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Everything posted by Andy7807

  1. If you read other threads on here you will see no one who has been taken to court for a private car parking charge. We have refused to pay one as my partner had nothing to do with the supposed 'infringement' and so far after 7 months nothing further has happened. They will threaten court action and use debt collectors to try and look official, but as long as you stand your ground it is unlikely they will got to court.
  2. If it is a private car park the sticky gives loads of info. Also check other threads, there is plenty of advice in them. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/parking-traffic-wardens/65341-private-parking-companies-charges.html
  3. I would read that as patdavies said. If you park outside of the times stated, you need a residents permit, therefore the ticket seems valid to me. Just a bummer that they are issuing tickets at that time of night.
  4. Hunter Forester and Co are are a 'debt collecting' agency used by UKPC to follow up their unsuccessful claims for payment. They used to be called CCS Enforcement, but the new name looks more like solicitors in an effort to scare you into paying. Some people on here think they may be one and the same. Hunter Forest will send you a letter with a higher charge and threaten court action and CCJ's etc if you don't pay. Their first letter may even be under UKPC headed paper. Just let them know you are not paying and they will have to return the case back to UKPC. I did this some months ago and have heard nothing since. The only way UKPC can get money off you is to go to court and get them to agree a debt is outstanding ect. Read the sticky for more info.
  5. Seems a strange question, obvioulsy no one would park on the entrance area whether there is a yellow line or not. Whether the yellow line continuing across the entrance invalidates the rest of the yellow line I wouldn't know, but if they were there originally, surely the point is don't park on the yellow line anyway?
  6. I am sure there are plenty of people who have paid and held their hands up, there are also plenty of people who feel agrieved about how and why they were ticketed unfairly and the way the Private Companies use scare tactics and official looking forms/letters to bluff Registered Keepers into paying. Personally I feel that if I have parked somewhere I shouldn't have and get a ticket, I will accept and pay, (have done a couple of times even though there was some confusion at the time) other times if a ticket is unfair you need to fight it. Perky88 has his reasons for issueing tickets on his land, they may be fair, the majority of large private companies will issue tickets whenever they can and try to get away with. Back to the question, sorry, I don't know. I would think it would be highly unlikely that a Private Parking Company is going to issue you a refund unless you have some definite reasons and evidence why you shouldn't have paid, and you would probably have to go to court (small claims?) to get it back, probably not worth the hassle. I'm sure someone else will give a better answer than me.
  7. The last letter I had from debt collectors threatened court action ( 'may go to court' was the wording) I told them I wasn't paying and return the 'debt' back to the car parking agency, which they did, haven't heard a thing since, that must be 3 months ago. They will try it on to scare you into paying because it works on a lot of people, that's how they stay in business. I wouldn't worry.
  8. A debt collector can't issue a CCJ, it has to apply to the court, you would have to be informed it was going to court and the court would have to agree there is a debt, if you then didn't pay the debt a CCJ would be the next step I believe. Without any court involvement no chance of a CCJ. Is the letter threatening court or are they saying they will issue a CCJ? If so that is blatant scare tactics.
  9. I can understand the OP's point about parking on your land in front of a coffee shop or something similar, with a few bays etc, can be annoying. I would say that a lot of posts on here are regarding so called 'private parking' problems at superstores, colleges, hospitals, BP garages etc, where the driver has been to the relevant place, is spending their hard earned cash on the premises and then finds a ticket because they have been too long in the shop, and then then even though they can prove they have been there, the ticket isn't cancelled, which is scandolous. I would like to see the outcome of your court cases etc. I in now way condone parking in private car parks without paying the necessary parking fee or not using the establishment, but when an error or unjust ticketing occurs it must be stood up to.
  10. I agree with both Demon and Rob, my other half would have paid by now if I hadn't kept re-assuring her that nothing will come of this sort of thing. Amands just take the advice and be strong, we haven't heard from our threatening jerks for around 6 weeks now after it had been to debt collectors, it is now back in the parking company's hands for them to go to court and try and get a court order which won't happen. Stand firm, if you receive more letters just post back on here for continuing advice.
  11. Wait for it to go to County Court, unlikely that it will, they just want to scare you. If it did go to County Court and they found a debt is outstanding (again unlikely), you would still have the chance to pay it before any recovery or ccj's are issued. Don't worry.
  12. Please do not get scared or worried, they will make threats about court etc, their letters will look official and some people 'crack' and pay up, this is what keeps them in business. You have loads of advice here not to pay, I have one that has been going since February, the 'debt collection agency' were told by me that we were'nt paying and pass back to the parking agency, I have not heard from them for around a month now. rest easy.
  13. I would second Rob, please re-assure your Mother that she doesn't owe a penny and they won't be able to prove that in county court if they were to go that far which is highly unlikely.
  14. Euro will get the registered keeper address from DVLA, obviously the leasing company. What you should do is speak to the leasing company and let them know the notice is coming and ask them not pay it. Our leasing company tends to pay the fine then hits us with an extra 20 quid admin fee. They usually don't know their rights, it might be worth explaining the situation regarding private car parking PCN's. All they have to do is let Euro car parks know that they are not liable and they are under no obligation to inform them of who the driver is, the problem could be, can they be bothered to do it?
  15. Thought this might be of interest? http://www.kentonline.co.uk/news/default.asp?article_id=32919
  16. I'm not sure that they won't contact you again, if they keep on it can be classed as harassement, however, just be strong, I have written about 8 letters and rang twice, I haven't heard anything for a while, I'm just having a bit of fun now and seeing how far they take it. Be sure that unless they go to court and get them to agree there is a debt outstanding (which will be hard for them to prove), they cannot get bailiffs round or anything like that, so don't worry when other letters arrive telling you that your 'appeal' hasn't been allowed.
  17. Will these people stoop to anything to scare people into paying? Funny that they are offering the half rate again? Case of better half than nothing? Don't give in.
  18. No, check out the sticky, link enlcosed, should help. Don't pay and don't panic if they send threatening letters about CCJ's etc, read some other threads about private car parking, you will see that no one on here has actually been as far as court yet...tells a story. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/parking-traffic-wardens/65341-private-parking-companies-charges.html
  19. Had another letter today from Hunter Forrest saying that they had sent an initial letter on 30th April, (this came under UKPC headed paper). I rang to question this telling them that I had only one letter, the one on the 30th was from UKPC, as in a previous post the bored lady on the end said they send them out under cover of UKPC, why? Again told her to give it back to UKPC and get the court proceedings going because there is no debt etc, bored lady said ok.
  20. This needs putting into simple speak, or at least a brief overview, I have no idea if this of any relevance to me or not!! I know law has a complicated way of confusing things, I deal with planning issues which is bad enough, but sorry don't understand this at all, call me stupid.
  21. I have had one of these, my post is similar regarding UKPC in a college carpark. It is scare tactics, they have changed their name to even sound like solicitors. I rang them to ask under which law they were referring. See the thread for all info. I would continue to ignore / refuse to pay. I am doing the same and hope they take it further cos I'm itching to meet these Tw*ts in court. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/parking-traffic-wardens/80575-ukpc-pcn-college-carpark.html
  22. I'm not so sure they are the same company. UKPC registration is 5104383 and is registered in Coventry whereas Hunter Forrest is 2692825 and address being Bromsgrove. Hunter Forrest is the new name for CCS Enforcement Services who the number still refers to at Companies House, previous to that they were BIS Credit Recovery. Anyhoo, we have had another letter from HF saying that the 'registered keeper is responsible for any parking fines incurred against the vehicle. If a third party was driving the vehicle at the time of the offence, it is at your discretion to obtain payment from them.' Cheeky s*ds. Complete rubbish, and what offence has been committed? Trespass in a free car park? Out of a sense of mischief I couldn't resist ringing and asking under which law they made this assumption, the poor lad on the other end said 'as far as we are concerned the registered keeper is liable', asking him again under which law is it based he got shirty said he didn't know and started asking if I was a solicitor and that he couldn't comment unless my partner authorised me to speak for her due to the data protection act, again rubbish. He said he will tell UKPC that we are refusing to pay and they will start court proceedings, to which I happily said I would love to see them in court as there wasn't debt to pay, he said how can you say there is no debt, I said how can you say there is? And we said goodbye. Surely there must be something that can be done about these letters that state completely false messages such as the RK is liable for all parking fines etc? (sorry about all the I said, he said polava)
  23. Where was the PCN issued? If in a private carpark, the following might be helpful. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/parking-traffic-wardens/65341-private-parking-companies-charges.html
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