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Everything posted by Andy7807

  1. We have now recieved a letter from Hunter Forrest stating the usual, you haven't paid, we will advise UKPC to take legal action, you may have a CCJ plus solictors fees etc etc. Their file reference at the bottom of the letter says it is the second debt letter, which it isn't, unless they count the one that had a UKPC header. Tried ringing to give them some hassle, but was in a queue, why should we pay for hanging on their line? Have written to HF and told them again we are not liable pass back to UKPC. Also written to UKPC just to re-iterate our point and upped our request for payment for our time etc. I can see why people would want to pay when they receive these letters because if you didn't know your rights that many people write about on here, you would cr*p yourself with threats of legal court costs and CCJ's etc. Looking forward to the next phase. Got the bit between my teeth now!!
  2. I absolutely agree with all above! I've had to convince my OH not to pay a ticket. I am confident that nothing can be proved, we have had similar letters threatening the possibilty of County Court Action, but as Rob S says, this is just trying to scare you into paying, bailiffs can't do anything without a court order.
  3. We have now received another letter from UKPC (looks like a photocopy as the header is black and white) saying they have passed this onto Hunter Forrest and due to their intervention the cost is now £105.24. They suggest we contact them with 7 days to avoid blah blah blah. On the front page they say they got details from DVLA advising that you were the registered keeper on the date of the offence. (interesting). On the back is an FAQ, they say; 'as you were the registered keeper of the vehicle, you are responsible for any parking fines incurred against it' what a load of old cr*p, they go on 'If a third party was driving the vehicle at the time of the offence (again), it is at your discretion to obtain payment from them, however you are initially liable for the payment being made to our offices and recovery action will continue against you until payment is made' Bring it on!! If we don't pay Hunter Forrest they will return it to UKPC who will consider County Court Action, well lets hope so. I have written to Hunter Forrest telling them it is disputed and there is no debt to pay, further more the keeper cannot be held held liable for a contract they didn't enter into if they weren't the driver. I have suggested they pass back to UKPC to attempt to go through the court to obtain payment. Looking forward to the next stage!!
  4. Incredible...how can you get a CCJ without being told any information from the court? If the parking company is providing the wrong address that is outragious, surely something should be done about that!
  5. Ok, thats a long thread which I haven't read fully so I'll bow down to your superior knowledge
  6. Isn't the date of issue on the last line?
  7. I am dealing with the same issue, a ticket at a college car park, I will be taking this as far as I can. I have also written to the College Cheif Exec, asking why he is allowing these [problematic] to fraudulently operate and make out people have to pay these amounts and then hassle and threaten debt collectors etc to obtain the money, which most people pay out of fright.
  8. As I understand it, non payment of debt collectors will only affect your credit rating if they have been to court and had the court agree that a debt is outstanding and a CCJ is issued which you then don't pay. However, they would have to prove in court that there is a debt which they can't do if the issue is in dispute. Once debt collectors write to you, write back tell them it is in dispute and they should return it to the parking company. I'm sure if I'm wrong someone will correct me.
  9. Thanks for the advice, I will do as suggested, I will be interested to see how far this goes. I feel sorry for the people who pay because they think they are caught between a rock and hard place, my partner would have done the same, it's only the advice from this forum which is keeping her reasonably happy that we continue to fight it.
  10. My partner received a PCN for her vehicle being parked in a college car park without a permit, (she wasn't the driver and wasn't with the car at the time). After looking on this site we decided to fight it with the following rsults so far. 1. Charge certificate recieved for £40. 2. Wrote back saying, registered keeper is not resposnsible, she wasn't the driver please go away. 3. UKPC replied saying registered keeper / Owner is respsonsible, ticket on hold for 7 days for appeal. 4. Wrote back again stating the norm with advice from the site and PeteJ2811 by phone (thanks Pete). Also advice that would report them for harrassment etc, and would charge for our time. 5. Received final notice for £80 or will go to debt recovery agency. 6. Wrote back again stating she wasn't the driver and that we would be reporting to the police for harassment and also invoiced them for £30 for our time etc. 7. Also wrote to the college asking if they were happy to employ a company that uses false representations and threats to intimidate people into paying, especially hard up students. 8. Received letter from college asking for circumstances and if my partner attends the college (she doesn't) and they will look into it. 9. Received letter from UKPC stating that the Appeals manager has personnaly looked ino this (ooh wow), and has concluded there is no reason to think anything has been underhand or done wrong, however in this instance they will reduce the fine back to £40 if paid in the next 7 days otherwise it will go to their debt recovery agents. They also said they wouldn't respond to any more letters! ( the invoice must have done it. My predicment is that my partner doesn't want to end up in court, is also worried about having a debt registered against us affecting our credit rating etc. Looking at other threads when the DRA contacts us, we respond saying we are in dispute and for them to return it to UKPC, what happens if they dont accept that and continue trying to recover from us? I want to take this as far as we can, but my partner is a little sceptical that we can avoid this.
  11. Sounds good to me, Thanks for the advice, I did read on one of the the other threads something similar, I wasn't sure if it would apply, but I think you have just confirmed my thoughts. She won't be parking there again!
  12. The controls have only been put in place in the last two weeks, its seems they are ticketing students at the college as well if they haven't got a permit. Students are the last people to have extra money to pay parking fines!
  13. We don't think so. It was issued by UK Parking Control Ltd, Notification of Unauthorised Parking. 'The vehicle was parked in an unauthorised area in contravention of the control measures in place at the time, the registered keeper will recieve a charge certificate within 28 days'.
  14. Hi all just browsed and saw an excellent forum here. My question is, where do we stand on the following. My daughter borrowed my partners car and parked in a college car park, she attends the college next door, although she had dropped her brother off at this one. When she came back, an attendant was putting one of those notices on the car that said they would be getting details from the DVLA and issuing a £40 charge. The car is registered to my partner, so she isn't liable for the fine I presume, and I gather she doesn't have to give her daughters details, is this correct. Are we liable for court if we refuse to pay. The signs in the college car park siad you had to have a permit or have signed in at reception. She has been parking in there for the last year. Thanks for the advice in advance!
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