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Everything posted by Windywoo

  1. I received the same odd letter from Arrow in yesterday post, supposed account being managed by Clairty - first I've heard of it! It doesn't ask for your signature, just return the slip!! The account is SB anyway.
  2. Thanks Andy, I have already done a couple of previous court claims, so I know what to do - thank you again! What I need to know, is how to word the claim, and what sort of compensation I should be looking for? Both my other claims were just ordinary straight forward ones!
  3. I think this will have to be the next step, although how to go about it, I have no clue! Would anyone be able to point me in the direction of, how to issue this sort of court claim, how it would need to be worded, and whether I would need to ask for compensation from them for trashing my credit file these last few months? I am so angry about this - had DLC just left the default, then it would be gone by now, instead, they removed it as a "gesture of goodwill" and slung late payment markers and a phantom payment in as another one of their goodwill gestures!!
  4. Update: Recived a letter from FOS today - they are unable to uphold my complaint, as there is insufficient evidence to indicate where the alleged payment came from, and cannot comment on it being SB or not, they consider it to be a matter for the Court. So, no suprise, they've sat on the fence, and DLC have got away with lying, again!
  5. I've been sorting through some old paperwork and just realised I had PPI on an old Citi card dating back to 1999. The last payment on the account was Febraury 2007, so I'm wondering if it would be too late to claim the PPI back?! Looks like I've got all the statements, so could run into several £K!
  6. I reclaimed charges from Cap One, but had to issue them with court claim - they settled prior to going to court. Also had to issue them with a court claim for refund of PPI, again they caved in before it getting to court! My advice would be, don't take any nonsense from them, just go straight for the jugular and hit them with your claim!!
  7. Oh received exactly the same email, he has never had any dealings with this company whatsoever! He was a bit concerned and was going to ring them and find out what it was about, I said don't bother they're on a phishing trip, delete and block their email address!!
  8. Cabot and Fire are the same company, just a different desk!
  9. Apologies to everybody for resurrecting this old thread! Having read back, it appears I made the last payment to this account in July 2007, so will be coming up to SB. However, because I was being harrassed by the likes of Restons, and DCR&I I made a F&F offer of 10% in December 2008, where I never received their acknowlegement, and have no proof that they ever received the letter! Now, the default falls of my credit file in April 2014, so if by chance this ever rears it ugly head again, in theory it won't be SB until next December because by offering the F&F I acknowleged the debt - could I say it was made under duress. which it most certainly was?!
  10. Dealing with a dodgy printer at the moment, but have at last managed to gather legible copies of all paperwork! Toe rags still trashing my credit file, so complaint going off to FOS today!
  11. Cabot and Fire are the same company, just another desk!
  12. Two letters in post from BCW this morning! First one saying, they acted upon my email and asked HFO to furnish me with documentation requested in my correspondence (proof of payment 03/09), and have removed my phone number from their file (so it was them ringing from all those numbers!), and cessation of collection activities! (Love the way they word their letters btw!) Second letter dated three days later, they have returned the account to HFO and I will receive no further communication from them! Goodeee!!
  13. It does to me! One down, three more to go!! Still nothing in response to my SB letter to BCW and HFO!
  14. Default has fallen off credit files - and they're still ringing!!
  15. I watched this programme, and couldn't quite believe what I was seeing - assault, bullying and general thuggery, absolutely disgusting! I have also complained to C4!
  16. Update; The £682.00 payment I made to the council was not allocated to the correct year, so consequently after sending a letter of complaint to Rossendales for the way their bailiff behaved, I got a reply saying I still owed the money plus £25.00, the fees were legal, ( it was ok for them to levy on a vehicle nowhere to be seen) and I had 14 days to pay, or come to some payment arrangement whereby I had to give them income and expenditure. Took the bull by the horns and paid the extra £13.00 to clear the LO, paid Rossers their £42.50 ( which incidently came to £43.30 as they the audacity to charge 80p for paying via their website) wrote a letter of confirmation to the council and also made a formal complaint. A couple of days later, I received a letter of apology from the council, they said that in the absence of any instructions the payments are not always allocated to the correct year, but as instructed in my letter the LO had been settled in full, and that I would receive my £43.30 back from Rossers. Five days later and the money was back in my account. The lesson to be learnt here is, if you pay the council make sure you always let them know which year you are allocating payments to, otherwise opportunists like Rossendales think they can lie and do virtually what they like!!
  17. And another! 01132321081 Obviously they haven't read my letters!! lol
  18. And here's another one! 01133970133 Again, from same area!
  19. For anybody who is interested - new phone numbers appearing on my Truecall unit! 01132321086 01132321282 01132321087 Had a look on Whocallsme and there doesn't seem to be any reference. I've done a little bit of research (didn't take much) to realise these numbers are all in the vicinity of BCW!! Looks like they are rather eager to get me to pay them something - think on!!
  20. Update: "Dlc maintain their stance as detailed in previous letters, they believe that any payment received on the account is an acknowledgement of the account" So apart from the so called statement from their system showing this "payment" they've got nothing else! Advised FOS, and don't feel it necessary to continue in lengthy dialogue!! So they consider it ok to continuing trashing my credit file, but they've got no proof of any payment being made! GREAT! Would it be worth taking it to FOS?
  21. Forgot to add to post 75. BCW threw their toys out of their pram when I sent the SB letter (they said a payment had been made in March 2009 - £1.00 CCA request fee!!), and issued me with their "Final Response and FOS leaflet. No response as yet to the letter sent to them along with their new buddies HFO!
  22. Thank you Brig, I will send the letter with a few added bits and see where I go from there - I don't hold out much hope though. I suppose if I go the court route, they will have to provide proof wouldn't they?
  23. I have written one of my letters to them, before I send it could I ask for some advice. The alleged payment, made on their payslip was made in August 2009 - allegedly! I CCA'd this company in March 2007, and waited for them to tell me the account was irrecoverable Nov 2008, and that I would hear nothing further from them. Letters began again in July 2010, asking for money, no payslips, relying on McGiffick case. I have no correspondence from them from Nov 2008 - July 2010. Now, they claim to have received a payslip in Aug 2009 - to whom did they send the letter asking for payment, and have they breached the DPA by doing so!? Sorry to be so in depth, but I want to get my facts straight before I email them - again!!
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