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Everything posted by Andy7807

  1. As I said previously, disabled bays and toddler parking (still dont think toddlers should be driving) should be respected. If a company is providing parking facilities, then people should be able to park. To prevent non users from parking, use barriers with a ticket issued by the owners car park to get out. That would work for colleges etc as well, whose students forget their permit or visitors to the campus who have signed in to reception. This would alleviate the ad hoc parker who uses the car park to visit the nearby town or similar. There are too many people here, who are using a retail park, do shopping, have a meal and get a ticket for staying too long.
  2. Only PCN's issued by the Police in these instances attract points, if a Civil Enforcer issues the ticket they can't. We are talking about general parking, not extreme stupidity.
  3. As said previously, most people would agree that parking inconsiderately can be a problem and not helpful to those who need the bays, ie using disabled bays and toddler parking (aren't they too young to drive?). The problem is getting tickets for overstaying 2 hours when spending money in the said shops, or students getting 'fined' for not displaying thier permit at college/university car parks and the PPC's not taking any sort of 'appeal' into account, plus, the cost of the 'penalty' far exceeding any perceived 'loss'.
  4. I would send a letter to Churchill stating that the so called 'debt' is in dispute therefore please pass back to UKPC. At least you will have set out your position. Anything further ignore unless they actually get to issue properly authorised court papers, which would be highly unlikley.
  5. I would write a quick letter back to say that it wasn't your car, you have never been there, they are mistaken and leave it at that. At least you have given them the info. You could ignore completely as above, but if you didn't even use the carpark a letter then just shows at least you have told them, then ignore anything further.
  6. No CCJ can be done without it going to court and then you failing to pay if went against you. It is all sacremongering, by saying this stuff it intimidates people into paying, thats how they survive. When I spoke to UKPC's 'debt' collectors last year, I told them I'm not paying pass it back to UKPC, not heard anything since, thats over a year now.
  7. Even if you don't claim, but pay for it yourself, as I did, if it was reported it still goes down as a claim, it cost me an extra £45 on my insurance!
  8. I didn't actually mean the OP should, I was trying to put across (obviously not very well) that I would love to be there when they visited myself, if it was me etc etc...never mind...
  9. I went through the same thing, spent my time giving details to police. The name and address the guy gave me was false, the police couldn't trace the car, bet if it was involved in a murder or something they would have done. 8 months later had to pay for repairs myself. Regarding the Comp fund, it is only if your insurance is 3rd party, if you are fully comp you have to claim from your own insurance...outrageous I know
  10. Sounds like scare tactics to me, I would take a day off work just to be in when they visited, I haven't come across this before, some might say ignore, personally I would write back and say: I dispute that I owe any outstanding sum please refer this back to UKPC
  11. UKPC now using Elite Collections? What happened to Hunter Forrest, or is it yet another name change to scaremonger?
  12. Sorry people, should have updated several months ago to put this to bed. I had been getting all this information from my mate over the phone who is not particularly IT savvy. As it turned out the trial was for MS Office not Vista. Everytime he opened a mail with a word document attached and he tried to open it he got the key info request. Just a shame that when he went back to PC world the 'experts' there didn't work out what he was on about before I wasted peoples time here!! Cheers anyway.
  13. Absolutely, don't pay, if you shopped there you used their parking facilities, so it isn't as if you took the p*ss and didn't use the shop. The next thing will be a demand based on the registered keeper, but just ignore the letters and don't worry. It may get scary, because they use official looking letters and documents. Unless you get a real court order, which is unlikley, nothing will happen, no matter what they write to you. If you pay, it is that, that keeps them receiveing money and carrying on, if no one paid these fines they would go out of businness.
  14. The bay may not be enforcable, no knowledge of that, but looking at the PCN it reads to me that your ticket wasn't clearly displayed? Fell off dash, upside down? Like you say how do you prove it. Having been caught like that before, I now take a photo of my ticket in place with my phone before I walk away from the car.
  15. I'm glad your'e agreeing that the letters are for the intellectually challenged, becuse those that work for the scamsters (which you probably do) are certainly intellectually challenged to carry on these pathetic attempts to get money for nothing.
  16. Professional....my ar*e. They are trying to look like solicitors, why did they change their name from CSS Enforcement or whatever it was?
  17. I post this update every now and then because new posts appear with the same thing from UKPC and Hunter Forrest. We had a ticket in Feb 2007 from UKPC and the following Notice to Owner. (The RK wasn't driving at the time) I did the usual letters etc, it got passed to Hunter Forrest, I eventually rang them and told them I wasn't paying and pass the thing back to UKPC, that was May last year, not heard a thing since. It is a matter of standing firm and not getting pulled in by their threats of court action and bailiffs ect. My partner got really worried and wanted to pay, but I said if it went to court (which I knew it wouldn't) I would pay it all.They will mislead you with official looking documents and the wording implies they can get bailiffs round and affect your credit rating and mortgage staus etc. They can't do any of this unless they go to court for a court order. They sometimes will send a completed court form to make it look like they have done, check it carefully. All in all don't worry too much about thsese things.
  18. Just put this as un update on another thread, relevant here though. UKPC PCN Feb last year, usual letters from UKPC and Hunter Forrest, told Hunter Forrest to revert back to UKPC I'm not paying....heard nothing since
  19. Not had time to go through all the posts on this thread, just an update...from the first part of the thread...UKPC PCN Feb last year, usual letters from UKPC and Hunter Forrest, told Hunter Forrest to revert back to UKPC I'm not paying....heard nothing since
  20. I had something similar, car hit me, didn't want my details, I was supsicious at the time, police wouldn't come out as there was no injury. I reported at the police station and solicitors tried to trace the car, no Joy. The car was still registered to the old owner, the address the guy gave me was false. The police gave up and said there was nothing they could do apart from put a note on the system in case the car gets stopped. I'm now £800 out of pocket through no fault of my own.
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