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Everything posted by Windywoo

  1. Another letter from our firiends at dlc: They've sent the final response blah blah... "I can advise however, that we do not require a customers written authority to accept a payment from a third party, whether this be a debt management company or an individual. The payment was received with one of our payslips so the payee was aware of the account number to which payment was to be made. we therefore maintain our stance the account is not SB...." What blatant lies! They know the phantom payment was made using one of their payslip with, allegedly my account number on it - they should have a records of whoever made the payment! And, they do not send out payslips with their monthly statements - you are invited to pay over the internet, by direct debit, by post with your name and account number written on the back, telephone banking, credit or debit card (please use attached giro slip - where is it? - oh, you've forgotten this account is irrecoverable so you don't send me a giro slip do you /) and pay point. Looks like they may have shot themselves in the foot!! Fed up with playing letter ping pong with these morons, they're liars and they know it!!
  2. I complained to OFT, I'll send them an update! Still treasuring the Direct Logistics Card!
  3. Update: After a further eighteen months of silence, a letter comes from BCW, Formal Demand for sums due to HFO Capital! No payments on the alleged account since January 2007, so sent the SB letter. A4 envelope comes today, with another letter from BCW, telling me the account is not SB as I was alleged to have made a payment in March 2009 - I did, it was £1.00 postal order for a CCA request! Checked credit files, no reference any payment being made in the last six years, default due to fall off in May! Will respond with suitable letter!
  4. No, haven't heard a thing for a couple of years! Sorry to highjack your thread, Woody.
  5. You're on the ball DB lol, Just had a quick squiz at my credit files, and as far as I can see, from 72 months its just all 8's and one or two green dots with a question mark in the middle?! I haven't paid them a penny since Jan 2007! Just read the date on the letter, and I was supposed to have made a payment on 23rd March 2009 - all ties up with the CCA request!
  6. Can't remember - might have done!
  7. Thanks, I'll send a copy to HFO and BCW.
  8. I have received a reply to my SB letter, HFO says I made a payment in March 2009 - I most certainly did not!
  9. Post just been, and I've received a final response from them, saying " as payment has been received towards the balance outstanding, we disagree with your claims that the account is SB, and will not be removing the entry currently on my credit file" They invite me to complain to FOS and CSA. I have already complained to OFT, so they'll get copies of this letter also. They say there's been a third party payment, but can't say from where (I haven't authorised anybody to pay anything) they can't prove a thing, yet they refuse to stop updating my credit file!!! FUMING!!
  10. Does a payment, allegedly from a third party constitute an acknowledgement of debt, or does payment have to come from the debtor him/her self? As this so called phantom payment did not come from me, is the account not still time barred? Just trying to gather peoples thoughts so I can plan my next bit of action.
  11. Right, received this letter today, I hope somebody can advise me what to do next. "Due to the amount of time passed, it is not possible to provide you with a copy of a cheque presented for payment in August 2009!!!. I note your comments you do not have a records within your own bank account statements of having made such a payment. We do regularly receive payments from third parties towards customers accounts and as we have received a payment to the account this is regarded as acknowledgement of the debt" Now this is outright blatant lies, there would have been no third party payments, and surely they have to keep payment records for 6 years?! They conclude the account is not statute barred as I claim, and request I contact their collections team - they also forget they couldn't provide a scrap of paperwork for this alleged account, that's why they felt obliged to remove the default in the first place. I have already reported them to OFT!
  12. Here's a copy of my letter if it helps, hope it comes out alright.
  13. I've also received the same letter from BCW, acting for HFO. Account is well and truly SB, the default will disappear in May!
  14. I have asked Rossendales for his credentials, and will be forwarding my complaint to the council.
  15. Thanks - just worried that they'll turn up again, and levy for their fees! Haven't signed any paperwork either.
  16. Good Morning all, I received a letter from Rossendales for unpaid council tax, the liabilty order was for £682.00, Rossendales wanted £720.00 plus costs! A week passes and then another letter turned up, this time asking for £762.50 plus costs, in the meantime, I paid the council directly via internet banking with a receipt, but not Rossendales fees! Yesterday, another letter through the door "Notice of Distress" act now, and the "bailiff" had levied on my OH's car which was not there, he had gathered the info from his two previous visits! OH phoned immediately he got back, asked him how he can levy on a vehicle which was not there, and did he check ownership first. The bailiff - Mr S admitted he had made a note of the details before, assumed it was OH car as it was there on his previous two visits, he would not confirm that he'd checked ownership of the vehicle or not. OH informed him, the liability order had been paid in full directly to the council, and if he had been bothered to knock at the door, he could have seen the receipt. Mr S Was adamant Rossers should have been told! I though it very odd, when confronting this so called "bailiff" at my door, that he appeared a very young and fresh faced individual to be doing the pits of a job. After checking the register I could not find any trace of him, so I telephoned the CB registry, and it transpires the young fellow is not certificated! I have written a very stern letter to Rossendalles asking them to justify their fees, and to remind them of the Blaby DC case. That the so called levy they had placed on OH car was invalid as the bill had already been paid, and as Mr S is not certificated, I will not be paying the levy fees either, along with the £38.00 they have overcharged! That leaves the matter of the £42.50, does this still need to be paid? Many thanks.
  17. An update: I wrote to Hillesden/Dlc asking them to remove all adverse data from my credit files as the account is SB, the last payment having been made in February 2007. I have received a letter from them telling me the account is not SB as I was supposed to have paid them £50 by cheque in August 2009. I have checked back over my statements and this is a blatant lie - I never made this payment! It appears they have dishonestly manufactured a payment on the alleged account to suit their own ends, and they have the audacity to ask for my repayment proposals - what to do next please.
  18. Hi dx They removed the default as one of their "gestures of goodwill" when they couldn't locate any paperwork from the Associates, eg Credit Agreement. I still get a monthly begging letter from them, but will reply with the SB letter next time! Would you advice a letter of complaint as well?
  19. Morning all, I had an old Associates card which was sold off to Hillesden Securites way back in 2006, they could never find any paperwork associated with the alleged account, and as a consequence they removed the default. I have just renewed my Experian sub after about three years, and have just noticed they are updating the report with a six month late payment marker. The last payment I made on this account was at the end of January 2007, so should be SB in a couple of weeks. Can they keep updating like this, because surely it will never disappear (not that I'm bothered) and what should I do about it? Many thanks.
  20. No, I didn't need to! They informed me way back in 2008 that they wouldn't be able to collect on the account as the paperwork was not in order - yes, I've still got that letter. I haven't heard a word from them since!!
  21. An update to this thread, and a bit of inspiration to others trying to clam back PPI from Cap One. Following on from the advice given, I wrote to Cap One telling them they had no right to set-off my PPI claim to Cabot, gave them a few weeks, I received no response at all. Began a Court Claim on 2nd October 2012, they acknowledged saying they would defend. I received a letter this morning saying to save time and costs they would be refunding my money (after contacting Cabot to "adjust" the now SB account) and that I would be receiving a cheque! Just wrote a letter of acceptance, however I shall be continuing with the Court Claim! Just to show, with a bit of persistence, they do cave in!
  22. Looks like there was a similar case in the Barclaycard forum, although there doesn't appear to be any conclusion to the thread. I think I'll chance my arm and send them the letter from there and see where we go. Cabot had a birthday present, they are firmly not entitled to, and I'm now worried that it'll open up a can of worms - they'll start harassing for the small amount remaining on the alleged account.
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