And have had plenty of advice, worded that one wrong as well. muppet. Thanks all! Fzrkitten x
  22. Hi Night owl - you lacking sleep hun? You read me wrong, I'm not in court thurs, was just gonna 'pop in' to find out what was happening. I phoned them instead, and they said to write a letter asking for the case to stay 'stayed', or for further direction as it's taken so long. My court day was about 10 months ago now nearly, can you believe it, I got stayed then, but they were going to kick the case out on the 31st july this year if the test case wasn't decided. So I have to apply for the case not to be thrown out, after all the hard work everyone helped me with I couldn't stand that now. Done the letter anyway, posted this morning, so hopefully it will just stay 'stayed', until we hear further news. Is there any news by the way anyone? Thought they had to decide something further this week? My birthday tomorrow so might not get back to a pc until about monday (now that's celebrating!), but have a good weekend if I'm not back! Best wishes, Fzrkitten. x
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