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Everything posted by robingetz

  1. Have you cancelled your debit card, I reported mine lost to stop any more payments coming out, and no more payments have been taken, but is there any other way they can access your account without a valid debit card, I'm worried now in case they manage to take any more from my account. I told my bank not to accept any more payments but they won't give a stuff.
  2. I am reporting them, but I am waiting for them to dig a deeper hole for themselves, they are coming out with some lame excuses as to why they didn't stick to the original contract. I have all the email correspondence to use as evidence.
  3. Quick update on capital finance. They emailed to say that on the due date (28/11/11) they tried to take the full payment but that was declined so they only took the interest, told me to confirm that there was enough money in my account on that date, which of course there was as that is the day i get paid, hence "payday loan". They are digging a bigger hole for themselves I think.
  4. I've emailed them this morning, they still haven't replied. I'm interested in what they come up with in way of explanation. All I'm getting is the usual automatically generated emails saying my payment is overdue and that interest and charges have been added. I will report them to the OFT, I told them I would if they make any further contact asking for payment, but I am going to anyway regardless. How many more people are they doing this to?
  5. I've just noticed that Capital Finance have only ever been taking the interest out of my account over the last 4 months, even though I never asked for a deferment and the never informed me that they were doing this. I thought they took the full payment on the due date, as per contract. It's only when I noticed a tranasction I didn't recognise on my statement that I discovered this, 4 months since I thought the loan had been paid in full. If I hadn't noticed, how long would they have continued doing this? Anyway I cancelled the payment and told them as far as I was concerned the loan was paid in full, as the monthly amounts they had been taken was more than the original loan + interest. I told them they were in breach of the contract by not taken the full amount on the date stated on the contract, and I think that there intention was to continue taking the interest every month withput my knowledge.
  6. Hi all, It's a long time since I've posted on this site, but seeing the name Philips really makes my blood boil. They are currently under investigation from my local Trading Standards following a complaint made by me regarding their methods of collection. Basically they are thugs and threaten vunerable people with removal of goods despite just turning up on the doorstep with no proof of a debt existing, and threatening to remove things from the house if the debt isn't paid there and then. This happened to my wife oone day when I was at work, someone turned up claiming that she owes some money to Virgin media, she knew nothing about it and was threatened that he will return in an hour with a removal van and take things from the house. Obviously she was terrified and paid, despite me telling her to phone the police. This supposed debt was only £80, but I have not let this matter lie and am doing all I can to make sure these type of people are not deamed worthy to have a credit licence. Amazingly, the council who are investigating them are now using them to recover council debt such as housing/council tax benefit overpayment. The people who are in council arrears tend to be elderly, lowpaid vunerable people, I dread to think what would happen if a Philips thug turn up on a old persons doorstep an starts threatening them. I have wrote to the council manager and have asked them to re-consider using this company as I don't think a local council should be associated with this sort of company, I have been promised a reply from the council within 2 weeks. I have also made Philips aware of my complaint about them to the council, so hopefully they will start losing business because of this. I will use posts from this site as evidence to the council of the behaviour of these peope to support my case. I will even consider taking this case to my local MP and newspaper if need be.
  7. Has anyone been mis-sold the advantage gold account. I had a step account with a solo card for years and I was happy enough with it, although it was limited, it done the job. However, when I was in the branch one day, I was told that I could upgrade my account to the Advantage Gold which had a cheque book and cheque guarentee card as well as an overdraft facillity. I said that it was unlikely that I would pass the credit check but went along with it anyway. To my surprise I had passed the credit check and my account was opened, only to be told there is a charge of £12.95 per month and I would be entitled to all the benefits that come with i, none of which interested me, but to have a "normal" bank account instead of a basic one I have only been able to get with a bad credit score was worth the charge, as I thought the cheque book and overdrat facility would be handy. So I signed the forms and was tole that I could cancel my account within 3 months and get a refund on the monthly charge. So my card was sent out but it was another Solo and not a cheque guarantee card I was promised, so I phoned the branch and was told there was a 3 month trial to see how I ran my account then I would be sent the cheque guarentee card. 3 months passed and my account was fine, no returned DD's no unauthorised overdraft, so I went in the branch to upgrade my card. They ran my details throught the credit check and, surprise surprise I failed so could not get the cheque guarentee card or overdraft facility, both of these I was promised before signing the form, and the only reason I accepted the account, and of course the 3 month cooling period was up, so I had paid 4 months worth of monthly charges for an account I had had for years for free. So I have opened another Step account and closed the advantage gold. So if you are suddenly accepted for an account upgrade and you have a bad credit file, don't accept, it is just another basic account with no benefits of any use, it's yet another con to get your money off you. Banks realise that the days of chargse are numbered and need new ways to take your money. Apologies for the rant but I thought you should know waht a rip off this account really is.
  8. Just a quick thanks from a Sunderland supporter, for relieving us of the worst premiership tag, and having your only win agsinst Newcastle. Don't worry, you won't hold the record for long, Stoke won't make double figures.:)

  9. Anyone know why the article has been removed?
  10. Thanks for all your help. My name and address was included in box 1, I erased that, but apart from that, it's pretty much as it stands, no prescribed terms, no signature from Barclaycard etc.
  11. This was all I was sent. Looks like an application form to me.
  12. With this one they just sent a standard agreement with no signatures on and the wrong charges, it should £12, I had this credit card while he cahrges was £25. Don't know if this makes any difference, I'll post the other sheet on tonight.
  13. Any comments on the validity of this agreement, thanks
  14. Can someone please have a look at my threads. Thanks http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general/131023-barclaycard-cca-geniune-agreement.html#post1377061 http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general/131025-aqua-card-valid-cca.html#post1377065 http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general/131024-capital-one-genuine.html#post1377064
  15. This is what they sent when I asked them for the CCA, they have been hassling me for months. Any help appreciated, thanks.
  16. I suppose it's publicity for him. It was Chris Mullin, MP for Sunderland South. Not a bad bloke really for a politician, he managed to get get me back over £1000 from the tax credits that they made me pay back because of overpayment. Seems to be jumping on the bank band wagon now as well, always handy to have MP's on your side.
  17. I didn't know if I would be able to publish his name, his name and photo was at the top of the article which I cut off. I am more than happy to tell you who he is and his constituency, if it is OK to do this.
  18. Interesting article that appeared in my local newspaper this week. This was written by my local MP, in his weekly column.
  19. I've had to move back in with parents because of rising debts and unpaid bills. I currently owe Npower £1000 and was going to be disconnected, so I left my rented house and moved. I am still unable to pay this off in full, as they want me to do, I've told them I have moved and give them final readings. I can only afford £10 a month at the minute, but they won't accept this and want at least £100 or they will take me to court. They don't have my new address. Where do I stand with them? They can no longer disconnect me and they don't know where I live. I'm offering to pay something, which is all I can afford for now.
  20. Fair enough, I'll start the claim off tonight and write to the DCA, telling them the account is in dispute, and that should stop them hassling me. Thanks for the advice.
  21. I have succesfully claimed charges from 2 banks last year. Is this not a different scenario, as in it's me that owes the bank money as I am overdrawn, and refusing to pay the charges, rather than the bank paying back the charges I had previously paid to them. I have no problem issuing a claim against Lloyds, but they don't actually owe me any money. Does this make sense. Has anyone else been in or is currently in this situation
  22. Last year I went overdrawn by £4 and the resulting charges has gone to £200 over the last 3 months as I refused to pay the charge. I managed to change bank accounts before my next pay day so the overdraft at LLoyds is still there but I have refused to pay it and now they have sent my account to a debt collection agency. I have disputed the charges and asked for them back but Lloyds have said until the court case is resolved there is nothing they can do. Does this apply to me, that I can refuse to pay the charges until the case is resolved. Can I wait until they take me to court, then I can get the case stayed until the conclusion of the test case in the same way the banks are doing? Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks
  23. I have recently been sent a letter from Cabot for an account I had with Vanquis. I CCA'd Vanquis in July last year, and have since heard nothing from them until this from Cabot. Looks like Vanquis are getting shot of all accounts they have no CCA for. Now it looks like Cabot have lumbered themselves with an unenforceable debt. The CCA request to Cabot is now in the post.
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