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Everything posted by Tinkerbelle

  1. Explained slightly differently: examples 1) removal and destruction of all personal data supplied to all Credit Reference Agencies not limited to Equifax, Experian and Call Credit OR (2) the removal of the default notice applied on [date] OR (3) the immediate return of my siamese cat kidnapped by xxx on 14/02/1006 OR (4) whatever other reason you have for filing the claim. The above are just examples
  2. I must be going blind.. where in your letter is there any reference to Section 189 of the CCA?
  3. Forget SB's method and submit the s.a.r. I had an old account that I wasn't expecting to find much (if any) charges on. Turned out there was over £600.
  4. Claim back your charges and make the request for default removal a part of your claim. i.e. include a request for it's removal in your Prelim & LBA. If/when it you have to file a court claim, make sure that the request for the default removal is also on there. DO NOT accept just the refund of charges with the default removal. Take a read of this thread.. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/halifax-bank/3962-jonni2bad-halifax-got-money.html
  5. Anyone else had any dealings with this lot? This is my second attempt at trying to set up my medical insurance. The first policy lapsed, because for some unknown reason, they refused to take the money from my bank account. I have just set up again and both me and my FA are hoping for the best! I was reluctant to go with them seeing as they made so many clerical errors with the first policy such as, leaving me uncovered for at least 4 months, failing to collect premiums, forgetting to add options and addressing me as Mrs being just a few! Anyway, FA assured me that it was a one off, and suggested I give them another go. All the other policies were at least £20 per month more expensive, and I ain't that rich! So, if anyone out there has any stories, good or bad, please feel free to post.
  6. I'm sure you've prob said it already somewhere, but on average how much do you pay for your mobile bills? I'm just wondering if that's why there are reluctant to give you what you want. I pay just over £40 per month incl insurance, if there is any grief when I come to upgrade next year I won't think twice about taking my business elsewhere!
  7. How would your daughter loose out if you were to issue proceedings against S&F for the charges as well as the rebate? Have I missed something? I'm sorry if I am sounding harsh, but you need to take control and not allow them to continue to bully and intimidate you. You know that you and your daughter are being ripped off, and the only person who can stop that is you! So, I would suggest that you; Find a new poliy. Cancel the current one Write to S&F tell them to refund your money and remove the adverse data within 14 days. They will tell you to clear off. Send a LBA (14 days) re-iterating the same thing. They will no doubt tell you to clear off. Again. You issue your court claim asking for your refund and the removal of the adverse data. Job done
  8. Why do you feel you have to stay with this Company? Can you not switch to another Company and then start legal action against the one charging you all these fees? I don't know what the problem here is?!
  9. Is that so? hahaha.. I can't believe people are still quoting that old line. Ask them to tell you under what legislation that is, and tell them you want them to quote chapter and verse. Also, start to draft your complaints to Ombudsman..
  10. I have a Tesco Metro opposite where I live, and I only go there as a last resort. I have had to take back so many items that were out of date. On one occasion I bought some milk and the sell by date on the new milk was OLDER than the one I had just finished. On another occassion I attempted to embarass the store manager. I don't think it worked though. I went to buy some bagels and they were 2 days past their sell by date. I called over the store manager and said to him in a very deadpan voice "Your bagels are out of date". He took it off and me, don't think he even apologised and yelled at one of his minions to come over. The minion came over, and he handed him the bag of bagels and told him it was out of date. Minion walks off. Store Manager walks off. Me at the top of my voice "Excuse me! They're ALL out of date" . He comes back and pretends to look concerned. Calls minion over and with a wave of the hand told the lad to clear the shelf. Most of the stuff they stock is crap.. you'd be hard pressed to go there to get enough ingredients to make a well balanced meal. And don't even get me started on the staff! I've had a go at two of them already. One of them was literally throwing all my goods into the carrier bag, so I said to him "Do you mind not throwing my goods about please? Show some respect" He looked at me as though I had just spoken to him in klingon. There is another one there who I hate with a passion. He is not on this planet. Literally. He is the first man who I have ever seen multi-task. He will scan your goods in and put them in the bag, but while he's doing that he hasn't looked at you once. He's too busy chatting to his mate, looking out the window, scratching his ass and gazing into space. After he finsihed swiping my items, I handed over my card. He swipes it..doesn't even tell me to enter my pin. So I stand there with a face like thunder and my arms folded. After what seemed like 1/2 an hour he eventually remembers that I am still standing there, turns to his mate and mumbles "pin number". I did and then he proceeds to walk off. So I stand there fuming, and about 2 seconds away from reaching over the counter and grabbing him by the neck. I stood there for a good 5 mins throwing daggers at him and his mate chatting, and eventually his mate looks at me, smiles and says "Is everything ok?" I said "Well it would be if your mate here gave me my card back!" Muppet boy looks out the window, takes the card out the machine and hands it to me, while still chatting to his mate. Of course I had to say SOMETHING!! I said to him mate "Is he all there?" His mate looked at me smiled and said "Yeah, why?" To which I replied rather tersely "He's crap. He needs to be sacked ", then I stormed out the shop. That was over a year ago, the ambitious lad is still working there. Still gazing into space and scratching his arse
  11. It shouldn't be a problem, but I can only give you my PAC Code experince switching from Orange to O2. You can have as many mobiles as you like, and as many phone contracts as you like. Your PAC Coe will be valid for 28/30 days. Your current contract will end when you USE your pac code. I'm not sure if you can port a number from O2 to O2 though.
  12. No it will not affect the claim. You can even call the letter FINAL LBA, and is something I have done in the past to buy time
  13. Particulars of Clain in the template library here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/681-4-particulars-claim-n1.html You need to add a section saying something like "the claimant also seeks the removal of the default notice supplied to the Credit Reference Agencies, as these were a direct result of the unlawful charges".
  14. Is that with Experian? Well thanks for letting me know! My free trial with them is due to end, and I was thinking of running it as it "seemed" to only cost £4.99 per month. If this is the case then I shall cancel it. What are they like! They are worse than the flippin banks
  15. BBC NEWS | Business | Annual credit fees 'on way back'
  16. Plenty of discussions regarding defaults over in the Legalitites forum.
  17. Continue with your claim for charges refund and make the default removal a part of your claim. This is all in the template letter.
  18. A&L will close your account. You would be better off trying to open another account elsewhere. A late payment marker is not the same as a Default which will show up as an 8 or a D on your credit report.
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