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Everything posted by fzrkitten

  1. Thanks Steven, will do it then! Let you know:) Fzrkitten.
  2. Hi remus, Sorry I got busy with a house sale and haven't been on here a while. My situation has changed completely (in a good way), since I started all these things, but I still don't want to give up on Lloyds and stuff. I have actually cleared my capital one debt now with the agency that had it, but can I still go back to capital one for their charges originally? It's all closed and done with now. I'm not sure I will bother, know I should but it's not like the Lloyds one, I'd fight them to the death! bw, fzrkitten (saggy old cloth cat!)
  3. Hi again, I just phoned my local court, and they asked if I could just write a simple letter asap, asking something like: Pursuant to the order dated ******, could I please now have further directions on extending the stay on my case. I'm not sure how you'd want to word it or add, but something simple should be fine. Perhaps just phone your court to see if they have different thoughts. Best wishes, Fzrkitten
  4. Hi lummers, sorry, been in the middle of a house move and not checked here for a week or two, but no advice, it's all gone very quiet here! I might just go to the court on thursday morning (my birthday, deep joy!) and see what they say, and if I have to pay there and then I guess I will. My claim is for a large amount and has cost a lot of tears so far, I'm not letting them just chuck me out. Have you heard anything since you asked me? BW, Fzrkitten.
  5. Hi Night Owl, Just wondering how things are with you - still battling I see! I'm still waiting too, albeit a bit easier for me now by the sounds of things. I still have Lloyds account open waiting for the pennies to drop in (lol), it hasn't happened yet though eh. They paid me a whole penny interest yesterday. I've changed banks though, it is definitely a hassle, hope you have got there now? Best wishes hun, Fzrkitten x
  6. Hi Enron, Ah, it's difficult to explain, I don't need to lift a stay, just that my stay will expire and my case be thrown out at the end of july, if I don't APPLY to stay the case again. They put it at my door for some reason, so it would be good to know if some claims are getting paid. Especially after Barclays dropping their charges to £8, let's hope this is the beginning of the end eh! But I have a feeling my bank will hold on til the bitter end somehow... Thanks again, Fzrkitten.
  7. Hi Enron, I originally started my claim just following moneysavingexpert site, but quickly found the guys here, and my story has been a long one. I think we are at crossed purposes, I don't need to LIFT my stay, (well it would be nice), the courts are actually going to chuck my case out if I don't get the stay extended MYSELF after my hour in court last year. I think I just need to phone the court and check what the procedure is next. They totally went on Lloyds side and said that if the case wasn't sorted by the end of July, and I don't ask for the case to stay stayed (!), then it will get chucked out. Zoot or Gary or anyone - any ideas (are you still there guys?) Thanks though Enron, input much appreciated, Best wishes, Fzrkitten
  8. Hi, just received a letter from SC&M telling me 'how things are going' with my case (guess everyone got one?), but I'm still concerned about previous post, as it's not up to SC&M but the courts, and my court say my claim will be thrown out at end july if a decision not reached by then - any advice anyone? see previous post for order. Hope everyone is ok here, Best wishes, Fzrkitten. x
  9. Hi, just received a letter from SC&M telling me 'how things are going' with my case (guess everyone got one?), but I'm still concerned about previous post, as it's not up to SC&M but the courts, and my court say my claim will be thrown out at end july if a decision not reached by then - any advice anyone? see previous post for order. Hope everyone is ok here, Best wishes, Fzrkitten. x
  10. Hi all, can anyone advise on what I need to do to stop my case getting thrown out next month? The judge issued the following on my day in court: (And number 3 was aimed at me, not Lloyds!) It is ordered that: 1. The claim is stayed until further order to await the final determination including (for the avoidance of doubt) any appeal of the claim between the office of fair trading and seven Defendant Banks issued in the High Court of Justice on the 27th July 2007 Number 2007 Folio 1186 ("The Test Case"). 2. Either party may apply upon not less than 7 days written notice to lift the stay. 3. The case shall stand struck out if an application to lift or extend the stay is not received by 4.00pm on 31st July 2008. 4. No order for the costs of today. 5. For the avoidance of doubt the claim and/or defence, if struck out by a previous order, is reinstated. Dated 7 September 2007. It's number 3 I'm concerned with, the Judge made it clear that this is my problem, to get the stay extended, or the case will be struck out. Can anyone offer advice please? I don't want to leave it too late to act now. Thanks as usual, Best wishes to all, Fzrkitten.
  11. Hi, Thanks for that. Just seemed mad as I'm selling, and they aren't providing me with any services if I'm not there, but I get less discount. I'm just hoping it sells quickly in the current climate! Best wishes, Fzrkitten.
  12. Hello you! Can't say excited, do ya reckon it's gonna happen? They'll drag it out surely! I'm in a bit better position now, decided to move in with Alan after 12 years, so we are selling my house shortly, and he will have control of money and bills, so I can go back to living in fairy land as far as money is concerned and pretend it does grow on trees! (I'll have pocket money and everything!) Really excited though, just been very hard work for a few months. And how are you?!!!! And can anyone answer my previous post, 338 I think? Fzrkitten. x
  13. Hi all, I'm usually in Lloyds forum but had to share this - I have moved out of my house as I'm selling, so thought I'd be very honest (muppet), and let the council know. I phoned them today, and told them that I had moved out, so I understood that a 10% discount would apply (I already had 25% for single occupancy). They informed me yes, they would stop the 25% discount (for living alone), and give me only the 10% discount instead (for not living there at all!). Seems the wrong way round me thinks. I do know that if I unfurnish the house then I wouldn't have to pay at all for 6 months, but surely that's not the point! That'll teach me to be so honest! Fzrkitten.
  14. Hi all, Hope all is well as can be with everyone, just catching up on test case news etc, seen the announcement that it's carrying on in July etc from the post on here. That brings me to the order I got given on my day in court last year, and what I need to do next. Can anyone advise?: Wording as follows: It is ordered that: Unless the Defendant indicates in writing by 4pm on 7th September 2007 that it does not consent to re-allocation, the matter is re-allocated to the Small Claims Track. 1. The claim is stayed until further order to await the final determination including (for the avoidance of doubt) any appeal of the claim between the office of fair trading and seven Defendant Banks issued in the High Court of Justice on the 27th July 2007 Number 2007 Folio 1186 ("The Test Case"). 2. Either party may apply upon not less than 7 days written notice to lift the stay. 3. The case shall stand struck out if an application to lift or extend the stay is not received by 4.00pm on 31st July 2008. 4. No order for the costs of today. 5. For the avoidance of doubt the claim and/or defence, if struck out by a previous order, is reinstated. Dated 7 September 2007. It's number 3 I'm concerned with, the Judge made it clear that this is my problem, to get the stay extended, or the case will be struck out. Can anyone offer advice please? I don't want to leave it too late to act now. Number 5 was because I nearly won before the test case date then they took it off me, and the re-allocation bit was because they tried to fast-track it, so he put it back to small claims, and that's also why 'any previous orders' aren't valid. Thanks as usual, Best wishes to all, Fzrkitten. x
  15. Thanks all and Hi Remus, you have Lloyds things going on too, I think? I'll wait for a quiet moment to start the capital one thing - does it matter if you've owed them for a long time and the debt might be with a debt management company? Is it still ok to challenge them for fees? I don't even know if there are any, but I'll prob send the letter with a tenner at the end of the month... can't be any more harrowing than my so-far Lloyds experience! Thanks all, Fzrkitten.
  16. Thanks Checkoutdolly, you wouldn't think I'm a long term member would you - didn't think that the templates are all the same (dur!). I will take a look and start again, it's supposed to be easier with the credit card companies????? BW, Fzrkitten. x
  17. Hi all, I'm normally over in the Lloyds forum, but have been thinking for a while about an old capital one account, and wondered if I can do anything? Basically I haven't been with them for about 4 years or so. I owe them £299.00 ish, but it might be with a debt company now So - can I still challenge Capital one for any charges? If I can - can someone point me in the direction of the templates to get copy statements etc? Thanks in advance, Fzrkitten.
  18. Hi, Sorry I disappeared there again didn't I? Thanks for that Gary. I'm still confused about the 'fee for a service' bit that they are hanging the whole case on. In my case, I wasn't allowed an overdraft on a classic account, so how would that be a fee for a service? They just charged me if I went over 0! Surely individual cases need looking at, not just lumping together - although if we do win that's fine of course! Let's hope for a good decision soon. BW, Fzrkitten.
  19. Hi Nightowl, No idea hun, just what it says in the news really, and that the case might go on til middle feb (!), instead of the 8 days thought, but you never know really. I'll pm you anyway in a mo, Fzr..x
  20. Hi Nightowl, You still dry there I hope with all this rubbish weather? x Fzr...
  21. Hi all, Day 4 of test case below if you haven't found it already BBC NEWS | Business | Barclays begins charges defence Barclays are saying the same: Mr Milligan denied the OFT's contention that Barclays and the other banks were levying fees for purely preparatory work before any service was provided, rather than providing an actual service to their customers. "If there is at least one obligation on the bank, that is a service, and it is true for both new and old terms," he said. That this is a charge for a service. I know it doesn't affect everyone, but surely there are a lot of basic account customers that aren't/weren't allowed overdrafts, then surely for them it's not a fee for a service, it's a clear penalty charge for going over a 0 limit? I want to scream at the courts at the mo! And the OFT! Fzrkitten.
  22. Hi, this news on day 3 of bank charges case, I expect it's already posted somewhere but I had a query - BBC NEWS | Business | Overdrafts are 'core' to banking It says the RBS are arguing an overdraft is a service - what if they didn't let you have an overdraft but still charged you? (That would be my case with Lloyds). Anyone think we can argue that? Fzrkitten.
  23. Hi, In my case, I had my ten minutes in front of the judge, but he put the onus on me to maintain the stay or my case would be disgarded in July. I don't know about other cases, but I would just check with the court perhaps whether you need to do anything else when (or before) the date of the stay is up, to maintain your case through the court system. It can't hurt anyway! Regards, Fzrkitten.
  24. Found this news item from yesterday or so, just loved the name of the QC acting for Lloyds, and the one for the OFT. Noted that they both work at the same place? City elite battle OFT in overdraft fees test case - Legal Week, legal news, comment, events and legal jobs Fzrkitten.
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