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  1. pday xpress state this in the email Please be advised that your credit file will be marked part settled is this ok? my file is wrecked anyway i just dont want them chasing me for this in 6 months thanks
  2. ok here we go pday xpress have asked for £584 (the original owed amount was £500) so i have emailed them back offering 500 wonga havent replied yet lending stream have similar to p express have emailed back quickquid keep ignoring me
  3. have just emailed them asking for a settlement in full and explained i only have a certain amount to use thanks
  4. thank you so the original settlement figure before any fees incurred? many thanks
  5. looking for a bit more advice here guys a family member has kindly offered to settle these on my behalf (and me pay them back albeit very slowly) however the amount offered doesnt cover the loan amounts , generally what % of balance will these firms accept considering at this stage i havent made any payments to them for a few months and have no plans in place with any of them. thanks
  6. thanks for all the continued support no joy with the interview but have two more tommorow i sent emails to all companies only one have responded saying they have not contacted me since the request (which may be true actually) nothing from the other three companies yet. I am going to lodge fos complaints with the other three tonight still no word on actually being willing to discuss my options in terms of repayment feeling a bit unsure about all this still but this site really helps
  7. no top it was an offer to repay today and get a discount basically have sent a version of the helpful email you provided to the 4 creditors lets see if that wakes them up cant deal with the fos stuff yet to tired after a gruelling interview lets hope i get the job thanks again night all
  8. just for a discount if i pay in full again got a job interview at 4 going to tackle this properly again tonight and send emails to all 4 companies thanks again means a lot
  9. thank top enough said wonga just emailed me a special offer you could not make this up
  10. thanks toptrapper i just want them to listen to me to be honest if i could be such a pain as for some help drawing up some kind of template to send to all the companies that would be appreciated thanks again
  11. thanks top obviously i have all emails and the letters they have sent i have only emailed them stating i wish to deal in email only
  12. hi again all finally got money back from bank which has at least let me have some money to live on this month however still getting nowere with the payday compaines wonga = emailed me back saying i should phone to discuss this (again!) then emailed back offering me a 25% if i paid in full this week that is no good to me payday express = emailed me threatening me with debt recovery (again) sent a letter stating there may be a home visit (again) no idea what i can email them as nothing appears to work quickquid = had a letter stating what i owe no email response lending stream = just automated emails again would really appreciate some further help with the correct emails to send to these guys to try and make me sleep a bit easier thanks
  13. forms not here yet but i havent had any post yet since the bank holiday another reply from lending stream pretty sure they are just trying to wind me up (its working) Good Evening Mr xxxxx, Thank you for your Email. Sorry for inconvenience caused. Unless you call us we won't be able sort out this issue . Please call us.
  14. that is very kind i would like that a lot unfourtantley the nearest branch is miles away and i literally can not afford to spend money travelling there (no longer have car) i will try again on the phone later lending stream once again replied saying they will ring me, no they will not
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